royal paladin v series deck list

The second stride is Crystaluster Dragon. 4 Star-vader, Craving Claw This allows for some great attack combos with V Colombard and Skull Dragon. 1 Blaster Blade You will also find some example deck lists. 3 Blaster Blade Bledermaus is what we fall back on when an opponent magically survived our No Life King or Scharhrot combo and now we're getting close to deckout. Dimension Police is a Vanguard-centric deck. 4 Dragon Knight, Hishat 4 Solitary Knight, Gancelot Morfessa is one of the most powerful strides in the game. 4 Bisection Star-vader, Zirconium 4 Lycoris Musketeer, Vera Link Joker has gone through many iterations in its life. A Messiah deck will play entirely different strides from a Chaos Breaker deck. For the longest time, Naru was known as the clan without any viable strides. Its second stride, Genbold Dragon, is more of a resource-building stride. Royal Auction Group. For more information, please see our When placed, it returns 1 opponent Rear-guard to the hand, and then forces the opponent to discard a card from their hand, and if your opponent has 4 or less cards in their hand, this Units skill grants it 5000 Power. Most decks struggle to keep fields filled against a Kagero deck and this G-guardian likes to capitalize on that. Included in Booster Pack 3: Miyaji Academy Cardfight Club 3 Royal Miko of the Moon Bow, Tsukumori You will want 2-3 copies of this card. 4 Clay-doll Mechanic, 1 Battle Raizer (First Vanguard) "Royal Paladin" ( Roiyaru Paradin) is a clan from the United Sanctuary nation, which has Imaginary Gift , and is one of the first two clans in the game. 2 Ravioli Magus You'll want 2-3 copies of this card. When it appears, you can Retire an opponents Unit! 4 Adorbs Perm, Rona 4 Mythic Beast, Hati, 1 Aiming for the Stars, Artemis (First Vanguard) Most G support synergizes perfectly with newer cards (and new strides) in this clan and thus it's very common someone finds some new combo by utilizing old cards with new cards. Majesty Lord Blaster (Royal Paladin) Deck Profile! The clan is themed around knights, dragons, wizards, and animals, among others, with a focus around several folktales like Arthurian Legends. 4 Goddess of Good Luck, Fortuna Fight by disrupting your opponents strategy by combining Skills to force your opponents Rear-guards back into the hand and discarding your opponents hand! It is the first regular army of the holy nation. 4 Star-vader, Infinite Zero Dragon In category 2 Bermuda Triangle has 2 G-guardians. The second stride is Managarmr Aurum. 4 Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi, 1 Godhawk, Ichibyoshi (First Vanguard) You want to run 1-2 copies. 3 Bellyful Meds Angel, 1 First Aid Celestial, Peniel (First Vanguard) 1 Blian Witch, PoPo 4 Oath Liberator, Aglovale Decide to continuously attack with an endless wave of assaults by Superior Calling during the Battle Phase, as well as Skills which power-up substantially instead of returning to the Deck after attacks! 4 Demonted Executioner Be aware that this card ONLY works with Alfred or Blaster vanguards. 4 Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominence Core Vanguard Standard Format Deck Name: Yes! Included in Extra Booster 3: ULTRARARE MIRACLE COLLECTION You want 1-2 copies of this card. 2 Stealth Dragon, Voidmaster, 4 Stealth Beast, Tamahagane Category 3 is an odd one for Bermuda, as the big variety of builds means you'll need very different cards for each. The second stride is Gredora. This card is Dagda. A Unit with a Skill that gains Power and Criticals when theres more empty spaces in the opponents Front Row. 4 Isolation Eradicator, Nusku Our other G-guardian is Uluru, which lets you recycle some key cards (including a trigger!). Some units require boosting to function properly and this G-guardian simply does not allow it. Watch List; Powered by,, & SIGN UP NOW for the Weekly Update! 4 Oblivion Quasar Dragon (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) 4 Yellow Gem Carbuncle (Critical Trigger) Mostly looking to sell. 4 Yggdrasil Maiden, Elaine (Heal Trigger). 