simparica trio for dogs side effects

Hope your pup is doing better!! One has done great only notice that he is drinking a lot of water. My other two dogs had a little loose stool but nothing else. I wish I would have seen this site before I gave it my Matty. If anyone wants to write or call to complain to the company I have all the details. Simparica may cause neurologic signs such as tremors, unsteadiness and/or seizures in dogs with or without a history of neurologic disorders. But the wandering and "head pressing" it's called, where they just go into the corner or lean against a table leg or the wall. Later in the fall I noticed some leg tremors when she squatted. Last month she had diarrhea and it lasted 7 days. When GABA attaches to a protein in your brain known as a GABA receptor, it produces a calming effect. My best friend's new puppy has had diarrhea for 14 days after taking one dose of Simparica. It is now day 37 since her last Simparica and I will not ever give her another one. The vet insisted it was not from the Simparica Trio. My shepherd got it the following month and I called the vet again and she prescribed probiaotics and anti diarrhea meds again. my puppy was prescribed this and now is weeing more often than usual and still itching ! My chihuahua was given this three weeks back, I actually requested I kept my old treatment but they assured me it was safe and good. We are currently going through this with our nine year old dachshund. The next month on a sunny weekend, we have him his meds and took him on a walk with his basket muzzle. Side effects are uncommon, but may occur in some cases. Two months no flare up no more scabs and loosing hair. Gave my 8lb chihuahua the simparica chew last night and he has thrown up 3 times this morning with blood. Hoping for a good outcome!!! Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. I will not be continuing with this treatment. At vet visit - vet noted redness in the eyelids but thinks it may be caused from the wind? Things like: tremors decreased conscious proprioception ataxia reduced or absent menace, and or seizures Simparica is not recommended in lactating, pregnant females, or dogs used for breeding. She is lethargic, unsteady on her feet, doesnt bark at all, showing signs of dimentia. My dog is having seizures. We may also give additional medications to keep fleas, ticks, and common intestinal parasites away. Gave this to my 8 week old puppy yesterday, he was fine, but today he is very irritated and acting aggressive which he wasnt before. If she continues I will be going to the vet. We are experiencing the same thing. However, besides being nervous over the diarrhea, I am petrified about all of these people talking about seizures. The leaflet inside at least needs to be changed to have the correct information on it. I argued with the vet that this is poison and she said why would I give your dog poison? Did anyone see any signs of improvement in their dogs? Simparica Trio should be given orally once a month at the recommended minimum doses: 0.54 milligrams of sarolaner, 0.011 mlilligrams of moxidectin, and 2.27 milligrams of pyrantel per pound of body weight. She's a Brittany (Spaniel). Vet office said make sure to give with food. Our 3 mo.old Boston Terrier, 10 lbs, had her first dose of Simparaco yesterday. He looked like he was having spasms. It is Now 3 pm and Lily is on her way to the animal hospital and most likely going to have to spend the night, we will flush her with iv and hope It helps Flush It out Of her system. It is still hard for me to get through this because I cant believe a company is getting away with killing animals and they dont care, so please , I know a lot of pet owners have no issues but do you really want to take that chance? Since she is young, the vet started us with Keppra. Sound familiar? He has been on simparica since he was old enough to take it. I will never give this again! Our vet pushed this new drug for this tick season claiming the drug we used previously they had 11 dogs in the previous year were diagnosed with Lyme disease and they no longer had confidence in that drug. I paid $120 for 6 months of poison. Head down, facing the wall, tremors, lethargic, and she can't seem to see well. In isolated cases, however, dogs displayed more serious reactions such as tremors, muscle twitching, and seizures. Credit: Purple Collar Pet Photography / Getty, Simparica Trio for Dogs Might Be the Easiest Way to Protect Your Pup From Parasites. She has been itching uncontrollably since I gave her the simparica. Nobody knows what causes it or makes one dog recover and another not. I suppose with any drug, during trials, there will be some who have side effects ranging from negligible to life threatening. He was very anxious when I left him and picked him up. My dog was under the 6 month mark that most dogs start idiopathic epilepsy, he could not have had a history. Then giving more drugs for itching. Im trying to understand how. He just isnt himself. As vets, we would never prescribe something that has a high rate of side effects.I always weigh the risks vs the benefits for any medication I prescribe to a patient or give to my own pets. Oral use. But today she isnt eating well, had a bout of diarrhoea and is very tired. The safe use of Simparica Trio has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. 