These guidelines ("the office bible") become the basis for all routine task planning and employee training. However, appointments given to patients at the office are more apt to be forgotten, especially when the patient's symptoms begin to improve and distress is not a constant reminder. Each of these facts has a specific purpose. This advanced information will help your staff in preparing initial records and offer you a preview of the situation. Postoperative lab, abdominal xray and pain medications should be anticipated. Supply storage, ordering, and purchasing procedures Some doctors have thriving practices in poor times, and some have meager practices in good times. In both physical appearance and mental attitude, be sure that your office has a reception room and not a waiting room. A memorandum should be made immediately of every telephone call that needs your attention, needs a return call, or needs some type of action (Fig. Unless your assistant is absolutely positive the caller is a parent by voice recognition, she should remember that all information concerning a patient's health care or health status is privileged information. A procedure that is producing good results should never be boring. Special assistance with clothing, walking, and seating should be offered to the elderly, the crippled, the painfully distressed. (5) financial concerns take priority over clinical concerns. The more unstable a patient's personality, the more important it is that the patient be periodically reminded of appointment policy. (2) the patient forgot the appointment, Miscellaneous Problem Resolution If the office has a lending library, all books leaving the office should be noted. 3.22). * Only when necessary 3.29). There is nothing unprofessional about an assistant calling a patient to determine the reason for not meeting a scheduled appointment. Other information most desirable to administrative assistants are the established business procedures and samples of pertinent forms. Organizational Mission and Structure, Office Policies Related to Clients and Their Records, Policies and procedures designed to prevent, detect, contain and correct HIPAA security violations. The patient should never remain in the reception room well past the appointment time without some type of explanation. Appointment Management This is impossible without good assistance, adequate records, and efficient management systems. Your receptionist holds the responsibility for developing a receptive patient attitude prior to meeting you. * Call ahead, * Paper Dietary instructions the family has been without insurance due to a loss of jobs, and it is unclear when johnny was last seen by a medical provider. As few patients want a hurried visit or enjoy waiting a long period only to be rushed in and out, most patients will ask what time the doctor can see them the next day. Warning signs are seen when: (1) current assets less current liabilities drop below forecasts, Some patients have definite preferences, while others have none. OFFICE HOURS Tax record procedures Planning Strategies and so forth. A patient may respond, "Glad you called. The last tasks are usually to notify the telephone answering service that the office is closing, make delivery of specimens to the laboratory, mail the day's correspondence, and deposit the day's receipts. Other data concern a broken, cancelled, or changed appointment, the source of a new patient's referral, and other information of interest. No practice can survive if it depends solely upon referrals from location, the yellow pages, or other influences. It has been estimated that about 50% of office calls will be about an appointment with the doctor. CCollaboration. * Established patient However, there may be some other correspondence that you wish your assistant to acknowledge receipt with a note that you will reply as soon as possible on your return. THE GREETING (3) loan payments are above forecasts, statements. A good change is characterized by easy and rapid implementation, a lack of confusion, few effects on other procedures that are proven assets, and harmony with reality. a medical-surgical unit will be appropriate following surgery unless complications arise. Your instrument bag should contain an area map. An "Insurance" file can be subdivided to differentiate between "Office Policies" and your "Personal Policies. (4) when the patient complaints or signs of dissatisfaction become frequent. While patients like this will often manifest clinical indications for a complete rehabilitation program, they are usually not psychologically prepared to agree to such a recommendation. If on schedule, it will give you an opportunity to reinforce positive actions. Visit slips This is usually a verbal report; however, in some instances it may be given in writing for the benefit of an absent party. What components are included in a business letter? After the patient is examined, you will record or dictate the results of your physical examination, orthopedic and neurologic findings, spinal analysis, x-ray and laboratory findings, and other data necessary to profile the patient's condition. Patient handling and control are two major factors in determining the success or failure of any practice. Billing and collection procedures Rather, the assistant's function is to handle those calls she can so your clinical time is not reduced. Health insurance claim forms 3.20). This will save valuable time. If the caller chooses to wait and your conversation is extended, your assistant should return to the line, explain the situation, and ask if you may return the call. * Office closings If no change in the schedule occurs so that the assistant can satisfy the patient's original request, she can telephone the patient and say, "Sorry Mr. Brown, but there has been no change in the doctor's schedule, so I'm verifying your second choice at 1 pm on Wednesday. Express mailings Time is always a problem. Offering such information informs the caller that you keep abreast with the times. They may have recently been informed of the quality services of your practice and are now prepared to have a full diagnostic work-up and a comprehensive rehabilitation plan outlined. It is usually an assistant's responsibility to obtain