I always wanted to go to college because my mom really encouraged that. Jim Fergason and Glenn Brown together could have helped in that issue. I wonder if you could say a little bit about the nature of the problem, that he didnt have a PhD. Industry is the opposite in the sense that they don't want other people to know the product they are developing. But primarily USC and Kent State carried the ball in this program.. We met a lot and really worked closely together. But that allowed us to keep going and keep our programs funded. As I recall, there was somebody from Xerox. Kent State university and its ALCOM center has probably graduated more students in the display industry than any other university in the US. [Laugh] [Polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLCs) became known in industry as well, worldwide.] My only problem with Jim is, I thought it would've been nice if he could've been more interactive with the academic part of it. After they were discovered in 1888 or so, in the 1930s, there was some very good work done in Germany by several people. [Laugh] [You can also find yourself in expensive court battles trying to defend it. To me, that has made this a delight because you knew so much. It was a beautiful country. The company's success is, in a large part, due to him and it is fitting that he be CEO today.CRAWFORD: Around what time did you step back from full-time work at the company?DOANE: It happened gradually over the years. CRAWFORD: I'm wondering about the relationship between Kent Displays and the Liquid Crystal [Institute]. But they couldn't do this with Jim Fergason's patent. I liked working with my hands, and I liked building things. You mentioned using LCI facilities, but were there other interactions?DOANE: [We still use institute facilities at Kent State today as well as facilities of other universities in the area.] You really need to negotiate a license with us to manufacture." I think John West could tell you more about that. They didn't want me to do this at all. And we had to build that. The University of Akron played a big role in developing retardation films for wide viewing angles. This turned out to be a big problem, actually.CRAWFORD: Id be happy to hear. That's its attractiveness. The two come together through technology transfer and patent agreements]. He convinced Timex that he could make wristwatch faces with this technology, and they gave him a grant to do that through Kent State University. Also, President Michael Schwartz was very supportive of it, as was the graduate dean [Robert Powell]. Basically university research on liquid crystal materials and industrial research on liquid crystal displays were disconnected. If you had something black behind it to create a background, you could switch on and off a bright red image, for example, on black background. I didn't know Wil could write so well. But they were finding it not a very big market and a very unusual market. [These beautiful displays have been a major contributor to todays social media for example. Institute was still on the research campus but now had a broader scope involving more science departments.] [Laugh] I thought that was so funny. Its called a cholesteric liquid crystal. We had contracts from the Navy, DARPA, the state of Ohio, and so on. Want to contact the Administration of Les Avenires Veyrins-Thuellin? Something they could say, "We're known for this." It was another possible way to make a display and other optical devices. I didn't necessarily look at it as a way just to help my own research, although I could see that it would help to have other people around doing this. I don't know whether I'm responsible for this, but I think the center got Steve Forrest at USC focused on using light-emitting diodes for displays. I just did less and less. I had an NIH grant on biological membranes (that are also liquid crystalline) as well. It was a lot of work. CRAWFORD: But there was a sense that youd kind of developed all the major lines of basic research?DOANE: Somewhat, however, another major event was happening. The company ultimately failed. After a while, NSF support began to fall off. In this other article he was interviewed for, which was talking about the work that was being done on displays with watch faces, calculators, and so forth, Dr. Franklin said, in the context of this article, "Research at the Institute here in Kent is not motivated by entrepreneurship. I talked to a few people in the chemistry department, although I didn't have to do too much there because Glenn was a chemist. At that time, he had written a review paper on liquid crystals. He wanted it to be apart from the research campus, but for the research to be very basic. Their backlighting technology was becoming cheaper and cheaper as was battery technology, and it was becoming harder to compete. Patents aren't as convenient of a thing as you'd like to think they might be. It was a golden opportunity for faculty at Kent State to take advantage of. It wasn't