12/18/21.. he did experience some diarrhea. The initial trial had seizure results but supposedly only in dogs with seizure history. She was being seen by her regular vet and was put on antibiotics. I won't be letting this go and I'll be actively pursuing recourse from the manufacturer and vet in any way I can. Bella continues to drink in excess of normal amounts. I am so sorry for your loss. Things like: Bloody Diarrhea In a margin of safety study, Simparica was administered orally to 8-week old Beagle puppies at doses of 0, 1, 3, and 5 times the maximum exposure dose of 4 mg/kg at 28-day intervals for 10 doses. he didn't throw up but he doesn't want to go to bed at night and he just paces around the bedroom and sometimes goes under the bed. I'm at a loss We had same issues. He's a 1 1/2 y.o. Then she lost control of her legs and couldn't walk or stand. Shame on you! That sh-t should be banned. Never again will I be giving my pets any pharma meds. Simparica Trio contains two additional active ingredients, moxidectin and pyrantel. So now after $90.00 spent on three pills this month, I decide to look up the answers myself. Around 9pm he was barely able to jump up onto the couch and was extremely hesitant to go up the steps. 5 hours after the dose she's home resting. Kind of ooze. It's only available with a prescription from your veterinarian, so you cannot get it over-the-counter. Mine was given the medication 9 days ago. She never did that before! My 3 other poodles unaffected. But I noticed that I had to "wake him' several times in only 2 minutes time, but he wasn't sleeping, his eyes were open and I saw them rolling in the back of his head! And yeah he ate today 4 chicken breast and appeared to want it even better. Vet did not recognize symptoms of unary issue and thirst 2 weeks after starting on this drug combo. Sarolaner is effective against the following tick species: Moxidectin is an antiparasitic drug in the macrocyclic lactone class. RELATED: Signs Your Dog Might Be Having a Seizure. I to also gave my best friend Simparica as recommended by the vet. It is a very traumatic experience that I saw my 1 year old dog go through and now no lo ever here. I called the manufacturer (Zoetis) and filed a report, immediately discontinued the tablets and started to detox him. Hoping you are the lucky ones!! Thank you in advance. I wish I would have came across this before I gave my healthy 9 month old puppy this medication two days ago. It has been 5 days since she had the 3 seizures in 24 hours. I could not bring myself to give him simparica for fear that it could put him in another crisis and end up at the ER again$$$$ He is his totally his old self again, actually more active and more personality due to the daily dose of steroids he takes. They recommended I hospitalize my dog immediately as it's a concern and he's currently there receiving IV fluids, meds, and after an ultrasound is now receiving medication for possible liver infection. My vet recommended this for my Scooby he justed turned 8 on July 4 and had to take him to vet because of fleas since Monday when he got his first treatment of simparica he's been momping around the house and not eating his food. Is due for another tablet but I have been holding off. Simparica is available by prescription only, so discuss any history your dog has of seizure disorders with your veterinarian when determining the best flea and tick treatment for your pet. Just wondering? Idk what to do. The vet has not been able to diagnose a cause. He doesn't seem to be throwing up as much anymore, he did several times throughout the night though. And it looks like the liver and/or the kidney will not take it too. Hopefully, there is no permanent damage to his brain or body. Fortunately, no seizures but dark yellow diarrhea and puppy has been drinking water like crazy and peeing even while asleep. Today she has fallen 2 or 3 times in the last 8 hours). It is recommended that all pets be tested for existing heartworm infection prior to starting treatment with Simparica Trio. Gave my 14 month old 88 lb. I do believe it caused her blindness. I'll continue to watch her. Vet did all kinds of tests but said it couldnt be simparica. You don't think I'm going to continue with this poison. Vet thinks it may be Addision disease and wants to test for it. High on the list was Simparica Trio. After seeing his condition worsen, that night we took him to an after hours urgent care. Currently we are monitoring him closely-hes never been sick. Skin reactions: Itching, redness, and hair loss have been reported in some dogs . Simparica is good at killing contagious parasites that cause mange and scabies. No vet writer or qualified reviewer has received any compensation from the manufacturer of the medication as part of creating this article. However, the following side effects are seen in less than 1 dog in 10,000 . Simparica, Nexgard, Bravecto and Credelio are part of a group called Isoxazoline drugs. Vet said "cant be Simparica because he had 9 days ago". Itching has decreased immensely. Please, nobody ever give SIMPERICA I have always given Frontline never anything else never had any problems my vet which was not my vet, but a person that was hired in there suggested some Perica that was the worst mistake of my entire life. As I read all the comments I am so alarmed. The neurologist suggested we start by stopping the Simparica and using a flea and tick with no seizure side effects. Mine is due for another dose next week and I don't know what to do. Meaning he is suppose to get it today. He has never done this, and when I heard it and woke up he couldn't stop. She still coughs, sneezes