messages from the service, passing on pertinent messages to you, and responding to routine calls personally. A policy is a basic statement, principle, or predetermined guideline covering a limited area on which the practice operates and serves to achieve its objectives. * Avoid by scheduling efficiently. The majority of practitioners feel that legitimate progress reports and inquiries should be encouraged. hedge. Some doctors prefer to set aside a special time each day to review incoming mail and developing replies. This takes discipline because life presents many distractions and invitations to procrastinate. (5) prophylactic care. Waiting a long time can also cause undue fear and anxiety. Upon employment, each assistant should be made aware of what is established in the way of practice policies and employee policies. * Run accounts report There are numerous systems on the market designed to fit a variety of needs. Patients can become quickly discouraged if they feel their appointments are routine or will be without end. You also put yourself in a position of possibly being charged with abandonment or negligence if the delay of an established patient would be considered unreasonable under the circumstances. Dental referrals/consultants A good explanation here will do the most to minimize the possibility of changed or cancelled appointments in the future. Depending upon the circumstances of the case and your assistant's report of the conversation, you may wish to call the patient and explain the difference between relief of symptoms and making as much of a permanent correction as possible. When a patient is interviewed, an interested, reasonably relaxed, politely inquiring attitude will elicit more information than a hurried, tense interrogation. To simplify the recording of specific time allotments, the estimated amount of time anticipated for each visit can be blocked out in the appointment book by drawing a vertical line through the necessary amount. * Write emails (Why not? Similar information may be filed under a "Supplies" tab, which may be subdivided into "Office Supplies" and "Clinical Supplies" sections. * Balance day sheet These lead to five different forms of typical health service depending on the problem involved: (1) emergency case, Timing and scheduling are also important aspects of good mail handling. Let's say you perform a service that is not covered by the patient's insurance. Does the entire staff maintain the highest professional standards, and do their constant attitudes reflect sincere concern for patients' welfare? * Note items on back order 3.4). The file is first divided by month. Coordinated efforts produce an atmosphere in which the doctor's concern for every patient can be expressed to its maximum. SORTING AND PROCESSING Even if the patient has a scheduled appointment, he or she should not be left sitting in the reception room "waiting a turn." Upon return, the caller should be thanked for waiting. She will need to be in the hospital approxiamately five days following her procedure. All of Dr. Schafer's books are now available on CDs, with all proceeds being donated It either builds a patient's confidence, creates a greater respect, and develops a greater appreciation for you and what you represent, or it builds a patient's doubts, resistance, and lowers respect and appreciation for you and what you represent. Your local telephone company will be happy to discuss with you all options that are available. Psychiatric referrals/consultants As there is always a degree of uncertainty when a change is made from established procedures, limit changes to those areas that distinctly warrant improvement. Patients should never feel that they are being "victimized" by an office policy. Thats just as important as encouraging acceptable behavior. acupuncture A The variety of equipment and compatible software available is vast. Current case records, inactive case records, subject files, correspondence files, tickler files, public relations files, and financial records, for example, may be filed in separate cabinets or within the same cabinet as space permits. Advocate on behalf of patients Domain 2: Affective (Behavior) 1. Once you have accurately appraised where you are, you can realistically judge where you should be at a certain point in time. How the activities are broken down is a matter of personal preference. An objective analysis should be made of your practice objectives, financial position, management capability, supervisory expertise, and personnel practices. When you are out of the office such as at your residence, at a meeting, or out socially, the office staff should know how to reach you by your personal calendar. (2) when the average number of recall visits declines or plateaus, It serves as a framework for planning the future. Some scheduling assistants handle the unpredictability of exact service time by scheduling two patients a few minutes apart followed by a break. Are you on schedule or behind schedule? Be alert to the fact that systems originally designed to aid the practice, in time and with habitual use, have a tendency to dictate to rather than serve their creators. Some doctors prefer to prepare a handwritten draft from which an assistant types. Taxes are the dues we pay for the opportunity of living in this great country. Mail received during your absence that requires immediate attention should be banded, marked "Urgent," and placed upon your desk. The need for an orderly reminder system is necessary as every member of your staff has the responsibility of seeing that certain things are done at specific times. For the patient who habitually cancels, the charge is thought to be a motivation for regularity. It will be helpful to you if your assistant organizes call slips into categories. Preprinted cross-reference sheets are available at most office supply stores. - lock file cabinets that contain patient records. Incoming and outgoing correspondence procedures Types. * Letters A doctor should never be required to do an unlicensed procedure in the office that an assistant can do as well or better. When certified or registered mail is sent requesting a return receipt, the returned receipt should be attached to the office copy of the mailing in your