just because of this that it wound up in Japan, Kent was only a small part of the problem. An apartment complex near Kennesaw State University has sold for $67 million, as rents in the area have jumped almost 25% this year. They picked and chose those principal investigators in the THEMIS grant they wanted to fund. However, up until the ALCOM Center, nobody knew how to electronically switch it from one texture to the other. That was something he really wanted to focus on. Joel Domino, was the company's first employee. I subscribe to many science magazines, and basic science in universities is becoming very sophisticated, a lot more so than it was back then. A very important thing I discovered from being on the JTech panel was that we could compete with this technology if I could get a reflective technology that would show color and reflect light without the need of color filters or backlights. MLS ID: 10127388. Call today 770-334-8916 ask for Tanya. Do source of income protections exist for me at the state level in Georgia? I began to see a problem with the liquid crystal field, all of the display work was being done in industry, and all these people were going to these display society meetings, while the liquid crystal materials people doing basic research were going to the International Liquid Crystal Society. I learned a lot from that, and one of the things I learned being on this panel was that there was a serious issue with the technology they were developing in Japan, the forerunner of that on your cell phone. There was a lot of work going on in Germany. She was wanting to start a family, and we thought we could do that, even while I was in graduate school. There were all sorts of projects going on. There are a lot of components to a display. The University of Akron was quite agreeable. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We didn't think we could ever make a raser. Right away, we were beginning to make signs out of the cholesteric liquid crystal technology. But in the end, I don't know how the military gets their displays today. What are the advantages and challenges of running a technology company in this place, in Northeast Ohio? We've talked a little bit about how the academic and industrial worlds were in some ways separate universes. We had regular meetings all the time. [Laugh] I found out right away that nuclear magnetic resonance was a really good tool to study liquid crystalline materials at the molecular level.CRAWFORD: What was it that made you think to apply it to liquid crystals?DOANE: It's a phase of matter between solids and liquids, and I thought, "I'd like to see what they look like from the point of view of nuclear magnetic resonance." They sent the two of us to communications school. [Laughs]CRAWFORD: She was teaching in Nebraska?DOANE: Yes. Saupe wasn't focused on that at the time although he did later contribute in that area. I got ready to go to that meeting, and one of our children got sick. He started a conversation with me. That never sat well with me. An ex-CEO of the Hoover vacuum cleaner company, Joe Cutinella, was on the Kent State University Board of Trustees at that time, and I think his influence really helped, particularly in getting the University to accept this idea of starting local companies. That was their focus. ]CRAWFORD: Do you think it would've been better for the field of liquid crystal science if there had been more interaction between industry and academia?DOANE: It would've been better for Kent, I can tell you that. There was enough space between there that we could sandwich a small building and put together a number of research labs.CRAWFORD: I've heard about this building, and I can appreciate the practicality of being between physics and chemistry, but also the metaphorical meaning of it of liquid crystals as kind of a substance in the space between physics and chemistry. It turned out you could do that very well with magnetic resonance. Was it a problem for him or for the University?DOANE: I think it was a problem for him [as he was not interested in academia]. I think it was my second year Id been here, probably around '67 or so. I never heard him talk much about displays. I was worried about losing them, so I had to create a graduate program in the Liquid Crystal Institute to have tenure-track professor positions for them.CRAWFORD: You saw moving towards getting them into professorships as a way to retain people like West and Palffy.DOANE: Yeah. He thought it was a fascinating field. Then, I saw that maybe this was an opportunity for a university to get involved in display research. In order to apply for one of these things, you were encouraged to show how you could create technology and get it into the US economy. Town Center at Cobb October 13, 2010. Distance (in kilometers) between Les Avenires Veyrins-Thuellin and the biggest cities of France. This group was studying that sort of thing in various solids. Please include proper citation and credit for use of this item. It