pso2 luster skill tree guide

Are skill trees determined based on these styles or can you effectively use all of them? To activate it, you have to do a second Photon Art after a first Photon Art at the earliest time you can activate a just attack. In Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) every in-game Class has a certain Class Trainer they can talk to and start a series of Quests specifically designed to teach you the ways of your chosen occupation. It also has a definite advantage in mobility - A lot of gear gain comes from moving with it, not just attacking. Based on the games story and lore, Luster is actually a Class that was created from the actual player himself, for the needs of the events taking place in Episode 6. Force/Fighter: Skill Sim It was good, it is not anymore. This includes, it's basics, mechanics, it's skill tree, and all of it's attacks.. For example, if you have a weapon that hits 5-10 damage, a critical hit will always be a 10. Using a charged ice Tech on an enemy with blot will trigger the blot, consuming it to deal extra damage. [Advanced Trick: If a boss got into elemental down in the sky and you are nearby, you can land TWO Jet Intensity on the weak point, then a Jetsweep Jolt on its leg.]. This window is the most generous in all classes, making Force the simplest class to play as an average player. Remember that percentage multipliers are always better than straight additions, so a 5% increase to something will almost always be better than doing +5 to it. Maddog Raijin 2.05K subscribers Subscribe 5.3K views 1 year ago Twitter: MaddogRaijin Remember to put #MaddogMaker when making a level for me,. On multi-target, you can just spam Zonde until everything dies, or cast Zonde until you have Zonde Clad, then jump in to cast cGizonde. Once you build it to certain levels (different for each weapon), you can do some pretty interesting stuff. Luster Skill Tree! This can actually be used to dodge. If there is a down time when the boss is not targetable, use it to charge up your weapon action shot. Luster could best be described as an elemental ninja-like fighter, with 3 different stances. Also for non-Luster mains, what classes does Luster work best as a subclass for? Summoner (Warning: I dont care about Summoner). Skill Tree. Techter/Force: Skill Sim Techter, but use Rod. The type of shot fired differs on the style you use. For mags, there is a skill that will . If you use Zonde Clad on cZonde, the last hit will chain like uncharged Zonde. | Phantasy Star Online 2 - YouTube 0:00 / 3:25 Soul Receptor! Focus on percent related increases and only dump extra points into these. This also regenerates PP. 80K views 2 years ago PSO2 Class Basics Everything you need to know about, before jumping into Phantasy Star Online 2's 4rth, and Final Scion Class, Luster. This part talks about Rod, Talis, and Techniques. Luster Counter: Successfully dodging through an attack with a Step Dodge (if you did it right, you will hear a ding sound) lets you do a counterattack by doing a normal attack afterwards. Zandis Quick Shoot does an area of effect burst at a target area. For bosses, you generally want to prioritize using Focused Wand PAs unless the boss moves around a lot and you can't follow them without expending a lot of PP that you don't have. You do not need to have this skill, but it is convenient. Make sure to implement it to your rotation and after a while you will be using it mechanically, like the Fighters or Etoiles Weapon Action. A key part to playing Luster is gear/focus management, like I mentioned, you'll have to expend gear/focus to do your Enhanced Arts. Move Arts and Stay Arts: Activating a Photon Art with a directional input will do a Move Arts. Luster Time: Gives a burst of gear if used next to an enemy and increases your PP recovery for 30 seconds. It has 60 seconds Cooldown. This is similar to the Double Saber-Etoile's "Skip Arts" that skip parts of the photon art attack by standing still. Laugh at other Forces when they die when a Giga sneezed in their way. Technique Charge Well Up: Must have. In this mode, your Techs will be altered into a horizontal disc shape, damaging enemies nearby in a huge area. Critical hits only let you hit the maximum range. Remember that percentage multipliers are always better than straight additions, so a 5% increase to something will almost always be better than doing +5 to it. Well What is this class? Enhance Attack: Holding the normal attack button consumes gear and creates a follow up attack. Gunner/HunterDPS build for PSO2. Which Tech you use does not matter, only the element matters. Bye! -Build created. I saw people say Force is the easiest class to play but I cannot agree on that, there is still Techter next door lol. You are not going to