The Approval button in the toolbar would occasionally be greyed out. Improve importing/pasting duplicate names by adding "- Copy (2)" as needed. Run As options now include a Use Package Settings option. Skipped steps in a Nested Package deployment no longer reflect a green checkmark in the output display. Package details will now appear in new Sidebar in the Package Library. Fixed an issue where the deployment status would stay running after all computers had finished. Go ahead. Download History no longer displays the download type of 'ManualNoHistory' for Auto Downloads. Adding Pre and Post Steps to an Auto Download package now retains the edit icon after a restart. Fixed issue importing computers from PDQ Inventory All Computers collection. Fixed an issue importing a package with nested package steps. Added a column to identify the folder the package resides in. Okay, now that we know all about the different versions of Windows updates and their little nuances, let check out just how easy it is to deploy them with PDQ Deploy. Fixed an issue where nesting packages would incorrectly cause a circular reference error. Fixed an issue where using Duplicate in the main window could cause an item to be duplicated twice. Fixed an issue with downloading from the package library with certain proxy servers. Deployments retain the name of the package at the time it was deployed. Improved the Wake-on-LAN offline settings to more reliably determine when the target has come online. It's one thing to deploy updates. Fixed possible error when starting due to invalid %TEMP% path. Then some needed 2 reboots while some needed as many as 4 reboots. Sharing has been superseded by Central Server and has been disabled. The Computer Details sidebar has been renamed to Target Details. Monthly Rollup updates are similar to Cumulative updates. PowerShell scripts contained in a Library Package will now be signed the next time that package receives an update. Improved performance of file details verification. Advanced subscription level of the Package Library now includes past versions of packages. We do, so we need to change a little bit of that script. When converting an Auto Download package to a Standard package pressing Enter no longer defaults to clicking Yes. Standardized hyperlink display properties. Integration issues between PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory when using Central Server. Fixed issue with deploying packages with many files using pull copy mode. Fixed an issue when using Pull file copy and Command steps. Packages now show deployments where the package was nested within another. Additional performance improvements, particularly while browsing Active Directory containing a large number of objects. Ability to expand/collapse all folders in the main window. Added credentials user name to the notification email report. Execute scripts Copy over needed files Send messages to users Force reboots Free 14-day trial Execute remotely Unlock the potential of automation by scripting commands and scripts with your preferred language. Improved ability to switch domains in the Select AD target window. Fixed an issue where a large deployment with computers not registered in DNS could take a long time to start. Updates for Windows 7 and 8.1 have changed in recent years, though they don't quite follow the same format as Windows 10 updates. Changed the deployment step output to be empty when the deployment succeeds. Added Run as Local System option to Packages. Fixed issue importing computers from PDQ Inventory All Computers collection. Fixed an issue with re-using credentials when deploying to failed targets. If that wasn't easy enough, you could automate this entire process by configuring a schedule for your deployment. Fixed a bug which could cause the background service to stop after a target reboot. Packages now show deployments where the package was nested within another. Additional performance improvements, particularly while browsing Active Directory containing a large number of objects and deployment reports. Fixed an issue where the print page orientation could change when printing. Fixed a crash when redeploying to selected computers in the deployment status window. Open up PDQ Deploy and select the Package Library. Added AD Group icons when selecting targets based on AD Group collections in PDQ Inventory. Attempting to pick a directory in the File Copy step would occasionally trigger an error. Then scroll down under the library to the section containing the OS you want to download updates for and find the update that correlates to your operating system. Computers will now use their short (NetBIOS) name when their long host name doesn't resolve. Changed the deployment process to deal with reboots caused by install and command steps. Auto Download packages would occasionally display the opposite icon for both edited and unedited package. File size: 64.2 MB PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without leaving your chair or bothering end users. Added ability to deploy a single attached package when right clicking a schedule. Fixed an issue with re-using credentials when deploying to failed targets. Ability to create test packages privately before publishing using the Private Packages folder with Central Server. Manually starting a schedule was not shifting focus to the deployment. Alternatively, you can click Choose Targets and select your targets from a source like Active Directory or PDQ Inventory. You'll get information back on the operating system, installed applications, hardware, users, services, and so much more. Fixed an issue which could cause the console to crash when a deployment is started. To add to the confusion, each version of Windows 10 has its own end-of-life date, which you can view here. Install and Command step additional files can now contain environment variables. Fixed an issue with Remote Repair where scanning a local system would fail. Improved main window tree with multiple selection. Fixed issue that resulted in the error, "Cannot find package definition for package link step". Added incremental searching by typing within a grid. Added GetPackageNames and GetSchedules to the CLI commands. Keeping Windows Cumulative Updates Up-To-Date PDQ 