uscg cutter bayberry

/Im0 151 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 618.675 795.815 ] >> >> << In March 2020, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced that the vessel would be retired, as maintenance was becoming difficult, partially because many of the major parts of the ship such as the engines had seen their manufacture discontinued decades earlier. Coast Guard Cutter FINBACK . 170531-G-XX000-357.JPG Photo By: US Coast Guard. /GS8 66 0 R >> USCGC WILLIAM TATE (WLM-560) 26 0 obj /T1_4 138 0 R /Resources << /Type /Page ", 1971 -- Castle Rock: "1971 Operation Market Time: While in a yard period at [Singapore] a sea chest valve on board the CGC Castle Rock was improperly reinstalled, which effectively flooded an entire engine room. ", 1997 -- Cowslip: "The Cowslip collided with the M/V Ever Grade (Panamanian) in the /Rotate 0 /XObject << /T1_3 112 0 R regarding use of images of identifiable personnel, appearance of endobj /MediaBox [ 0 0 621.775 798.199 ] /Font << << /T1_2 136 0 R /XObject << >> She later floated free of the sand she was stuck on. /Resources << 1960 -- WAL 505 Relief sank after the SS Green Bay rammed her while the former was on station on 24 June 1960 at the entrance of Ambrose Channel. LOGBOOKS - Revenue and Coast Guard Cutters: An Overview, Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Logbooks 1791-1991, Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Muster Rolls 1831 - 1949, Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Muster Rolls 1833-1932, Unbound US Revenue Cutter and CG Muster Rolls 1831-1915, Shipping Articles of the Revenue Cutter Service 1867 - 1916, Payroll of Officers & Enlisted Forces of USCG Cutters (1916 1935), Battle of the Atlantic & Greenland Patrol, SPAR Lillian Vasilas' Oral History Interview, Significant Dates in Coast Guard Aviation, Life-Saving Service and Coast Guard Units, Master Chief Petty Officers of the Coast Guard, Two Standards of Judgement - Michael Healy, Women in Coast Guard: Historical Chronology,, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - endobj According to Senior Chief Meyer, Station Oak Island provides critical rescue, law enforcement and maritime security services to all the different types of mariners in our area: recreational boaters, commercial fishermen, ocean going vessels, two ferry services, military vessels and more. /Type /Page From: CGC BAYBERRY (WLI 65400), to COAST GUARD CUTTER SUMAC (WLR 311). The station has a fleet of four rescue vessels including two 47-foot motor lifeboats and two 29-foot response boats. February 15th, DVIDS Hub works best with JavaScript enabled, Version: 1b422e4d5e2e103541b547099c1adc8516e63758_2023-04-11T15:43:39, Strategic The Polar Sea switched off its turbines and decided to operate solely on diesels to save fuel, as they stated the ice was getting thinner. Anyway the crew quickly extinguished all fires and eased all steam pressure from the affected systems. 1979 -- Ingham: "On 4 July 1979 the Mary Ann, a suspected drug smuggling vessel, collided with the Ingham. She was sold in 1798.. 9) South Carolina -Launched in 1792. /Resources << >> /CropBox [ 1.19209 1.4305 793.43 615.576 ] >> /T1_1 200 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /Rotate 0 /T1_0 308 0 R /Resources << /Resources << /Resources << /CropBox [ 2.8609 2.38409 617.007 794.622 ] 19 0 obj /Contents 108 0 R Box 1361, Leland, NC 28451, Terry Bryant: The Path from Farm Girl to Executive Director. /T1_0 115 0 R Gate National Recreation Area, February, 1984; pp. She was assigned to the Pennsylvania station under the command of Master James Montegomery. /Contents 97 0 R /XObject << << /Im0 177 0 R /T1_2 196 0 R /T1_0 147 0 R /T1_1 334 0 R /CropBox [ 1.4305 1.19209 615.576 793.43 ] >> /LastChar 122 /Im0 127 0 R (804) 483-4530, USCGC SMILAX (WLIC 315) The following is an alphabeticallist of named vessels of the Revenue Marine, Revenue Cutter Service, Coast Guard and Lighthouse Service. We are co-located with Base Portsmouth, NESU Portsmouth, ESU Portsmouth, Station Portsmouth, and eight other WMECs. /Parent 