use this Tech even in AOE with enemies weak to ice unless you like to stay in the melee range. If you intend to play Old-style Gunblade, AFFIX FOR MELEE DAMAGE on your Gunblades, not RNG atk since Old-style Gunblade uses MEL atk for more of its moves than RNG atk. There are probably only one or two free reset passes handed out every few months. Talis's altered Tech has nothing to do with this. Rings Left Rings Activate pp conversion first, then activate photon flare roughly 10s later. Not too useful, not too useless. Even the newest Scion Classes do have their respective Trainers, some of them are a little odd at first sight, but they still remain your trusted instructors. I almost never use baran tbh,only doing the dailies in normal dif so i can turn off my brain and mash normal attacks. Also makes the player invulnerable for that short time frame, hence making it a solid defensive option during this agile playstyle. Odealo is a secure tradingplatform for MMO gamers. If you are fighting a boss with an attack like the three fireballs spit from the dragon, you can WA guard the first one, cast an uncharged Tech and be invulnerable during the second one, and guard the third one. In NGS, the Rod is a simple and safe weapon. You can also consume the focus gauge (when you have enough) to do an Enhanced Attack by holding down the normal attack button. Zandis style focuses on constantly doing Move Arts and counterattacking. Focus gauges are important! You can jump-cancel your attacks but unlike the Hero the Luster has a dedicated jump-slash. Luster Counter Dodging with Sidestep or a Weapon Action, unleashes a Sidestep Swipe. Helping others is always good, right? Evasion Shot is Lusters Weapon Action, while holding a Gunblade, allowing the character to fire off a ranged attack while moving. If you hold it down long enough (and have enough focus gauge when you start holding it), your shield will change and, upon release, will perform a close range powerful attack, the Protect Release. The Voltage mechanic is their biggest strength and their biggest weakness. Its playstyle is to stay far far away and keep shooting. Activating this again performs Luster Finish as a finisher attack. It increases your Tech damage and has the same cooldown as PP Conversion. The last card takes longer to throw but deals more damage. Flat stats are less valuable than percentages. You have better things to put points in first. Fomels Enhance Attack loads three spears. The follow up varies by style. You can see that (at least as a sub) Phantom has a lot of skill points left to play around with, even after getting the essentials and the PP boosting skill. Continuing the hold the jump button during this will auto-cast Zanverse/Megiverse depending on your health. All normal attacks and Photon Arts will have guard frames during their start up. You are also immune to damage during the Leap, so this doubles as a defensive measure. You can jump/attack/WA/get hit after the first part to deploy a "front mode". \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"Melee\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" class, \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"mini\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" guide. TRICKS that you may or may not know. Luster can be used both as a class and sub-class, unlike Hero. You shoot a piercing ice lance to your target. Use Geant Units and Giga Weapons if you are super try-hard. This is your "boss that loves to stand still" combo. To activate it, successfully just guard an attack using the guard frames from the start up of a normal attack or Photon Art. Dodging, then hitting the weapon action button twice (Dodge -> WA -> WA) will do a Connect Attack and use half the gauge. Bouncer's skill tree is by far one of the most convoluted creations SEGA has ever wrought on its player base, but fear not, you too can pump your kicks and soar with your dual blades like a pro! Luster Mag: Just like Hero and Etoile, this mag skill adds up and equalizes all attack stats. Lets you naturally recover PP when you charge Techs. Fighter/Luster: The Fighter was always one of the more popular Gunslash classes so this gives Fighters a fourth viable weapon to use on their glass cannon gameplay. A typical Phantom skill tree can be found by checking the PSO2NA Class Builds Compilation. The dodge button still functions as a normal dodge. There are invincibility frames during the finisher. Holding down the weapon action performs a series of thrusts. Instead of counterattacking, if you have enough gear you can shrug off attacks by timing your Photon Arts with the attacks. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Step Slide: Tapping the dodge button twice lets you dodge twice and sends out an attack. Soul Receptor! Fomel style excels in this and focuses on using these for damage. enjoy the game. Weapon Action: Dashes slightly and shoots a burst of shots. Wielding a Gunblade, automatically implies that Luster has both close and long range Arts, making him suitable for any occasion. 14 extra Skill Points for your Luster Class are waiting for you. After that, three uncharged ice Tech will inflict the second stack. It matters because Step Dodge (your normal dodge) and Step Guard actually count as different things (important for Zandi and Baran style specific abilities). Nova Strike charges faster, gains more damage, and hits a lot more times if the focus gauge is full. Archived post. Must-have, this adds so much safety into Force. During down times, use your Enhance Attack to load up your spears so you can readily apply Jellen when needed. Upon reaching 500 Voltage you enter what is called "High Voltage" mode where the Luster receives their maximum multipliers (highest critical chance, highest damage, damage reduction, and more). If you choose to not use Rod or Talis, re-allocate skill points that you do not need into the dump skill. You should always use this Tech in OST view if you want to do good AOE fire damage. Gives you access to the Leaping Dodge Skill that allows you to gain verticality, which makes locking on weak spots and selecting priority targets much easier. Rod is one of the classic weapons for casters in gaming history. Then you can guard with Rod to rain elemental bullets on them. URLs to multiple skill trees can be found at the End of the Road portion of the guide. This includes, it's basics,. We will appreciate your feedback so that we can improve our content to be more suitable for beginners but also the more advanced players. Normally, a sword photon art like Nova Strike takes a long time to charge and only hits a few times. As long as you have Gear, you can chain Enhance Arts together by pressing the photon art button during an Enhance Art and before the red ring. Bossing: My two favorite rotations are repeating Flechette (Stay Arts, Enhance Stay Arts) -> Brand Extension (Stay Arts) or repeating Flechette (Stay Arts, Enhance Stay Arts) -> Brand Extension (Stay Arts) -> Hollow Point (Stay Arts). Luster can extend their PAs by holding down the PA button at the cost of one bar of gear/focus. Use S1: Augment Intent 2/S2: Skilled Intent 2/S3: Vital Intent 2 (or Skilled Intent 2) instead. ). That being said, Hunter does give access to QoL stuff like Massive Hunter, Automate Half, Iron Will, etc. Remember that percentage multipliers are always better than straight additions, so a 5% increase to something will almost always be better than doing +5 to it. A Quite steep learning curve, especially when compared to some Melee Classes (Force is one of the most complex classes in PSO2), Rather squishywith below-average defenses. The stationary version does a ranged slash attack on whatever you are targeting. Basic Attack: You perform 3 magic bullet attacks, one by one. cGifoie: Summon a fire tornado at target (or target location in OST view). Because Usually you always pair Photon Flare and PP Conversion, you should have max PP after your PF ends. When you fill up half or the complete focus gauge, you can use the Connect attacks. General use Force: Skill Sim With this, you can use both Rod and Talis with any subclass you want to train. It also counts as one Barta Blot or Zonde Clad stack. Welcome the new Scion Class: Luster and much more! Stay Arts will do more damage in most situations than Move Arts, which fits perfect with Barans voltage boost of Stay Arts. Baran is just very well-rounded. Luster Time will activate the bits automatically. Sammie Pso's Translation of the Luster Explanation Video will give you an overview of what the Luster does which may seem like " a lot" to remember but it feels more intuitive than it looks. Are there any particular S-skills we should look out for that are best used with Luster? Feel free to weave in Enhanced Attacks when you can. Defeating enemies fills this gauge faster. This is an easy-to-use AOE tool, while being your only option to deal single-target lightning damage. Luster is the fourth and final scion class released for PSO2. The Luster has several different methods and variations of their attacks and their photon arts that can be summarized in this basic list: The Luster has a dedicated "slash" button (normal attack) and a dedicated "shoot" button (Weapon Action). Bossing: Same as Fomel except focus more on doing Move Arts rather than Stay Arts. Step Guard is also a guard type move that does not count as invincibility frames. Currently, 1 point into this skill is more than enough. Fomels bit attack creates a photon cluster ring around you that does constant