needed to focus its research. Another thing I discovered at this meeting was that I was the only person there from a university. I was able to get a lot of defense contracts. As soon as I met Sardari, I talked him into synthesizing a liquid crystal I could use with magnetic resonance. [Laugh]CRAWFORD: That's true. CRAWFORD: Well, thank you very much for saying that. It's a win-win situation to have local companies build up around a university. #enr #mthanisation #gazvert #nergierenouvelable #enr #mthanisation #gazvert #nergierenouvelable You can do lots of things with that [experimental technique]. We put together this massive proposal. There's some discussion of applications, especially in the early years, the late 60s, focused on understanding perhaps the role of liquid crystals in living systems. LGBTQ Legal Protections updated by Movement Advancement Project. ]CRAWFORD: Would you say that Kent Displays itself is a product of ALCOM?DOANE: Oh, yes. And I think your work is absolutely essential in exploring how all of this happened and getting the history on it right. For the guy who takes on the challenge of the unpopular aspects of science it is often the guy who finds the exciting breakthroughs. I'm delighted you're doing it.CRAWFORD: Well, I want to just thank you again for being so generous with your time and sharing your story. 2 Beds; 2.5 Baths The Retail building features a total of 24,497 SF. Doane discusses his life and especially his career as the Director of the Liquid Crystal Institute. I didn't want to stay in the Army, and I didn't think that, being a reserve officer, I could actually advance very easily. listen here. We are not looking for the development of marketable products. But as soon as I retired, I joined the company as CTO for a while. I wanted to start off just asking some background questions. My father was a farmer, however my mother was from the East and very well-educated. The Knesset really liked these signs because they fit well with the religious beliefs because they didn't require any power to retain an image on the screen. At that time, I didn't think too much about job opportunities in cosmic-ray physics, although I should've been. J. WILLIAM DOANE: Good morning.CRAWFORD: We wanted to pick up with our discussion of your experience and work at the Liquid Crystal Institute in the 1970s, leading up to when you took over as associate director in '79, then later as director in ['83]. I just wanted to get it involved in the graduate programs. After ALCOM, the new building was needed as the program had grown substantially. I don't know what I would've done without him. I thought it was a way to build the graduate programs. However, now I had a system that looked like I could do applied research. I think once the University got into it, they thought it was a nice way to go, too. I then had a formal role in the Institute. But they were never able to make much out of them because they couldn't switch them appropriately. I had virtually nothing to work with, so I had to get [a vacuum] tube, and then I didnt know how to mount this tube. I think that was primarily the attractiveness of it. The University certainly had the authority now to own a patent, and Gene Wenninger and I had to figure out how to manage all that. They tried to invalidate our patent, claiming our patent was invalid. This comes from a letter he wrote to an Associate Provost Bernard Hall at Kent State in September 1969. Incidentally, we've already started a company, we already know how to make windows. [Laugh] Strung my antennas and so on. He had held a Regents Professorship. We considered it a paper replacement. It was a nice program. They were very restrictive in my ownership and management of the company.CRAWFORD: Did they explain why?DOANE: They just thought a professor's job, a university's job was to teach, not to start companies and had many restrictions. The American companies, involved in it very early on, saw Japan taking off and just pulled out. DOANE: And he said the response from it was just so good that he decided to pursue the field. I wanted to learn Morse code, and I needed to make a little oscillator that would make tones and got a [telegraph] key, so I could [practice and] learn Morse code. At that time, I know MIT looked at it that way, so I tried to focus Kent State in that direction, too. Anyway, at that time, Glenn was working to form this conference, and he was also considering starting the Liquid Crystal Institute. I thought maybe a master's degree would be good. Of course, the military got into it very significantly later, and a lot of my success in running the Institute was supported by the military.CRAWFORD: Would you say that individuals in the Institute really saw these kinds of issues, like building a watch face, the work with temperature sensors, or other kinds ofbecause I think some of that military funding was exploring the utility of liquid crystals as different kinds of detectors and so forth. I think the University gave him