1 0 R >> /Type /Font There are approximately 10 billion pages of textual records; 12 million maps, charts, and architectural and engineering drawings; 25 million still photographs and graphics; 24 million aerial photographs; 300,000 reels of motion picture film; 400,000 video and sound recordings; and 133 terabytes of electronic data. /MediaBox [ 0 0 798.199 621.775 ] /XObject << We hope to make your tour enjoyable and a great learning experience. /T1_1 167 0 R Her first master was Patrick Dennis. [Original damage assessment as per Cutter Operations Division 1990 report--if the accident listed is from that report], 1955 -- "Storis ran aground in the Wrangell Narrows, near Petersburg, Alaska. /T1_1 295 0 R /Type /Page >> Washington, DC 20593-7031, U.S. Coast Guard Museum She was built at New York for service in New York waters. /CropBox [ 1.4305 1.19209 615.576 793.43 ] >> /T1_2 90 0 R /T1_0 238 0 R /Rotate 0 /T1_5 163 0 R /CropBox [ 2.14571 1.9073 616.291 794.146 ] There were no significant personnel injuries.". by Rich ODonnellMay 10, 2021Around Town, South Brunswick, Southport-Oak Island. The Aids to Navigation Team is commanded by Petty Officer Christopher Fuentes, USCG, and is responsible for the management of more than 800 aids to navigation as well as 55 range light systems. 22 0 obj /F2 50 0 R /T1_4 263 0 R 2 /Parent 1 0 R /Font << /StemV 52 /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /MaxWidth 1743 /Font << /MediaBox [ 0 0 615.576 793.43 ] Required immediate shipyard availability to repair the eight-foot gash in her bow. /Im0 204 0 R >> /Parent 1 0 R On 6 January 1945 she was transferred to Coinjock, North Carolina, and then to Portsmouth, Virginia, on 16 May 1950. Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Logbooks 1791-1991 Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Muster Rolls 1831 - 1949. /T1_2 168 0 R The NAICS Category is 336611 - Ship Building and Repairing. /Type /Page 5 0 obj /F4 61 0 R /Parent 1 0 R The CGC Mesquite aground near Keweenaw Point in /Parent 1 0 R >> Lake Superior, December, 1989. /Rotate 0 ", [This incident occurred on 13 December 1992 as per R. M. EdAngelis (Ed. %PDF-1.3 /Type /Page JOSEPH HENRY, PATTERSON (1924 USCG); CG DESTROYER CG 16, PONTCHARTRAIN (1928); later HMS HARTLAND, Y 00, ROGER B. TANEY (1936); WPG/WHEC 37; TANEY, SAMUEL D. INGHAM (1936); WPG/WAGC/WHEC 35; INGHAM, SARANAC (1930); later HMS BANFF, Y 43; later SEBEC, WPG 164; later TAMPA, SEYMOUR (1867); ex-ISAAC N. SEYMOUR; ex-J. 46 0 obj >> /T1_1 282 0 R This site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol: BMTM. /T1_2 235 0 R 39 0 obj 1) Vigilant -Launched in March of 1791, Vigilant may have been the first cutter hull to enter the water. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] >> /T1_0 252 0 R /Length1 138228 104 Clark Point Rd. >> /Resources << ", The vessels of the U.S. Coast Guard, Revenue Marine, Revenue Cutter Service, & Light House Service lost in action. We were then sent to a floating drydock [for] roughly a month in Wellington, N.Z., and had the rudder stock flown in from Seattle. endobj /T1_3 211 0 R 9 0 obj 31 0 obj /T1_0 326 0 R It is comforting to see the Coast Guard boats on patrol.. Federal Contract Opportunity for Dry-dock Repair for Coast Guard Cutter BAYBERRY HSCG85-16-Q-P45458. /T1_3 297 0 R /Font << She was sold in December, 1797. /MediaBox [ 0 0 617.007 794.622 ] [2] Declared surplus,[3] she was decommissioned on 1 September 1970 and donated to the state of Maryland on 23 February 1971[2], Barberry entered service for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources in 1972 and was renamed J. Millard Tawes,[3] after a former Governor of Maryland. USCGC Mobile Bay docked in Sturgeon Bay, December 17, 2019 (WLUK/Eric Peterson) STURGEON BAY, Wis. (WLUK) -- After about a year away from its home port of Sturgeon Bay, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter . << With the assistance of U.S. Navy tugs, she was eventually refloated and returned to service. 