damage and can be used to recover PP. Each PA behaves differently depending on if you hold a directional input (results in a Move Art) or stay stationary (results in a Stay Art) while activating it. Any style specific info I will talk about in the next section. Im going to assume that you have them. On single-target, you either cast Zonde 10 times, or you get close to putting Gizonde down then cast Zonde, then 1 cZonde to trigger Zonde Clad. Your dump skill. Everything you need to know about before jumping into Phantasy Star Online 2's third Scion Class, the Etoile. This was actually mentioned by someone in one of my posts long ago. To be more precise, 14 extra Skill points can be acquired from those Quests, so they are literally essential if you want to maximize your Skill Tree. Gifoie: Form a fire spin around you. Let you charge Techs in the sky without falling. And dont feel too stressed about forcing yourself to use Enhanced Arts. I don't recommend Petalgleam/RPF combo, the buff will reset even if swapping between weapons that have the SSA. Some people estimate 1% MEL Power is the same as about 40-50 MEL Power, which costs a lot more points. Vertical Flow -> Light Wave -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Light Wave x2 -> Normal Attack -> Repeat, Black Hole Rapture (if they'll be inside it for 4+ seconds)/Prism Circular -> Luminous Flare -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Luminous Flare x2 -> Normal Attack -> Repeat, Prism Circular -> Luminous Flare -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Luminous Flare x2 -> Normal Attack -> Repeat. You can hold down the Weapon Action button to maintain your shield longer, at the expense of the focus gauge. This can sound very appealing but in practice will still make some classes shine better than others with the use of a Gunslash. If used from a full gear gauge, a more powerful thrust finisher will activate. Our recommended setup was made for a level 75 Characters (the current cap on the English/North American server) with the Forcemain class and Techtersub-class. It allows regular players to buy, sell, and trade PSO2 Mesetaand Items with the use of real cash. Like Phantom, it cannot take a subclass but it can be used as a subclass. This Ring gives you access to the Short Mirage skill when equipped. The moment you do get used to this Class, you are in for a big treat as every single action you take is so satisfying to watch, with some great damage numbers to follow. It requires you to have two classes at 75+, and unlocks the ability to become an Etoile on any character. It's mandatory to pick all adjacent Skills including Critical Fury, Perfect Fury Bonus, Fury Stance Up, etc. Make your restasigne an AOE heal around you. The damage is actually high so its a nice damage option in certain situations. Choose all other skills you want, and dump unused points here. When starting a fight, use Enhance Arts as much as you can to bring your voltage up a decent amount. Probably the most controversial question out there.. meaning I absolutely have to voice my opinion about it (please be gentle). Our Force/Techter build plays like a standard "mage-type" ranged magic damage dealer mixed up with a ranged support character. Each PA has a slight variation depending on the current style set by your gunslash's element attribute. This is also a good AOE tool if you want to stay in the melee range. Superstar Etoile (French for "Star") is the third scion class released for PSO2. For the Forces' side of things, we have chosen Skills that are focused around maximizing Technique damage output and make Rods more powerful. The Voltage accumulation rate can be increased with other passive Class Skills. Zonde and cZonde always hit where you aim, and cFoie is a hit scan that also prioritizes your target locked. Maintain PP Gain: If you use your last bit of PP but you keep casting Techs, you will recover 15 PP. If you hold a directional key when you activate this, you will dash to your target instead. The newest successor class [Luster] will be releasing on September 16th. Keep in mind that this attack pierces, and regenerate PP depending on how many enemies you hit. Registration on Odealo is free and takes only about 30 seconds. You should also jump high in the air to aim. Here are some tips for choosing what to put your points into. It uses Double Sabers, Soaring Blades (which are also two sabers but not double sabers shut up), and Wands as it's main weapons. Force/Bouncer: Skill Sim The new king. This will automatically select a photon art (and its variant) for you to use depending on the context which effectively picks a photon art you have not used yet. Have a good day in Central City with your beloved CENTRAL girls! Though obviously you can't use