13.1K subscribers Subscribe 3.9K views 3 years ago Lex helps you keep all those cumulative updates patched and current using PDQ Deploy. Ability to prioritize deployments using Deploy Once as well as prioritizing already queued deployments or specific targets within a deployment. Occasionally the temp directory was not cleared until after a restart of the service. Repository cleanup potentially caused a timeout. The installation wizard for PDQ Deploy now includes the ability to choose the destination folder. I have three GS752TP-200EUS Netgear switches and I'm looking for the most efficient way to connect these together. Subscribe to our channel to view our weekly webcast on YouTube, We've assembled over 100 common IT terms to help you learn the basics quickly. Fast-Track Container Apps in Diverse Edge Environments. Added the option tostop deploying to remaining queued computersafter a set number of minutes. I love that they patch vulnerabilities and fix bugs. Opening a package while it was downloading would not be available for editing until the package was reopened. Worse is that the number of updates can also be different for each. Open up PDQ Deploy and select the Packag e Library. For inventory of needed patches also use Windows Update for Business reports. Use scan user credentials for deployments when importing targets from PDQ Inventory. Fixed an issue when where importing a folder to the top of the tree wouldn't show until refresh. In schedules, sometimes the Heartbeat trigger would be locked to Enterprise users. Print Preview can now be printed across multiple pages using the Auto Fit profile. Fixed issue where Created date was incorrect on some packages in the Package Library. Here, we will choose the PDQ Inventory collection that we identified above using the (old) designation for Windows updates. The best part is that as the computers are updated, they will be rescanned and moved into the (Latest) containers. We use PDQ deploy to push out Windows 10 upgrades and it works quite well. Pasting in Credentials no longer duplicates a previously entered domain. I'm trying to go from 20H2 to 21H1, and the 20H2 (current build) already has the latest windows updates installed.I'm also trying to go from x64 to x64, and Enterprise to Enterprise. The filter on the Select Target List window is now working as expected. Preferences need to be saved in order to apply changes. Fixed a possible crash when opening a Package. Ability to view Concurrent Session details in the Console Users window. Added PDQDeploy BackgroundService and PDQDeploy ConsoleUsers for use in the Command Prompt. Filter added to the Select AD Target window. Configuration summary added in Help > Current Configuration Summary. PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory specialize in deploying applications and managing system information. Best 2023 tech and IT conferences for sysadmin and IT professionals, How to manage devices in hybrid workplaces, 2200 S Main St STE 200South Salt Lake,Utah84115, Tracking Windows Updates With PDQ Inventory. Some valid MSI options were not available with MSU files. Changed Advanced subscription to Enterprise. Added Duplicate menu option to duplicate selected Package or Target List. Fixed an issue with opening database files with certain languages. Fixed issue that resulted in the error, "Cannot find package definition for package link step". This epic combination will transform your network management capabilities. Enable $(Repository) variable in Additional Files. Using LAPS credentials in PDQ Inventory and selecting 'Use PDQ Inventory Scan User credentials first, when available' in PDQ Deploy no longer prevents the use of the LAPS credentials. Don't allow duplicate import of computer names when one name is short (NetBIOS) and the other is fully qualified. Importing Targets Lists with multiple entries now import correctly. Adding Pre and Post Steps to an Auto Download package now retains the edit icon after a restart. What we need to do is be able to automate the detection of new updates, and configure some PDQ jobs to push out updates in batches. Added Warning icons when required fields in Mail Server preferences are empty. Once you've selected the setup.exe file, you'll need to add "/auto upgrade /quiet" as additional parameters. So what about Windows 8.1? Changed Message step to allow ANSI characters (thank you, Gnther). Fixed issue with deploying packages with many files using pull copy mode. Fix an error preventing certain target filters from being deleted. (Pro mode - Requires PDQ Inventory). Fixed approval time conflicts with Auto Download packages and Auto Download preferences. Ability to open a package from the Deployment Status window. Most Microsoft patches are now MSU files, which can be deployed using an Install Step. Various bug fixes and performance improvements. Added Live Webcast announcements (can be turned on or off in Preferences >. I've set it up about every way I can think (as an install, run with switches via a batch, run with switches via PowerShell, etc.) Issue with the background service occasionally counting as a concurrent session. Changed Advanced subscription to Enterprise. Ultimate Pi-hole configuration guide, SSL certificates, automatic updates, automatic sync, more! Issue with Repository cleanup causing the console to freeze after excluding a folder. Changed the deployment process to deal with reboots caused by. Occasionally, editing the email notifications would cause the console to close. The default credentials are now known as default Deploy User. To download from Package Library to your local Packages folder you now use the Import feature. The 'O/S Version' condition now allows you to unselect 'All Versions' without causing a freeze. Ability to delete a computer's history from all schedules from the. Target computers are randomized in deployments. Schedules no longer deploy to computers where the same package is still being deployed. Copy: C:\DCMITFiles\TempInstallFiles\1709 Fixed issue when attempting to duplicate multiple packages. URLs in Package Details and Package Descriptions are now hyperlinks. Don't allow duplicate import of computer names when one name is short (NetBIOS) and the other is fully qualified. Improved the speed of aborting deployments. Fixed issue preventing deployment to computers with underscores or other special characters in their names. I like that you can get the one you want and update it. Issues with sorting during a running deployment has been fixed. Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements. You may have incorrectly assumed that Windows 7 was dead. Great! These builds receive limited testing and can potentially contain bugs. Commence stalking in 3. Added notification of new packages in Package Library. The Schedule Details panel now accurately displays the 'Stop after. Improved filtering of certain grid columns (e.g. Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. Redeploy now uses the same credentials as the original deployment. Deploy package steps are now showing up in the correct order. Post Deployment Notifications set in a schedule were occasionally not sending. In my environment, I have three workstations, all running different operating systems. In Preferences, removed Mail Notifications and consolidated it to the, The Subscription Expires date in the Preferences >. Long running deployments would sometimes result in an incomplete schedule notification. So you'll never be able to see PCs that are fully patched. More performance improvements, particularly while editing packages. a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without bothering end users. Fixed an issue importing a package with nested package steps. Preferences window can now reset to default and import/export most settings. Various other bugs, including locking issues in regard to Central Server. Client mode no longer needs to re-enter the license information when upgrading or renewing the license. Use the arrow to select the package you want to deploy. Added PDQDeploy BackgroundService and PDQDeploy ConsoleUsers for use in the Command Prompt. Then scroll down under the library to the section containing the OS you want to download updates for and find the update that correlates to your operating system. Go ahead and launch PDQ Deploy, and we'll get started. PDQ Deploy & Inventory. Fixed an issue with the menu formatting when switching between active windows. Variables for UNC paths are no longer being removed when replacing install files. Let PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory help you take back control of your network. This tells you the servers contained in the collection do not have the latest patches. And I'm not alone in my frustrations. Fixed problem showing error after redownloading auto deploy package. Fixed issue when attaching to Spiceworks servers that are running 7.2.00508 or higher. Improved the speed of aborting deployments. Schedules no longer deploy to computers where the same package is still being deployed. Standardized hyperlink display properties. Added ability to remember the list of targets between deployments. You can opt-out in. I'm not going to go into the dynamic groups much because you should know how to do them, or you might have specific things that you want for your organization and my groups wouldn't even be applicable. Do you also want to scan for Windows AND other M$ products like Office? Performance improvements in console start up. Variables can now be used in the email subject of the Post Deployment Notification and Post Schedule Notification. Fixed copying and pasting of packages in the main window. Fixed issue where Redeploying a package with custom credentials would instead display the default credentials. Package Library Package updates are now visible to Free users. Added notification of new packages in Package Library. Removed the import package .xml file size limit. Improved ability to switch domains in the Select AD target window. You are no longer able to attach the same package multiple times to a single schedule. Made improvements to the Retry Queue to prevent the issue of creating too many deployments. Fixed bug that could cause the database upgrade to fail if there was invalid data in the old database. That's it! It is nice for slow links. Fixed an issue copying and pasting Schedules. Added ability to start a PDQ Inventory scan after deployment. The Repository path now includes a button to access Variables. Go from updating your 3rd party software, to deploying scripts, to making useful system changes in almost no time. In the spirit of fresh starts and new beginnings, we In the below, walk through, I will be using the Enterprise version of PDQ Inventory and Deploy to do the following: In case you are wondering, both programs work in tandem with each other. Admin Arsenal is now officially! Groups in Active Directory were occasionally sorted incorrectly. Mind blown. Add "- Copy" to Package names when importing or pasting duplicate names. Fixed an issue where deployments could have unexpected results when a package was edited with active deployments. Select the Folder option. Other minor registry condition bugs fixed. Improved organizing of items in the Main window, including placing items in any order. The Main Console Toolbar is now arranged more conveniently by task. Improved performance of offline testing for the Deployment Offline Settings. Thankfully, PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory make managing and deploying Windows updates a breeze. You can install updates through WSUS configured with GPO - without powershell module and PDQ. Make a 3 step PDQ Deploy job. New Reports were not populating in the Reports menu without a manual refresh or restart of the console. Scrolling through multiple targets in deployments results now works as expected. (To update the taskbar icon, launch PDQ from the updated desktop icon). Use default text editor when opening step output. Mine is with PDQ, but extra the ISO for version to a folder on PDQ server. Consoles can now switch directly from Client to Server mode without having to switch to Local mode first. That as the original deployment conveniently by task when printing use the import feature you 'll get.... Before publishing using the Auto Fit profile menu option to duplicate selected package or List... This tells you the servers contained in the error, `` can not find package definition for package link ''... 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