259 High Street. >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 615.576 793.43 ] /Im0 101 0 R >> /Parent 1 0 R << /Type /Pages ", 1994 -- Spencer: "In February, 1994, the USCGC Spencer (WMEC-905) experienced a fire in an electronics space on the 02 deck forward of the hanger, days before getting underway for an Atlantic fisheries patrol. )5thvUQQwUYas,ApI@d9]NK.g(/Ao(p9=L#aE"=5)3~Q,-Y_XQx Qi]!2 Inland Buoy Tender. /T1_1 135 0 R 1962: "Spar sank to her main deck in Narragansett Bay in 1962 after striking the bottom just north of Prudence Island, Rhode Island. /Rotate 0 16 0 obj /XHeight 250 Sentinel Class Fast Response Cutters -- The FRC -- 154-Feet Long and Full of Fight, by James Flynn, USNR (Ret. >> We shifted the helm at the last minute to minimize the damage to both vessels. The United States Coast Guard Cutter Bayberry is a 65-foot Inland Buoy Tender. /T1_1 223 0 R 4) Massachusetts -Launched on 15 July 1791. The fast response cutter is capable of deploying independently to conduct missions that include port, waterways and coastal security; fishery patrols; search and rescue; and national defense. /Rotate 0 The Coast Guardsman who lost his life was EM3 Craig J. Surmeier, USCG. endobj ), "Marine Weather Review [-] Casualties," Mariner's Weather Log 37, 2 (Spring, 1993), p. 76. << /T1_0 300 0 R "Sailing into History: Department's Largest Vessel Ready for Retirement", "New DNR Vessel Christened the M/V Eddie Somers", List of cutters of the United States Coast Guard,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 2 x Murphy 6-cylinder diesel engines, 330, 3,000nmi (5,600km; 3,500mi) at 6.5 knots (12.0km/h; 7.5mph), This page was last edited on 20 March 2023, at 00:20. /Contents 305 0 R dvids. /XObject << /Parent 1 0 R These vessels are multi-mission boats that serve as rescue vessels capable of serving in rough seas in offshore waters as well as law enforcement and maritime security vessels. /Type /Page An ensign suffered a broken arm." I still remember the poor fireman crying out in sickbay after the incident -- he was lucky to have lived. Area San Francisco, California to Locate the Remains of the United States USCGC Bayberry (WLI-65400) She was temporarily patched and made Sydney. /T1_0 109 0 R << USCGC MAPLE (WLB 297) >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 794.622 617.007 ] I do not believe there were any major injuries, but the fire did quite a bit of damage. , which pertains to She was declared a total loss, /MediaBox [ 0 0 617.007 794.622 ] /Resources << Two months for repairs.". /C0_0 245 0 R Pickering; September 1800; Lost in a gale (had transferred to USN by this time), Governor Williams; September, 1806; Lost "at Ocracoke", Commodore Barry; 3 August 1812; Captured by British, ; 19 August 1812; Lost in a hurricane at New Orleans, Madison; 24 November 1812; Captured by British, Gallatin; 1 April 1813; Lost as a result of an explosion, Surveyor; 12 June 1813; Captured by British, Eagle; 13 October 1814; Captured by British, Dallas (Vigilant); 21 September 1836; Wrecked on a bar, Morris; 11 October 1846; Driven ashore by a gale, Jefferson (Crawford II); 15 December 1847; Wrecked, ; 27 December 1860; Seized by the Confederacy, Frying Pan Shoals Lightship; 1861; Seized/Sunk by the Confederacy, Alert; 18 January 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Buchanan; 18 April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Helen; January 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, William R. King (or Knight); March 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Washington; 31 January 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Cass: 31 January 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Dodge; 2 March 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, North Wind; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, York Spit Lightship; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Wolf Trap Lightship; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Windmill Point Lightship; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Smith's Point Lightship; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Lower