Step Guard against unblockable attacks and sometimes WA counter is preferable to maintain positioning. If you are fast enough (Gunner's S-Roll Arts style-inputs, really), you can press the photon art button again or another photon art button before the Just Attack (red ring) shows up to link Enhance Arts together. Our recommended setup was made for a level 75 Characters (the current cap on the English/North American server) with the Force main class and Techter sub-class. Photon Flare Short Charge: Make Techs weaker when Photon Flare, but charge much faster, netting a damage increase. Just make sure you equip them to your subpalette and turn them on if they are not on by default. (This is called Enhanced Arts in JP.) I will probably make another guide when Lv.35 hits, but after that, I am going to play Summoner if Summoner is not completely a shit show. For our Force Build, we have chosen skills that maximize the Technique damage and support usage of Rods (which means that Rod is the recommended weapon type for this build). Twitch: Intentions's In-Depth Written Etoile Guide: NA Skill Build Compilation:'s PSO2 Global/JP Disctionary: NA/Global Visiphone Wiki: JP Visiphone Wiki: SWiki: my discord community: - Intro/basics/unlocking1:45 - Skill Tree8:55 - Wand Mechanics \u0026 Photon Arts14:00 - Soaring Blades Mechanics \u0026 Photon Arts17:35 - Double Saber Mechanics \u0026 Photon Arts22:05 - Ring Suggestions23:50 - Outro/Credits----------------------------------------------PSO2 North America:\"PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2\" official website: SEGAPSO2 Japan: PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 : SEGA_________________________________________________________________Music: Bensound.comYT Music#PSO2 #PhantasyStarOnline2 #PSO2Global The timing is slightly delayed, so you have to use it slightly after the Step Guard not immediately after. Jet boots fixed Force's problem of low down damage. I call skills that make life a little easier utility skills. The Bouncer/Phantom combo is considered one of the best combinations for the Jet Boots - but the Dual Blades/Soaring Blades shines significantly more with the Bouncer/Luster combo due to the fact that the Luster's voltage contributes to shorter (if not non-existent) cooldowns. If you really would like to, 7 Gibarta into 1 cGibarta. Everything you need to know about, before jumping into Phantasy Star Online 2's 4rth, and Final Scion Class, Luster. Well then, the answer to that is rather simple, and practical too. Wand also does the highest DPS by far due to Focused Luminous Flare spam. By default, there are 3 primary directions S-roll can be performed; left, right, and backwards. The skill tree is heavily simplified compared to most other classes to the extent that you will be able to get most of the core skills if you choose to ignore the Flash Guard and the flat stat increases. There is a better Tech to use on single-target compares to this one. It's an energetic high speed class that freely utilizes both gun and blade of the iconic Gunslash. This can actually be used to dodge. A bunch of them don't even cost points, only levels. If you prefer to play safe like me, jump above and use other better AOE Techs. The alternate way of activating it is by using your weapon action right after successfully dodging through an attack with a Step Dodge. Completely overthrown by Force/Bouncer. The elemental bullets can store for a very long time. Talis's altered Tech has nothing to do with this. Zonde Clad: When you deal lightning damage with uncharged lightning Techs 10 times, you gain Zonde Clad. There are six classes in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, all with their own unique playstyles. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Important note: This build idea adopts a lot from the JP version of the game and might be slightly reworked as we get to do more thorough testing for the PC version. Look for the ones that go nicely together. Using a normal attack during this time activates Quick Slash. This PA has two parts. Use this Tech in OST view ) uncharged ice Tech on an enemy and your., all with their own unique playstyles: same as fomel except focus more on doing Move and. Also makes the player invulnerable for that Short time frame, hence making a. Loves to stand still '' combo consuming it to certain levels ( different for weapon... Hits a few times Luster Mag: just like Hero and Etoile, this adds much..., the last card takes longer to throw but deals more damage, and unlocks the to! Summoner ( Warning: I dont care about summoner ) part in conversations are six classes in Phantasy Star 2! Starting a fight, use it to certain levels ( different for each )! 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