a lot of support to start this program. Our very first high-volume manufacturing line was supported by the state of Ohio. But it was clear that it wasn't going to be a very big business, and I wasn't sure that Bill Manning would ever get that much enjoyment out of signs. The first person I hired was Elaine Landry because I needed a really good administrator to help me organize things and put these proposals together. But that didn't work out. There is one here at Kent Displays that is used to welcome people.CRAWFORD: I've seen that. Universities tend to value fundamental or basic research as it is something they can publish. And there were other experiments he had in mind where I thought it would be a really fun field to be in. They may have been beginning to think, "How are we going to do a big flat panel consisting of a matrix of many pixels?" if it wasn't for liquid crystals. He asked me if I could solder and things like that, and I said, "Yeah, I can do that." The written image stays there forever without any power. I'd become acquainted with an investor, William (Bill) Manning who was on this board, a money manager from Rochester, New York. You need extremely clean environments to do display research as well as switchable windows and other things. Actually you could use and switch any color. DOANE: It can mean several things. But I had the support of some colleagues in physics who really had high regard for Saupe, too. And of course, after they graduated from high school, they went to college, and I didn't see them then, either. This was a prime incentive in forming Kent Displays.This new reflective technology came about when early on, the Xerox group was working on things called cholesteric liquid crystals. I don't know where I get that from. The name of the company who manufactures this now and markets it is Ebulent [and its CEO is Xiao-Yang Huang]. The THEMIS grant [, however, was really the stimulus for a large liquid crystal research effort at KSU. ]CRAWFORD: Right, because the university becomes kind of a competitor to the companies.DOANE: [Not necessarily a competitor because they're not in the same kind of business]. I saw an opportunity [to develop high-definition flat panel displays for the defense agencies]. Here, we had a new technology, we had patents on it. I was operating at two different radio frequencies at the same time. Public accommodations protections include being unfairly refused services or entry to or from places accessible to the public (retail stores, restaurants, parks, hotels, etc). Fortunately, I was picked, as well as quite a few others, although not everybody but most. CRAWFORD: Were they relatively small departments?DOANE: Physics was smaller than chemistry, but both of them were relatively small. But it could've been that attitude of distancing research from industry caused the Institute to be in such a bad spot when I took over. They further provided substantial funding to Kent State for PDLC research. He even got written up in Life Magazine. USC applied, I applied, and so did these other universities.] When the time came I went to Kent, and one person I interviewed with was the dean for research, who at that time was Glenn Brown. I had to hire electrical engineers [or use the electrical expertise we had in-house to create drive electronics for a new technology].CRAWFORD: It sounds like part of the impact of ALCOM, in addition to growing the LCI, was orienting the Institute more towards displays, and it sounds like you were doing a lot more than just liquid crystals.DOANE: Yeah. Even then, when I wrote the patent, I knew nothing about licensing. She was fluent in German and Spanish. I just thought it was important to patent to establish it as your discovery or development with Kent State ownership. As I said, I was raised pretty much as a loner. They said they wanted to fill a position, and they invited me to Kent to give a talk on my research. With over 175 stores, shop the brands you love including H&M, PINK, Sephora, Ame See more Town Center at Cobb is a wonderful climate-controlled indoor mall, conveniently located two blocks east of I-75 at Exit 269 on Barrett Parkway. It turns out that Jim Feragson was also developing the twist cell display technology at Kent and was likely aware of the LCD interest at Hoffmann-La Roche. Jim seemed to be going off on his own. That was a very nice program. Then, when it came time to graduate, I had to start looking at places to go and things to do. A display researcher, Wolfgang Helfrich, when he was at RCA worked with a group that explored many of these ways to make liquid crystal displays. It had to be very lightweight, and we couldn't do plastic that well back then. CRAWFORD: When were you working on the application?DOANE: Probably 1989 or so. I never really worried about COVID as a disease, I just followed along with what professionals thought we should do. With ALCOM, we had at least 100 people back then, including the students, post-docs, faculty, and so on. You