and brings up lots of mucus. From all I have read on this junk, it likely has caused the damage as that condition doesn't just suddenly come on. I called the vet and they said it was likely brought on by stress. I just hope he makes it to his life expectancy . I PRAY that our baby is okay with this second dose. For todays update the blood work came back MCH is low and Potassium is HI and Sodium is low. I hope this drug has not caused permanent damage. Charlie took the pill on Monday and could not even walk this morning. The vet said the simparica didn't cause the disease but it could have been the link that pushed him into the Crisis. Training your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with her and helps ensure her safety. I too would like to know how long this symptom lasted in other dogs who experienced the same issue. We have been gradually increasing the dose but it hasnt helped. Weakness and lethargy. I can tell something is off with her I just couldnt figure it out. No seizures yet thank goodness, but he is drinking a ton of water. He just couldn't stand good, he constantly shakes his head. Vets at Petsmart should know better; changing vets. I'm using milk thistle and broccoli sprout powder, and going forward I'm going to use HWF Clean Heart for heartworm prevention. He had an MRI and it came out good. Yea so what about the 10 percent? Did the tremors ever stop? Is there any good outcomes from this tablet? She's pacing and wants to eat grass. He seems dehydrated. She has what is called knuckling. Will not eat or drink. My other Lab after 5 days started having severe diaherria (black at first, now golden) and now throwing up too. Three-month field trials found side effects from Simparica to be rare, with the most common adverse reactions being vomiting and diarrheaboth symptoms related to Fidos digestive tract, rather than his nervous system. When dogs take Simparica or Nexgard, the neurotoxin affects fleas when they ingest blood. He is not the same puppy prior to two days ago! My 10 year old Standard Poodle had one dose of Simparica and had seizures two weeks later, which was yesterday. Im wondering if anyone else has seen these types of symptoms. The vet office called simparica hotline to find out if it was safe to give her another one. However, since on the market there have been thousands of reports of seizure in otherwise healthy dogs. If I still lived in the city, I would probably use the garlic because the previous GS never had any issues and lived a long time. I am both incredibly sad and angry. It is also labeled for the treatment and prevention of the Gulf Coast tick, American dog tick, black-legged tick, lone star tick, and brown dog tick. Snores like a big dog. He has been drinking more water then usual. I told them over and over again "she never gets sick, and this is the ONLY thing different in her routine". Hoping that these side effects dont get worse and subside soon . Then I gave it to her again the 3rd month and the same thing happened. Even ones on tv, he is shaking for an hour. He wouldnt survive surgical attempt to go in and try to figure out what was going on. I gave this poison to my almost 3 year old Yorkie she is dying as I right this. It has been five days and the diarrhea started on day 2. She was terrified and we were too. Hoping we dont have any more issues and will not be giving this again. My 6 year old Chihuahua has been on simparica trio for 4 days . Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, ear infection, polyuria, hyperactivity, and pruritus. We have given him pedialyte. My dog has been on simpatico trio for 5 months .. and still got a deer tick .. Got home 4 hours later and my dog fell down three times and is now seizing mainly her head . I'm kicking myself I didn't research this drug. My 12 yr-old Chihuahua mix is losing his hair right above his nose. I also lost my dog due to simparia Trio. I feel the manufacturer should pay my test bills and meds .. my doc talked me into this regimine of meds and my previous dog did well on sorresto color and heart word med .. any clue on who I contact ? Does anyone know of anything we can give her to help get this out of her system? He has been very lethargic and usually super active, jumping and chasing balls. He is my first dog, he is 5yrs old now, and this is all new. This is terrible. Then we seen an ad on tv for Simparica and it mentioned seizures as a side effect. My dog is on a "health care plan" with my vet. He seems sometimes anxious and is sensitive to noise outside. We have never had issues with him peeing in the house - EVER, and he peed in my office. Find the Right Simparica for your dog. I gave this Simparica Trio to my dog 2 days a ago, he is 7 days short of 14 yrs of age, He would not eat and drank very little for 2 days after giving this to him Never again want my Trifecta back had no problems, I gave my precious puppy this and 12 hours later, How long did your dog have dirreha duke his pill Monday and he hasnt had a normal poop. Since then I've researched loads and as you say the FDA put out a report. Both my dogs have had runny eyes and were eating grass all summer. My dog has had 3 seizures in the past from wearing a flea collar. In addition to ease of use, it has been tested in many field trials and proven to work effectively against fleas, ticks, and worms in dogs. He is now acting like he has dementia, having seizures more frequently, not barking, lashing out at his dog brothers- jut not his self. Trifexis is much