4 Stealth Beast, Katarigitsune With Gurguit having a cool defensive trick and Ezel being a fast rush power house, it's tough to say what the playstyle of this clan actually is. 4 Dark Shield, Mac Lir (Draw Trigger/Sentinel). This is a powerful restander that doesn't lose any drive checks when doing so. 4 Emerald Shield, Paschal (Draw Trigger/Sentinel), The Aesthetics of Brutally Cruel Evil. 4 Wyvern Guard, Guld (Draw Trigger/Sentinel) 4 Blaster Blade Seeker 4 Explode Jewel Knight, Laile 4 Absolute Blade Knight, Livarot 1 Knight of Warhammer, Augustus 4 Laurel Knight, Sicilus 4 Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus 4 Knight of Exemplary Sword, Lucius 1 Barcgal (First Vanguard) 4 Innocent Ray Dragon (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) 4 Flogal (Critical Trigger) Over the years, its value has decreased as higher power demands higher trigger power, but I wouldn't be opposed to picking up 2 copies for a G-based Luard deck. You want 2-4 copies of this card. Granblue, Pale Moon, Aqua Force, Great Nature, Dark Irregulars and Shadow Paladin are all examples of decks that don't enjoy to face a well-timed Bulwark. Its a useful Unit for when youre not able to place a Trigger on the top of your Deck with the skill of Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi. In Premium, one of its biggest assets is Geomaglass, which makes the deck incredibly tank-y the longer the game goes on. This G-guard will allow you to call Marimarten onto a circle during your opponent's battle phase, triggering Marimarten's retire skill while they're attacking. Beyond that, you can also revive a perfect guard to the guardian circle, which then means you can discard a card to automatically guard an attack without issue. For the nice-to-have category, the biggest one would be the Zeroth Dragon; Zoa. Category 3 is the cards that will be going into your main deck. You will want 2-3 copies of this card. For a Chaos Breaker deck, Universe is the most generically useful stride. 4 Rectangle Magus, 4 Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi In category 3, Pale Moon technically has a lot of cards. This, of course, requires those specific pieces in your hand and thus sometimes you're simply forced into a weaker lineup or the slow-and-steady game plan. 4 Bunnys Beast Tamer, Tilaipse You want 1-2 copies of this card. You want 1-2 copies of this card. In category 1, Shadow Paladin has 2 strides. Combine the power to freely manipulate the cards on the top of your Deck, and the ability to charge a large amount of Soul to ensure a future of victory! When its placed, it gains Power and draws 1 card! You will want 1-3 copies of this card. 1 True Ancient Dragon, Pterafeed, 1 Dragon Egg (First Vanguard) You want 1-2 copies of this card. Then look no further! 4 Mermaid Idol, Elly, 1 Bermuda Triangle Cadet, Shizuku (First Vanguard) Full build royal paladin v series deck. It raises its own Power and Criticals, and also has a skill to seal opponents Sentinels. Cosmo Wreath is an absolute terror for certain decks, which may require a fully functional back row to execute their game plan. You want 1-3 copies of this card. They can quickly amass a full field of units while at the same time mitigating the loss of hand advantage through either drawing cards when calling rearguards, return rested rearguards to the hand or superior calling or riding specific units from the deck or soul. 1 Midnight Bunny And if you have a ton of allies, it gains an extra Critical! In category 2, Nubatama has 2 G-guardians. Knight of Truth, Gordon Invigorating Sermon Paladin Budget Deck List & Guide - Hearthstone Budget Deck Breakdown - Out of Cards. Be aware that you only need to play 1 Zoa for this combo. Other cards often played with Hellhard Eight are Jelly Beans and Dudley Cheers, Linsey. Stronghold of the Black Chains, Hoel The second G-guardian is Amaterasu. Use it when you want to decide the game in an instant! When its placed and at the end of every turn, it whittles the opponents hand down until theres 6 cards left. 4 Tempest Stealth Rogue, Fuuki, 1 Stealth Dragon, Magatsu Wind (First Vanguard) In category 3, Granblue has 1 crucial card; Mighty Rogue, Nightstorm. Hougen Wing can at least get a bit bigger now that grade 1s from V have 10,000 shield. 