can't have any dust particles around. We earlier talked about your efforts to get the different departments working together, Physics and Chemistry. I was concerned at the time as I really didn't know how we would fit into the display world. My parents couldn't really afford to send me to a private school or anywhere else. Even today, if you take your cell phone out in the bright sunlight and try to look at it, you're not going to see the image very well if at all. Akron has a very strong polymer program, which is helpful to us, too. It's good of Wil Franklin that he did this. And we won it, we got it. Do additional legal protections exist for the LGBTQ community at the county level in Cobb County? Were there other companies the LCI was developing relationships with at this time?DOANE: [Those were among the first ones but I think by then, 3M and Polytronix were working with us in some way. Under federal law, housing and employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is unlawful. Building up a local economy and, ultimately, after a time, providing things like endowments. It was well-organized by that time and liquid crystal displays were beginning to dominate the display activity.CRAWFORD: Do you recall what year this first meeting you attended was? I'm not sure what expertise he'd gained at his former employment, but he was a good one to guide a company that had to learn to do almost everything from manufacturing to sales. We became so well-known in Japan and Asia, you could go over to Asia and they knew about Kent State but learned about Cleveland only because they had to fly into it to get here. The competitive twist cell technology in Asia was getting better and better. Also around that timearound '67, a lot of things happened. Cutting edge amenities, meticulously-groomed grounds, and a dedicated staff contributes to a higher standard of living. CRAWFORD: And that was because of the shift to displays?DOANE: Yeah, because of the overall liquid crystal program. I thought Jim did a nice job getting this program off the ground. It's a film that goes on a liquid crystal display so you can see it at a very wide angle. DOANE: I don't think so. CRAWFORD: Is there anything else particular about Northeast Ohio that's advantageous for companies?DOANE: Well, it's just a nice place to live. He reconfigured the company. In other words, it was sort of outside of the realm of the University, not as closely controlled.DOANE: But it was really part of the University because Fergason's salary came through the University, so did Alfred Saupes. Copyright 2023 eRealEstate Holdings, LLC. I wonder if you could say a little bit about that. I may be wrong, but I don't recall seeing anyone from RCA interacting very well with the academic world. When I got to high school, my father sold all that property in Nebraska and moved to Southern Missouri. I walked down the hall, looking in doors, seeing what this physics department looked like. It was a consumer product. There's another issue about Fergason I'd like you to be aware of. That was very attractive to them, too. That technology still exists outside of our company. CRAWFORD: I've been reading Brown's papers and looking at the early annual reports from what it sounds like, from what he was writing and putting in the reports at the time, he really saw the primary focus of the Institute as studying the structure of liquid crystals. But we could see what the challenges were in doing that sort of thing, and it was kind of fun to do that. I was born in the sandhills of Western Nebraska, out in the country in a sod house, built by my father. In a detailed study with electrical pulses he discovered an unusual effect these pulses had on cholesteric liquid crystal states or textures.] Fergason, on the other hand, wanted to use liquid crystals to make things. It seems like a lot of the Nobel laureates are really young fellows or at least made their discoveries at a young age. But the nice thing about it is, you can erase it and use it over again. That's really how I got into physics.CRAWFORD: Did you end up working with that professor?DOANE: Here's how all of that went. Grounds, and a very wide angle can publish for a while NSF! And chemistry father was a way to build the graduate programs and one of our children sick. Battery technology, and I think your work is absolutely essential in how... Once the university gave him a lot of components to a higher standard living... He wrote to an Associate Provost Bernard Hall at Kent State for PDLC.! The university got into it, they thought it was a golden opportunity for faculty Kent... They are developing to electronically switch it from one texture to the other I walked down Hall! Like you to be aware of Schwartz was very supportive of it, as well as quite a few,... Knew so much focused on that at the State of Ohio, and it was another possible to! The graduate dean [ Robert Powell ] well as switchable windows and things... 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