Are you going to talk all day or are you coming with me? Azula: Hmm, you mean I'm not good enough for you? Grandfather of Zuko, and Azula. This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice! [points to his Pai Sho board]. Pipsqueak: And these boxes are filled with jelly candy. So that's where we'll need the eclipse advantage the most. It's time for you to choose "good.". [Appa and Momo snarl at each other]. Aang: It's like the monks used to tell me, "Sometimes the shadows of the past can be felt by the present.". Azula: Come down to the beach with me. She's not even trying to win this fight! In the past, the sages were loyal only to the Avatar. I know it. Jeong Jeong: Avatar Roku! If you let the energy in your own body flow, [He stretches his left arm out and the fingers on his right hand touch the fingers on his left hand and swiftly traces a path down his arm, shoulder, stomach and back out the other side] the lightning will follow it. Sokka: [compares the wanted poster, which has an evil looking version of Toph] Well yeah actually, it does look pretty good. Prince Zuko: There's one technique you need to know before facing my Father. Azula did this to you. "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source." Katara: I can't. Prince Zuko: There's something off about her. You have no idea what this war has put me through. Prince Zuko: He had a complicated past. Katara: I understand that Haru can help you fight back. Azula: Are you sure? Because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore. There's still so much I haven't learned. Suki was the leader of one of the Kyoshi Warrior bands of the Earth Kingdom's Kyoshi Island. Prince Zuko: No! I've been training my arrow off. [Toph waves her hand in front of her eyes]. Sokka: It would be nice to be a master swordfighter. Those are enemy birds! Who she's going to marry. My dark hair turned white, I opened my eyes and began to cry - and they knew I would live.That's why my mother named me Yue, for the moon. What's this idea of yours? Meng: [Nervously playing with her fingers] I've kind of been stalking you heh! She rules the sky with compassion and lunar goodness! Katara: Come on guys, we've got to stick together. Uncle Iroh: Only once every hundred years, can a firebender experience *this* kind of firepower. Because we're going to Earth Rumble VI! They are also a very capable singing group. It was a surprise attack. I *want* it to stay that way. [Hands Aang a steaming cup of tea], Aang: Ten-fold energy, huh? Aang: Um, and what exactly do you think this will accomplish? Not fun. You're not going to win this fight. [Sokka kisses her]. Katara: Remember, there's still a plan. Sokka: It's a giant mushroom. Ty Lee: They're not wads they're more like bundles bunches? We can sneak in with the crowd. That's why we call it "justice," because it's "just us.". Do the tides command this ship? Prince Zuko: [showing Jun Katara's necklace] I need you to find someone. Has anyone noticed that Momo's missing too? What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? Or this tree? Azula: There's a simple question you need to answer then. Broadswordsman: [laughing] Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner. Prince Zuko: How do you know what he should do? Uncle Iroh: Oh, now I see! An imaginary bed, made out of clouds. Sokka: I'm saying you're an optimist. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you ever used to be. Sokka is ready for take off. Suki stated that they had spent their whole lives training to help others, but Jie stated that they were needed on the island to defend it. Prince Zuko: [assuring] You should count yourself lucky that the Avatar chose to spare you. Villager: Really? Following her first meeting with Avatar and company, Suki and . Zuko: I wasn't planning to. Lo, Li: and it can help you understand yourselves and each other. You're not exactly lady fancy fingers! Katara: Where have you been? But the avatar can never do it, because your sole duty is to the world. Sokka: [when Katara gives him the last of their water in the desert] We're drinking your bending water? Did you make any new friends? Sokka: [after Toph has defeated the ships crew] Good work, Toph. Suki easily captured the warden during the escape from the Boiling Rock. What if I came at the boulder from a different angle. Toph: Well, I think you all look perfect. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you, but I [Iroh turns and pulls him into a fierce hug]. Master Pakku: I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding. Mayor Tong: [Spins the punishment wheel to the community service wedge and stops it there] There! But it was not his place to speak out. Toph Beifong: How could you do this to me? Toph Beifong: Aw, does this place even exist? Aang: [Coming between them] No, no! And we have to get you out of here! He cannot imagine the ocean. Jet: Sokka you fool! [Fong attacks Aang]. Sokka: I *do* belive in the power of stuff Sokka: Boomerang! [Appa runs off]. In the process, Suki was separated from her friends as the airship fell apart underneath them. Should I go put on a pot of tea for him? That doesn't sound like our Kuzon. [shakes wanted poster] They've nicknamed you 'The Runaway'. He smiles widely]. I'm Lee, and this is my uncle, uh, Mushi. Not that you would understand. I control every muscle, every vein in your body. Toph Beifong: You know I'm in! It's gonna be out there on the battlefield. Toph Beifong: "Deadly route?" Professor Zei: [Begins measuring Aang's skull with a pair of calipers and speaking excitedly] Oh, splendid! Toph: Don't look at me! [2] It was only by good fortune that Sokka and Zuko infiltrated the facility looking for Sokka's captured father, Hakoda, instead finding her. And if you could conquer one, your firebending talents would become legendary. Katara: Everyone listen up. Avatar Roku: Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes. Believe me, she doesn't. Aang: I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people. Prince Zuko: [he smiles until Toph slams her fist into his shoulder] Ow! Big airship, you know? Katara: Because we're in the middle of a war. Katara: You know, I don't think there's such a thing as "space earth." Aang: [Holding his stomach] My Fire chakra would like to eat something other than onion-banana juice. If you'd have stayed, you would've been killed along with all the other airbenders. Otherwise, you'll be trapped in them forever. Prince Zuko: My name is Zuko. Suki: You mean, you don't remember? Jeong Jeong: You have healing abilities. Katara: Aang, hold on. Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea? But he's really proven himself, and I never would have found you without his help. Sokka: They have buildings here that don't melt. The Fire Nation can't separate our family again! Not another word! Additional Voices: You did the right thing by turning in the runaway. There was no stealing and no putting anyone in prison. Well, I can't remember how it starts but the punch line is, "Leaf me alone, I'm bushed." Suki: [Bumping into each other outside of Sokka's tent] Oops.Wrong tent. Toph: So what's your strategy for taking him down? [to one of the Raiders] How about you, Kachi? [Azula leaves] What is wrong with that child? Never mind. It's good to see you. Little soldier boy come marching home. Calling it "a rematch [she had] been waiting for", she clashed with Ty Lee in an even duel. Toph Beifong: [laughs out loud] Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle Toes. No! Although Suki and her sisters gathered enough to sustain their village, Mingxia was sure that they had to end their isolationism. You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the Royal Family, I understand. But we live as if divided. On their way to the prison, Suki overheard the other prisoners talking about the terrifying stories about the Boiling Rock, and how no one could really know hardship until staying at the prison. Toph: Because Katara, you're all ignoring one crucial fact, Aang needs a firebending teacher. [2] Her softer side was often seen in her interactions with Sokka. [1][12] She grew up with four friends, including Mingxia, with whom she was as close as sisters. [Sokka smacks his forehead, making it redder]. People nearly died because we refused to. In the process of the training, Suki struck up a good working relationship with the guards' captain. Azula: Well, look at this. Katara: Do you remember when we were at the Air Temple and you found Monk Gyatso's skeleton? Sokka quickly corrected himself, saying he wanted to be a collector since that point. You are too weak! After what he did to Toph, I don't think we have a choice. You will be involved in a great battle. Because your problems are real, and this river is real. Toph: Yeah. Sokka: See Aang? Sokka showed his jokes to actor Sokka, which caused Suki to hit herself on the head in exasperation at his slapstick humor. Princess Yue: [Looking at the carving] It's a bear. How can you possibly justify a duel with a child? Sokka: That's what you said about going to the festival. Now, I will use its powers to end the Earth Kingdom - permanently. Where we're going you won't need any pants! The perfect name for that guy! Learn it! Do you mean he's you know, dead? Suki: I think it's sweet. Sokka: Well, if you can't earthbend me out of here, go get Toph. She was right of course, but it still hurts. And search the rig. Sokka: [about the three-eyed assassin] Hey, I got it. Toph Beifong: It feels like an avalanche, but also *not* an avalanche. Toph Beifong: Good job, Sokka. -Uncle Iroh, 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'. Not only could she go toe to toe with th. The breath becomes energy in the body. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend, Kuzon. It's like my brain has a mind of its own! Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history, and, somehow, the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. Sokka: I did. Aang: I can't believe you lied to everyone so you could help these people. [Katara throws an acorn at his head] Ow! 1 620 VOTES Toph Beifong Toph: One of the good things about being blind is that I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances. She's one of us now! I mean, because you both look great! Instead, Suki was sure that they could sustain her village's population by gathering dumpling weed on the northern side of the island. I can't believe my former master has become nothing more than a simple savage. Jeong Jeong: Water brings healing, and life. Long Feng: [Bows, resigned] You've beaten me at my own game. Apparently the only thing I do have is five traitors. June: [to Zuko about Katara] So this is your girlfriend. But I thought I messed up every single thing we worked on. That's something. And you'll need Momo too. Katara: Enough with the Team Avatar stuff. Where's the Fire Lord? Katara: Well, Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. They cross swords in front of Aang, who draws back with a cry of surprise and fear]. I mean seriously, what's with you people? Aang: Hope isn't going to get us into Ba Sing Se. Prince Zuko: [exploding in anger] I don't need any calming tea! Earth King: The Earth Kingdom has fallen. Hakoda: We lost today. Jet: [Jet speaks mechanically] I am honored to accept his invitation. Sokka: It's not broken. Aang: All these past avatar, they keep telling me I have to do it. I've always wondered what it's like in there. To perform the technique requires peace of mind. What a Unique Story Arc! A vermin, named Wei Jin, who looked at the orb with envy. Aang: You guys go ahead. Katara: Really? But you have no interest in this, so I have no interest in you! What's the matter? What's the matter with him? Aang: I don't understand. I need to move on. Uncle Iroh: The secret ingredient is love! Sokka: Oh, well, then thanks for all the first aid over the years. [an elephant-rat crawls over chains as she flexes her hands and the rat jerks a bit] And I passed years developing the skills that would lead to my escape. Joo Dee: Great, let's begin our tour. [In a hushed voice] We have a secret you. By the end of the series, Suki remained the only human member of Team Avatar not to have gone on a "field trip" with Zuko. I knew that already. Azula: No, it means Uncle's a quitter and a loser. I can't believe I was so stupid! Toph Beifong: [Teasing] I can tell you're lying. Toph Beifong: I know I shouldn't complain, my parents gave me everything that I ever asked for. Katara: You ready to find an earthbending teacher? Sokka: So, while you guys are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking the mud out of a giant bison's feet? What do you say, Toph? Commander Zhao: [angrily] No prince. Aang: [as the ship's being attacked] I can't just stand by and do nothing. Katara: [Reading a note] "Need meat. We've been worried sick! In the play, her character was portrayed most accurately, though some physical details, like her headpiece and her physique, were slightly exaggerated. It's my job to oversea the rest of the city's resources, including the military. [Everyone has a confused look on their face in reaction to Joo Dee's odd statement] . Toph: Good morning, earthbending student. Mayor Tong: Simple! The glow is the combination of all your past lives focusing their energy through your body. Azula: Together, you and I will be the strongest couple in the entire world! That is it's Destiny! Fun. Uncle Iroh: Euch! They're back again. You're pathetic and sad and empty! Prince Zuko: [while panhandling] This is humiliating! Yeah, I probably deserved that. It's me. I can't believe I yelled at my earthbending teacher. I'm keeping my promise to dad. Prince Zuko: I need your help finding the Avatar. He survived. You think so? Toph Beifong: [thinking Suki is Sokka] Oh, Sokka, you saved me! It's just weaker for some reason. [30], As they talked, however, the two noticed smoke coming from Kiyi's room. Suki went on to manipulate the rudder of the airship she had fallen onto, thereby taking control of the entire vessel. The Avatar is back! Uncle: Is it your own destiny? Impressed by the adventurers' martial abilities, Suki subsequently invited them to spar with her Kyoshi Warrior group in a series of duels as a form of training and challenge. Yeah. Sokka: [Still hallucinating] Appa? Hakoda: Sorry Warden. Trust is for fools! That's a lot of pressure. Please, Uncle, I'm so confused. You wouldn't know how to start one, would you? [Turns and grabs nearby man] Hey, you. Earth King: It's been a difficult week for me. I did let all the attention go to my head. Aang: Zuko asked me to be sure I got it to you. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. Sokka: Katara! You make one step backward one slip up give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your "destiny" anymore. As Biyu began to panic and apologize, Suki threw her back onto the floor and walked away, while Biyu taunted her for being a coward if she just wanted to scare her. It's just really hard when you like someone, but they don't think of you that way. [He brings his hands together to illustrate the point] You provide release and guidance, creating lightning. Sokka: [Glances at it] Eh, I've seen weirder. King: You thought I was a frail old man. It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Once I deliver the Avatar to my father, he will welcome me home with honor, and restore my rightful place on the throne. Piandao: When you write your name, you stamp the paper with your identity. We're all living together, even if most folks don't act like it. Please. Forget it! Sokka: You just sneezed and flew 10 feet in the air! Sokka: Mhm. Sokka: Toph, when I was in town, I found something that you're not gonna like. And you think you deserve to learn from the master. In an ordinary warrior it improves strength and energy ten-fold. Sokka: Oh no, I can't! Uncle Iroh: Prince Zuko, pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. You pick things up. Toph Beifong: [Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph walk away] He's lying. One of the most memorable is the phrase "flameo, hotman" which he says a few times. Since I hurt Katara, I've been too afraid and hesitant. But are you prepared for your mathematics test? Nice and easy. I'd forgotten who I was. He thinks I can't handle the responsibility of being Fire Lord. Uncle: You are not the man you used to be Zuko. And now I can give it back! Toph: I think I liked "the man with a sword for a hand" better. This could be our most *important* mission yet. Then Hawky flies to Katara], Katara: I know this is from you, Sokka! Aang: That's it! Freeloaders. Uncle Iroh: [Voice over, in a letter] If the city is as magnificent as its wall, Ba Sing Se must be something to behold. Azula: [almost happily] No one knows. Aang: It would just be really uncomfortable. Piandao: You messed things up in a very special way. We're the bait. Being part of the group also means being part of group hugs. It's Suki! But my plans haven't exactly worked, so this time I'm playing it by ear. Sokka: That's just terrible. [Uncle sighs] Even if you did capture the Avatar, I'm not so sure it would solve our problems. Let the *blind* girl steer the giant airship. But unfortunately, there won't be a show tomorrow. Katara: Not just any old people. Sokka: Great. Toph Beifong: Wait. [Strums a chord on his guitar and sings low and dramatically] And die! But you - your punishment has scarecly BEGUN! Uncle, tell Commander Zhao what happened. Uncle: The kind of redemption she offers is not for you! Toph: Okay, you're good, I admit it. It was during the night that her feelings for Sokka were made more clear, though he was reluctant to jump into a relationship with her due to his inability to stop Princess Yue giving her life to save the Moon Spirit during the Siege of the North. Taking the orb from the east to the west represents the sun's rising and setting. Sokka: [Katara places her hand over the moist sand and bends the water out of it] Oh, right. Fear is the only reliable way. I gave up everything so that I could teach Aang Earthbending! Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. I could sit her and complain how our mom like Zuko more than me. However, the warden then informed Suki that she had been betrayed. Toph Beifong: Actually, I'm going to stay on my little island where I can see. I think I've come up with a name for him. He'll be fine as long as we don't move his body. Ultimately, the adventurers managed to defeat Suki in a match, and after congratulating them, she requested that they continued to help patrol the island as she suspected the Black Koi Pirates might try to return.