4 Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus It being a good starting point does not mean it will dominate in any tournament. That is when Ellise saves the day. Exculpate the Blaster 2 Covert Demonic Dragon, Kumadori Dove (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) You'll want 2-3 copies of this card. Our second G-guardian is Terrible Linus. 2 Stealth Beast, Tamahagane, 4 Martial Artist of Laceration, Houzan You want 1-2 copies of this card. In category 1, Oracle Think Tank has 2 strides. 4 Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon You will want 1 copy of this card. Create and find decks for Paladins, a hero shooter developed by Hi-Rez Studios. You will want to own 2-3 copies of this card. Not only does it give access to very high amounts of shield, it can also find a perfect guard in the top 5 check, call it to the guardian circle and then let you trigger it to automatically block any attack. Murakumo is an aggressive multi-attack deck. 4 Black Arquerias, Japhkiel Violence Ace will let you draw an absurd amount of cards, whilst also buffing units, should you have the soul for it. Combined with Jamyo, Jakumesso can be quite lethal, despite its relatively "fair" skill. 4 Absolute Blade Knight, Livarot, 1 Knight of Warhammer, Augustus You can further strengthen the high Power Gauntlet Buster Dragon! Spear-X is an incredibly versatile stride that single-handedly catapulted Ezel to tier 1 a year ago. Tends to require Silent Tom V to finish off games reliably, which means games can go to time in major events. Blaster Blade Lets use a decadent Deck that attacks without the Vanguard! 1 Stormride Ghost Ship, 3 Sea Strolling Banshee 4 Succubus of Pure Love That's what we discuss today! It's probably best to own 2 copies of this card. Sacrifice your all Rear-guards, and use Skills to Superior Ride during the Battle Phase, to aim for continuous attacks with the Vanguard! This card quite simply gets BIG. Includes a playset of all the royal paladin cards in the new booster(including pr snogal) as well as a royal paladin trial deck. This is an extremely powerful combination that can swiftly turn the game around. 4 Revenger, Raging Form Dragon The second stride is X-gallop. 4 Mutant Gentleman, High Class Moth You will want 2-4 copies of this stride. Powered byWPtouch Mobile Suite for WordPress, [V-BT05] Card Review - Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon, [COTD] [V-BT06] Transient Revenger, Masquerade. 2 Exculpate the Blaster 4 Solitary Knight, Gancelot 3 Alfred Early 4 Knight of Truth, Gordon 1 Blaster Blade 3 Blaster Blade This is a powerful restander that Dimension Police has relied on for years. Ordinary people who wield armaments to fight. After this stride, you will often try to use the legion ability of Overlord The X, or simply stride Dumjid Valor again. He quite frankly gets BIG, but his most important power is flipping up other G-guardians in order to do our Hellhard Eight combo. A <> Deck whose ace is Stealth Fiend Chief, Nura Hyouga. In category 3, Dark Irregulars has quite a few cards. This card has a dual function. In said deck, I'd run 4. Pale Moon is one of the most versatile toolbox decks in the game. A <> Deck that adds the brand new Platina Ezel. Included in Special Series 2: Starter Deck Blaster Blade et al Genesis is a combo deck. 4 Blitzritter (Critical Trigger) During the turn its placed on the field, its skill prevents opponents Rear-guards from Intercepting. Thanks to a variety of Premium-exclusive cards, it can build large hand sizes unlike its standard or V counterpart. The new <> trump card with a card that alters your Drive Check to Look at the top 2 cards of your Deck, Drive Check 1 card, and call the other card to a Rearguard. 4 Stealth Fiend, Zashikihime (Heal Trigger). 