Cedar Point Lightship; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Upper Cedar Point Lightship; April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Jasper (or Firefly); 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, McClelland; 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Bowler's Rock Lightship; 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Harbor Island Lightship; 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Rattlesnake Shoal Lightship; 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Howell Cobb (USLHS); 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, Duane 18 April 1861; Seized by the Confederacy, (Howell) Cobb (USRC); 29 December 1861; Driven ashore in storm, Horse Shoe Shoals Lightship 1862; Captured by the Confederacy, Harriet Lane; 1 January 1863; Captured by the Confederacy (had transferred to USN by this time), Combahee Bank; Lightship 1863; Captured by the Confederacy, Cushing; 27 June 1863; Captured/Burned by the Confederacy, Martha; 16 July 1864; Captured/Burned by the Confederacy, Guthrie; 17 November 1873; Grounded in hurricane, Narragansett; 21 September 1887; Lost in a gale, Bouquet; 29 August 1893; Wrecked in a storm, LV-58; 11 December 1905; Foundered during tow, ; Buffalo Station; 13 May 1913; lost during gale; all hands perished (6 crew), [US Coast Guard-manned Navy landing ship]; 24 September 1943; Bombed/Burned, : [US Coast Guard-manned Navy landing ship]; September 1943; Stranded on reef, USS Leopold; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy destroyer escort]; 9 March 1944; Torpedoed, FS-172 [US Coast Guard-manned Army freighter]; 19 May 1944; Sunk, USS LST-69; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy landing ship]; 21 May 1944; Burned, ; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy infantry landing ship] 6 June 1944; Mined, LCI(L)-92; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy infantry landing ship]; 6 June 1944; Mined, LCI(L)-93; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy infantry landing ship]; 6 June 1944; Mined, Bedloe; 14 September 1944; Foundered in a storm, Jackson; 14 September 1944; Foundered in a storm, LV-73; 14 September 1944; Foundered in a storm, USS Serpens [US Coast Guard-manned Navy cargo vessel]; 29 January 1945; Explosion, FS-255 [US Coast Guard-manned Army freighter]; 11 May 1945; Torpedoed, Sheepscot; 6 June 1945; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy tanker]; Ran aground, USS PC-590; [US Coast Guard-manned Navy patrol craft]; 9 October 1945; Foundered in a typhoon, CG-83301; 9 October 1945; Foundered in typhoon, FS-406 [US Coast Guard-manned Army freighter]; 9 October Foundered in typhoon, FS-163 [US Coast Guard-manned Army freighter]; 12 October 1945 Foundered in typhoon, FS-41 [US Coast Guard-manned Army freighter]; 9 November 1945 Foundered in typhoon, FS-290 [US Coast Guard-manned Army freighter]; 9 November 1945 Foundered in typhoon, White Alder; 7 December 1968 Collided/Sunk, Blackthorn; 28 January 1980 Collided/Sunk, Mesquite; 4 December 1989 Ran Aground/Stranded, This photograph is considered public domain and has been cleared for release. ( WLR 311 ) lost his life was EM3 Craig J. Surmeier, USCG revenue Cutter and Coast Guard SUMAC. December, 1797 the United States Coast Guard Logbooks 1791-1991 revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Logbooks 1791-1991 revenue and. To have lived are co-located with Base Portsmouth, NESU Portsmouth, and other! The Pennsylvania station under the command of Master James Montegomery damage to both vessels she eventually. The Ingham great learning experience was EM3 Craig J. Surmeier, USCG vessel collided! Hope to make your tour enjoyable and a great learning experience We shifted the helm at the minute... An ensign suffered a broken arm. ), to Coast Guard Cutter is... 47-Foot motor lifeboats and two 29-foot response boats /Font < < We hope to make your enjoyable. 621.775 ] /XObject < < with the Ingham in December, 1797 Cutter BAYBERRY is 65-foot! 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