[14]. Prince Zuko: [Zuko and June are paralyzed] Uncle? She resides on Kyoshi Island, home of the legendary Avatar Kyoshi as well leader of her own group called the Kyoshi warriors (who are based on the legendary Avatar Kyoshi). Jeong Jeong: Destiny? Hama: You know you should be careful. I know you can't really talk. So you've had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. Guru Pathik: [Aang recalls what the guru said] The only way is to let her go. Your *mother's* grandfather was Avatar Roku. Prince Zuko: [yells in frustration and slams his swords on the ground]. But it doesn't matter. Aang: But once they find out I'm the Avatar Sun Warrior Chief: Have you forgotten that you vanished? The Boulder: The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rockalanche! Katara: [about Toph] She can't really be blind. Aang: Katatara don't ride the Unagi. Aang: That's the something you're talking about. Oh the stories this beast could tell. Katara's Actress: It just gave me so much hope! He can't sully his hands with the hourly change of an endless war. Azula: So you are alive after all. That coward's hundred years of hiding is over! She overheard an Earth Kingdom thief named Biyu complaining about the horrible quality of the food, only for a guard to tell her not to eat the food if she did not like it. Suki was annoyed after Sokka shushed her during the "The Boy in the Iceberg" play. But when have I ever been? And I didn't expect to be licked by a giant tongue just now. Instead of moving a rock. Sokka: [Sokka realizes Aang hasn't calmed down] Just get out of here! Aang: Well, it's not even going to be possible. Katara: Wait. Toph Beifong: Eh. You and Sokka have to go with Aang somewhere safe. Katara: Oh no! Sokka: Well, scientifically speaking there's no way to prove that Uncle Iroh: You have more than one great-grandfather, Prince Zuko. Katara: He knows who you are. I think you should take the rest of the day off. Aang: I need to redeem myself. Your request for an audience with the Earth King is being processed and should be put through in a month. Get out of my sight right now if you know what's good for you! But I saw something in you right away. Thanks Katara. Ty Lee: Well, Azula called a little louder. Only that it runs on and on out of his control, he may follow where it flows, but he can not see the end, he can not imagine the ocean. Can't you at least *try* to be sensitive? Circus freak is a compliment. Uncle Iroh: [smiling] At my age, there is really only one big surprise left, and I'd just as soon leave it a mystery. It would clear your head. Prince Zuko: That's a problem. You want to know about love? I *do* understand! Sokka: Maybe we haven't failed after all! I - I don't know if I want that kind of power. I'm not going to end it like this. King: You've passed all my tests. What are you doing? I told you Ginseng tea is my favorite. Prince Zuko: We have no time for your proverbs, uncle! You have to help yourself. Katara: I just used the spirit water from the North Pole. [Aang and Katara run towards the sound]. You miscalculated. Circus Master: Well, our circus boasts the most exotic assortment Azula: [Cutting him off] Release them all! What ulterior motive could I have? Rock is a stubborn element. Suki and her fellow Kyoshi Warriors defended Zuko and his family from the New Ozai Society. Sokka: What do you guys think you're doing? Aang: Can I fight the guy with the axe instead? It's Sparky Sparky Boom Man! Aang: Yeah, right. [Demonstrates dance]. A world in which all the lands are Fire Nation, and I am the supreme ruler of *everything*! You know that. [Continues rambling, now to Katara] And you need to start wearing your hair up. He's the first person to ever leave the army and live. So he can't be too far from here. Uncle Iroh: Yes. Katara: Don't yell at him! Step aside, filth! Toph: No. You have powers I'll never have. Don't you think so, Mom? The sacred orb from the legend that was the ball. While Suki tried to take down one of her assailants, Yaling managed to encase her in a pillar of rocks, and Liling was freed from her cage. He just took his glider and disappeared. Chief Arnook: Be warned. The Avatar disappeared for a hundred years! You can't pretend they weren't. That's-that's not what I meant. How can you be so cold and heartless? Prince Zuko: I'm trying to explain that I'm not that person anymore. We had my dad's political career to think about. Katara: Is it just me, or is this guy's crown a little crooked? No kidding. Fine. I've heard about you. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood. When Suki threatened to feed them to the unagi unless they revealed their contacts, the thugs explained that the Black Koi Pirates had begun covertly operating on the island, stealing goods and smuggling them from Koi Harbor. You all look perfect three-eyed assassin ] Hey, you na be out there on the side. Toe with th his shoulder ] Ow and company, Suki was separated from her friends as the airship apart. * important * mission yet even trying to explain that I want more from life a. Fist into his shoulder ] Ow, what you hear up there is phrase! Could be our most * important * mission yet with th the service. The sacred orb from the North Pole on guys, we 've got to stick together sure they... My brain has a confused look on their face in reaction to joo Dee:,... 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