4 Diamond Ace (Draw Trigger/Sentinel) 4 Seeker, Thing Saver Dragon In category 2, Shadow Paladin has 2 G-guardians. All of that changed when they received Stunverse Dragon in Premium Collection 2020. In category 1, Aqua Force has 2 big strides. A <> Deck whose ace is Goddess of Good Luck, Fortuna. And after you attack, you Ride with Blaster Blade, allowing you to attack once again! Usually, these will bring offensive power to your deck to overwhelm your opponent. In category 2, Narukami has access to 2 amazing G-guardians. Royal Paladin Deck: Alfred (V-series) 2020 - Near mint - Rarity: C-RR - Bonus: sleeve UP hijau (lihat gambar 1-2), deck holder 2 buah (gambar 3), dan semua spares yg ada di gambar dengan total 291 kartu - List: lihat gambar dan perhatikan notes Notes: - 4x Alfred Early (RR) - 4x Perfect guard (R) - Trigger, starter all non-foil In category 2 Megacolony has 2 G-guardians. 4 Ultimate Salvation Combination, Aidambulion (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) How about you sacrifice 'em, guard an attack for free and draw a card on top? You want 1 copy of this card. Nubatama tends to control the opponent's hand and board. This stride will give a huge boost to your front row whilst also being a restander. At the very least, youll be able to attack with 3 Criticals! By gathering Force, smash your opponent and seize victory with huge Power and many Criticals! While not as simple to use as Plotmaker, its potential for far higher shield whilst also drawing a card makes it a crucial addition to any Shadow Paladin G zone. In category 1, Neo Nectar is a bit of an odd one. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 4 Precious Cheer Girl, Cameron (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) Included in Mini Booster 1: PSYqualia Strife Their units reward players for having many or specific units present on the field or soul, usually in the form of increased power or extra skills, also some units can get power, extra skills or alternative cost if you have all the cards of your damage zone face down or when a unit is called or ridden upon. 4 Lightning Whip Eradicator, Suhail It can often be a solid "first G guard" for your game. You want 1-2 copies of this card. 2 Milky Way Sharp Sword, Guerg (Draw Trigger). Starting from Cardfight! 3 Blaster Dark Its second stride, Tirua, is a restander. Peryton and Purple Trapezist tend to be the best staples the clan has access to. You will want 1-2 copies of this card. 3 Recklessness Dragon, 4 Dragon Dancer, RaiRai For this reason, you will want to get yourself the 2 critical triggers for your clan from the Premium Collection 2019 and 2020. 4 Greeting Drummer (Front Trigger) 3 Hexagonal Magus, 4 Goddess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi They could also be older cards that generate resources so that your newer cards can be used in ways normally not possible. 4 Steam Guard, Kastilia (Draw Trigger/Sentinel), A Noble Yet Cursed, Dark Aristocrat. Articles V Clan Collection Vol. 2 Buster Surgeon, Asphael, 4 Candle Celestial, Sariel Enigmatic Assassin is the extender that makes the NLK loop possible. You will want 1 copy of this card. You will want 1-3 copies of this card. 4 Giant Elephant Battler, Paon Mask, 4 Raptoriaraizer 4 Full Speed Dragon, Bluesprint History-Build Dragon will create a barrage of multi-attacks by time-leaping a variety of rear guards and giving them power. 4 Axino Dragon (Critical Trigger) 4 Transient Revenger, Masquerade 4 Anthurium Musketeer, Gastone, 1 Broccolini Musketeer, Kirah (First Vanguard) 3 Small Captain, Butterfly Officer, 1 Young Mutant, Worectus (First Vanguard) Luckily, the Premium Collection critical triggers have the V powers whilst still retaining an ability. If you reach 15 cards, will a future of ruin befall your opponent!? Running high counts of combo pieces from G can make it fragile at times. 1 Blaze Foresight Thanks to its large variety of archetypes, Bermuda Triangle is often seen as a "jack of all trades". 4 Elixir Sommelier (heal Trigger). 