file. Likewise, most patients being examined or treated resent having the doctor interrupted or called away. It avoids any question who sees the doctor next, provides a record of the patients the doctor sees each day, and allows the assistant to gather patient files in proper sequence. For example, if today is January 9, and the patient is scheduled for the next visit in 2 weeks, the file will be posted in the January 23 location. (3) chronic case, If this becomes of interest, an appointment can be set up with you for an in-depth interview where the salesperson can present full information of the product or service. Thus, it is important that you give each patient a quick review of the progress made to date and the progress needed during each visit. Individual U.S. states, industry regulators such as the Department of Health & Human Servicesmany of them cite the need for policies and procedures. Patient care policies The first place to start with health policy examples covers those designed for patient care. The only safeguard is to constantly remember that the patient is more important than the procedure. You cannot accomplish this goal alone. The typical format of a procedural manual is usually a three-ring binder where each work station has its own tabbed section. It also helps to create a desire for more information. Supervised therapeutic applications Living in reality, the wise assistant will anticipate some appointment changes, tardy patients, broken appointments, last-minute cancellations, times when you will be late, as well as overly sensitive, irritable, and demanding patients. Former Audi CEO Stands Trial Over Emissions Scandal, FinCEN Files Unveil Weaknesses in Global AML System, guidance on compliance with the U.K. A central storage facility reduces both inventory time and duplication of paperwork. 1. Cleaning Services streaming. It is never wise to say that the office just had a "cancellation." Policies and Procedures Policy impacts issues as fundamental as healthcare access, cost, delivery methods, and privacy. These guidelines ("the office bible") become the basis for all routine task planning and employee training. While persistence in holding firm to your objectives is an asset in accomplishment, achievement strategies must frequently be amended to meet the unexpected. That's important because every company sets its own tolerance for risk. * Formal greetings A person in distress is not always able to speak clearly or convey information accurately. Message slips ), "He's out for coffee" (No patients? For example, proper lighting, air conditioning, and ventilation can be checked. The effects of fatigue become most apparent as the end of a busy day's schedule approaches. In essence, this system is a "tickler file" (Fig. Thus, proper training of assistants in correct telephone technique is essential. (1) putting a cross-reference sheet under the name in the miscellaneous folder for the letter of the alphabet with which the name begins or As a legal safeguard and management control, a copy of any correspondence leaving the office should be filed. This organization saves time and effort by allowing proper sequencing at the assistant's desk so the actual filing can be completed without going back and forth from drawer to drawer. Such stern expressions as, "What can I do for you?" As your assistants must work with and integrate specific policies and procedures each day, they are often in a position to offer constructive suggestions. A follow-up file is a large type of tickler system that contains letter-size folders. Stationery When patients walk into a professional office, they expect to enter a calm atmosphere that is well managed. Doctor's home phone The cleanliness and organization of all rooms should be frequently checked. Because of constant patient flow in the busy office, constant attention must be given to scattered magazines, cluttered counters, disarranged files, and overflowing wastebaskets. (2) the ratio between account receivables and current liabilities is below forecasts, Below is a list of records found in a typical chiropractic office: Address file or book To appreciate this, the person answering the telephone must consider the outlook of the caller. Services are expected to be efficient, punctual, and private. Single patient is booked for a specific amount of time. Calls requiring immediate attention should be separated from those that are not urgent. Calls to "No-Shows" should be made approximately an hour or less after the patient was due. Reasons may be financial, an occupation requiring a great deal of long-distance traveling, baby-sitting problems, or some other factor that would prevent keeping necessary appointments. In any event, the patients are not in a position to criticize you, your practice, or your profession. A list of such calls offers you an opportunity for a quick review (Fig. First and foremost, a business needs policies and procedures to meet the standards of an effective compliance program, as outlined by the U.S. Justice Department. Attorney To not allot enough time in the appointment schedule for proper consultation would be a gross injustice to these patients. CLOSING ROUTINES * Reports Word-Processing Equipment When it comes to collecting a patient payment, it helps to understand the patient's situation. Reminder memos, letters, or cards Such a record (Fig. Whatever the time and effort to get them right, its worth it. A continuing patient or new patient to your practice who enters the office without an appointment and requests immediate service also requires tact. PATIENTS WHO COMMUTE SEASONALLY An assistant should also prevent patients from crossing each other's paths. If a telephone call reports an emergency, it is important that your scheduling assistant be trained to keep calm and in control. Petty cash should be placed in a safe, and all necessary vaults, cabinets, desk drawers, and files that have locks should be secured. After treatment and before any patient leaves, an assistant should make the next appointment and arrange for payment or collect the fee. We are not referring here to the emergency case, but rather the call for an immediate appointment because of impending travel or personal convenience. 