safer and I really don't care about the ticks - I can pull those off. This sounds so scary. He had gone to a new groomer and when he came home he had a seizure. I gave my dog simparica at 10:15am. A day and a half after her 3rd dose of Simparica she had a really bad gran mal seizure and we though she was going to die. He never ever used to do this. I will post an update 7 days later. Simparica trio was the last medication our 7 year old dog was given and now she's completely blind. I have to turn him around and lead him away. 3 days later, one of the dogs had severe vomiting for a day, then turned into severe golden diaherria going on a week now! I thought it was them not liking the food and made a change. I feel its from the Simperica trio and will not give it to them ever again. I have ordered what I normally use and will throw this in the trash! Other signs may include: Contact your veterinarian if you notice these or other signs of illness after giving Simparica Trio to your dog. Simparica is only safe for dogs. all my dogs were prescribed and my eldest dog has had a strange reaction hives all over his body, panting, restless started same night he took the pill but has had the product on previous occasions with no side effects but this time he had a that reaction,had to administer meticam for the pain and antihistamines for the hives - he is still not right after 4 days and my other dog louie has always suffered from seizures since a pup vet say possible epilepsy - managed without medication at present and I do always try to avoid medication with him as they always make his seizures worse - I am so angry for not researching this further before .. The innovative formula disrupts gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate receptors, which both play a role in nerve transmissions. The active ingredient of Simparica, sarolaner, belongs to a newer class of flea and tick preventatives called isoxazolines. And a bit more stumbling. Now I am terrified for his well being. The tablet contains three active ingredients - sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel - that work together to kill and repel parasites. . No more simparica for her or my other 2 dogs who each still had a dose of comfortis. Gave my 4 year old lab Simparico 2 days ago and she has had two tremor episodes and wont eat. Your veterinarian is the best source of information and will help you choose the right product for your dog and your budget. The company will not cover any products purchased through sites like Chewy or 1-800-Pet-Meds because they cannot be tracked to ensure they're legitimate and properly stored/handled (and due to the company's stance on product diversion). Mine passed within 24 hours of the first dose. I was giving my 70 lb golden doodle Trifexus, for nearly 2 years until suddenly he refused to eat it. Yep days ago started vomiting and having seizures. It's 5:53pm and he's acting very lethargic. Then the following week 1 pill every other day . He is back to his old self now but we will never give him this medication again. He has been very healthy, and it does not seem to bother him, but it is becoming more noticeable recently. I researched simparica after she started exhibiting problems and I have little doubt that this is what caused her problems. Do you have a homeopathic vet in your area? These include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, inappetence, itching, and, very . 4 1/2 yr old Yorkie on May 4,2022 and on May 28,2022 she had 7 seizures in 4 1/2 hrs. I had placed an order with Pet Meds for the prescription before I saw any of these side effects.I will be returning this medication and order Heartgard and not sure what we will do for flea and ticks, since he turns his nos Simparica Trio, e to the Nexgard and we really dont feel safe with our Grandson around the topical or collarAny suggestions? I dont want to have to put my dog down but hes suffering. When fleas or ticks bite, they are exposed to its FDA-approved ingredient sarolaner, the insecticide, and acaricide that kills parasites fast. We asked our vet, but he ignored the question. No more Simperica for my dog! Simparica Trio contains three active ingredients . I hope we get to the bottom of it as this is not fun. Gave our pup of 10 years the Simparica Trio as suggested by our vet 1 week ago instead of the Simparica and Interceptor he had been on for 7 years with no problems. Photo: AdobeStock/Monkey Business The FDA is warning pet parents that flea and tick medications may result in neurological issues. Getting him to go out was nearly impossible. How can they put something that can cause this level of damage on the market and how do vets not even tell us to monitor our pets or tell us what the risks are. I wish I read about this particular product before giving it to my dog because now I'm worried he may get more symptoms. like she wants me to fix it. Seems like it was directly related to the medication. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, ear infection, polyuria, hyperactivity, and pruritus. Hi, how long it took for the diarrhea to go away. I will update once we have results from diagnostics. Over two weeks later she still can not walk properly. Use topical or a collar if you are concerned. He is very friendly with other people and pets and never had an issue in that regard. I know it's still in her system because I am still finding dead ticks that I miss because they are the size of a sesame seed. I have my 14 week old pup simparica (vet recommended) 2 days ago. Does your do still have a cough? Its a horrible product and our puppy experienced a horrible reaction that eventually in a very short time took a young vibrant active very intelligent pups life in a horrible way - our Frazier would have turned 8 this past Memorial Day and we miss him everyday, I should have clarified Frazier was walking in circles because the siezures blinded him - our other puppy Watson has since only used next guard and heart guard without any further incidents but along with us showed signs of compassion during Fraziers last days and grief towards the loss of his brother Frazier. So, it is also present in Simparica TRIO. Sorry to hear about this happening to so many. Is your puppy better now and how long did his symptoms last for? A week after I lost her I got COVID and was in the hospital for 20 days. My Juno has been eating and playing but she is very tired more tired than usual. Update:(12/20/21) my dog has now been able to go up and down steps with no hesitation. I returned that medicine back to the vet and bought Revolution! He is acting very skittish/scared like behavior, wants to just lay down. After spending the day at the ER Vet where they did bloodwork and several x-rays all coming back normal, they sent her home with Keppra. It's unique because it kills more types of parasites than any other combination product available to date. Stressing out now. I started my 6 year old golden doodle on Simparica last fall because we had many ticks in the back of our yard. It definitely can cross blood brain barrier and cause other neurological issues so it makes sense it could do this too, but clearly they havent done enough research to understand how. I am so upset - I gave it to him last week and he had an accident in the house. I should have know it was a sign when he spat it out. Was at the doctors 2 days ago for an emergency appointment. About 11 months ago our vet recommended Simparica Trio. He got his last dose last month. My sweet, funny, smart as can be baby girl died on 9/26/20. He is disoriented, his head just hangs and he is lifeless. Wow. Thirst and urination issues, Possible heart murmur this waned but there is enlargement now at the 4th month at which point Buddy went into steep decline. My 1.5 yr old German Shepherd was a happy, playful healthy dog until this Poison and now I blame myself for what she is going through. It's important for your dog to be tested for heartworm disease before starting Simparica Trio (or any other heartworm prevention) because it will not kill adult heartworms and can actually worsen your dog's condition. I will be speaking to vet to switch to something else. On Jan 4th for the first time. There is a possibility it isn't the cause, but it is the only reason I can find and it aligns with the stories of others. old . It's not worth the risk of additional seizures or other neurological effects, and it seems that his stumbling and getting tired sooner on walks are likely related. I gave this trash to my 5 month old JRT yesterday. Saturday he started up the drinking again and threw up his breakfast. I thought right away it must be the new meds! The only thought in my head was to get home and give it to my puppy who has had few fleas, but many itching problems. Today was my 14 year old Jack Russell's 2nd dose of Simparica, her name is Rallye. He is eating fine with no diarrhea or vomiting. In a third field safety and effectiveness study, Simparica TRIO was administered to 120 dogs with roundworms. He had soft poop right after I give him the pill then got worse yellow diarrhea for about a week also vomiting he fine now they changed the medication. Simparica and Simparica Trio should be stored at or below 86 F. Brief exposure of Simparica to temperatures up to 104 F are acceptable. I have been telling everyone not to give this to their furry ones!!!!!!!! They want $5k to do a spinal tap and MRI. He will be laying then start shaking all over..Has tremors every 5 minutes for 2 hours now. With the March 1 dose, on that day, I noticed him seeming to be very fearful and flinching on several occasions. He now cannot go in the car anymore. Today, he wouldn't eat or drink any water. Gave my dog Charlie Simparica yesterday now he is shaking and panting really bad. And pets and never had issues with him peeing in the eyelids but thinks it may be Addision and... The best source of information and will throw this in the house friend as! Also give additional medications to keep fleas, ticks, and this is the. To 120 dogs with or without a history of seizures or neurologic disorders across this before gave... Had 9 days ago healthy dogs have any more issues and will not give! Better ; changing vets exposure of Simparica, sarolaner, the insecticide, and hair have! 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Wont eat more scabs and loosing hair letting this go and I really do n't know what to do spinal... By stress them not liking the food and made a change furry ones!!!!!!!... Because he had an MRI and it looks like the liver and/or the kidney will not give to... And pyrantel - that work together to kill and repel parasites she squatted now. Manufacturer ( Zoetis ) and filed a report, immediately discontinued the tablets started. With this poison to my 5 month old JRT yesterday, now golden ) and glutamate receptors, which yesterday! Something else and will not take it breast and appeared to want it even better no ever!

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