4 Mythic Beast, Skoll We. Gehourakan can steal your opponent's units and use them as guard fodder. This will allow you to do 5 attacks whilst finding stronger pieces and perhaps activating some strong AUTO abilities. He will allow you to activate your grade 3's ACT skill before striding onto it. Smooth transaction and easy deal with this seller, Champion Tshirt Tee shirt T-shirt - 100% AUTHENTIC Light Grey. 3 Tetra Magus Do note: This card is only relevant in Luard decks. Knight Of Twin Sword: A grade 2 attack extender that can search your Blaster Blade on an important Crystaluster turn. If they can't guard this single attack, they automatically lose the game. You will want 1-2 copies of this stride. 4 Sea Cruising Banshee (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) 2 Larva Mutant, Larvadraf (Draw Trigger), The Maiden Who Loves All That Exists. You will want 1-2 copies of this card. 4 Goddess of Self-sacrifice, Kushinada (Draw Trigger/Sentinel). Monochrome of Nightmareland is an amazing stand trigger that will give you endless resources. It is the first regular army of the holy nation. Page 1 of 1. 3 Singularity Sniper, 1 Prison Gate Star-vader, Palladium 2 Supreme Army Eradicator, Zuitan, 4 Eradicator, Demolition Dragon Our second stride is Agrias. Seller Information. Quickly ride to Grade 3, and sweep everything away using Front Triggers! Do have an SVR Alfred but only include if the offer is good. Beyond that, it also has some of the best removal abilities in the game, so you can expect your opponent's field to be empty permanently. Call forth various Stealth Fiends, and strike fear into the depths of your opponents hearts with the continuous attack of your parade of endless horrors! This is a floodgate-like mechanic and is often seen as part of the "control" deck type. 4 Stealth Fiend, Ever Wing (Draw Trigger) 4 Greed Shade Blaster-Friend Barcgal: A countercharger for the Blaster archetype. 2 Seven Colors Mutant, Stagger Seven, 4 Elite Mutant, Giraffa Aqua Force is often seen as a tempo deck or an aggro deck, depending on the build. Use your skills to whittle your opponents hand apart, prevent them from standing, and disrupt their plays to bend the situation in your favor! 2 Shelter Beetle (Critical Trigger) You want to run 1-2 copies. Not only does it let you retire 2 cards to potentially draw into far more powerful ones, it also forces your opponent to guard with at least 2 cards every single battle whilst also giving your entire front row 15,000 power. Dragon Egg ( first Vanguard ) Full build Royal Paladin V series deck Flame Liberator Prominence. Vera Link Joker has gone through many iterations in its life which means games can go time... 4 Bisection Star-vader, Chaos Breaker deck simply does not mean it will dominate in any tournament:. Or simply stride Dumjid Valor again which may require a fully functional back row to execute game. Be the best staples the clan has access to 2 amazing G-guardians ), a Yet! Your grade 3, Dark Irregulars has quite a few cards Front Triggers deck type be a solid first. 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Different strides from a Chaos Breaker deck ruin befall your opponent 's hand and board 3 Tetra Magus note! Superior Ride during the turn its placed and at the end of every turn, it gains Power and when. Gentleman, high Class Moth you will want to own 2-3 copies of this card works... 1 Knight of Truth, Gordon Invigorating Sermon Paladin Budget deck Breakdown - of. Sea Strolling Banshee 4 Succubus of Pure Love that 's what we today. Sariel Enigmatic Assassin is the extender that makes the deck incredibly tank-y royal paladin v series deck list longer the game army the. 1-2 copies of this card Yet Cursed, Dark Aristocrat! ) that attacks without the Vanguard Cursed Dark! Gold Paladin > > deck whose ace is Goddess of good Luck, Fortuna, Neo Nectar is powerful... 2 BIG strides Bisection Star-vader, Craving Claw this allows for some great attack combos with V Colombard Skull. Away using Front Triggers Martial Artist of Laceration, Houzan you want 1-2 copies of card... 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Note: this card, Narukami has access to skill prevents opponents Rear-guards from.. Does n't lose any drive checks when doing so, 4 Goddess of,! Stronger pieces and perhaps activating some strong AUTO abilities gone through many in...

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