3.2). a visit in which a patient doesn't show up for or give advance notice, refers to the immediate and complete adjudication of health care claim upon receipt by the payer from a provider, sending a patient to a provider of a different specialty for treatment beyond the scope of practice for the initial practitioner, a method of scheduling in which only one patient is assigned to one block of time in a visit schedule, appointments are scheduled for a particular amount of time based on patient need, patients are scheduled during the first 30 minutes of each hour, leaving the last 3p minutes for same day appointments. Assistants should be thoroughly trained in proper telephone etiquette, cheerful but not familiar, and sincere in wishing to help the caller. Personnel time cards Most authorities feel that the general economic situation has only a moderate effect on health practice success. Office policies and procedures are not laws; common sense and good judgment are needed by every scheduling assistant to know when it is logical to bend the rules and when it is not. Dr. Godfrey was sorry you missed your time reservation this morning and asked me to phone and arrange a visit tomorrow afternoon or would Friday morning be better?" POSTAGE. A list of backup professional help should also be at hand. This responsibility includes adequate documentation, although statutes are quite vague on exactly what is required. In comparison, incoming mail far exceeds outgoing mail except when office statements are mailed. This will reflect thought, care, and concern. If a change does occur, I'll call you immediately." When a caller must be placed on hold while your assistant gathers some information, the assistant should always request permission to do so and state approximately how long it will take. the child has been seen before. (c) What is the difference in energy between the cases that \boldsymbol{\mu} is parallel to B\mathbf{B}B and antiparallel? Upon return, the caller should be thanked for waiting. Caller: How much does the doctor charge? A one-size-fits-all set of patient care policies will not work, as every facility's needs are different based on the type of care it provides. These factors determine whether there will be a high or low patient return and a high or low referral rate. Handling several progress reports or inquiries by telephone may dominate lines needed to receive and schedule appointments. Definite office policies and carefully planned procedures are the prerequisites for running a smooth and efficient practice. If you will be out of town or unavailable for emergency needs, you should make arrangements with another doctor to attend to patient needs and alert your staff who this doctor is and where he can be located. Patients often forget how long it has been between checkups, or an appointment made several weeks previously may have been forgotten. These points will offer you specific facts that can be explored in detail. Pick up the ledger as you leave for calls and return it to your assistant when you complete the calls of the day. To assure efficiency, each phase of your practice should be planned in detail and the phases coordinated with your overall objectives (Fig. Before transfer, the date and number of the check made in payment should be noted on the invoice. Following are some examples of typical questions that can be resolved by an alert assistant: Assistant: How may I help you? He offers professional health-care service. 5. explain patient instructions thoroughly. The appointment book is your diary of professional activities and determines how you will schedule your professional time. Supply inventory control sheets Mail Processing in the Doctor's Absence. The patient should be made to feel, in a polite manner, that you and patients have been greatly inconvenienced. In such situations, appointments should be grouped as close as possible in midmorning and midafternoon. Planning and time management are learned behavior patterns. The patient can then be escorted to the consultation room. Furnishings inventory sheets This is Dr. Godfrey's office calling. Physicians mark charges for the day and indicate a diagnosis. Every business or professional office has a steady stream of salesmen and solicitors calling, and how nonprofessional callers will be handled is a matter of office policy. Warmth expressed by recognizing each patient as a unique individual is also appreciated. After the patient completes the form, an assistant should review it to be sure that all appropriate blanks have been filled and that the writing is legible. What controls must be established to assure success? Credit Cards Receiving Calls Because of unforeseen delays resulting from case management, traffic conditions, or climate, it will be impossible to give the patient anything more than an approximate time of your planned arrival. should be avoided. When any section contains more than 20--30 folders, it should be subdivided. When you are in the office, any emergency situation should be brought to your attention immediately. The "I Care" message must be conveyed. Helterskelter efforts are made to make the practice more successful, but what is successful is never accurately defined. Patients unable to be reached earlier may possibly be contacted late in the day. Printer This again reassures the patient of personalized interest and enhances office good will --the essence of practice security. critical information required when creating patient appointments: 1. name of the patient. Control. Mail should be immediately distributed after sorting to the most interested party. SAFES AND VAULTS Policies and Procedures Professional journals and newsletters, or technical, political, or highly religious material have no place in a health-care reception area that serves the general public. If the company requires any special laboratory tests, this should be noted in the appointment book or elsewhere. Nor should a patient's call be discussed with other patients. Incoming and outgoing correspondence procedures Even when cleanliness standards are high, negative impressions can result when leaves and papers accumulate in exterior shrubs or when wall hangings and lamp shades become crooked. 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