hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon

He does not like to say, "That is my relation," or "That is my brother." I think they were mistaken in the notion that they would be despised. Oh, beloved! Now faith is the substance: Just as our physical eyesight is the sense that gives us evidence of the material world, faith is the "sense" that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world. Perhaps it did when you were dead in sin. Five or six families, attending that despised ministry, learned to believe what they did believe, and to live upon it. Hebrews 6:10. Rahab was a sanctified woman. But, I must close with the sweetest part of the text, wherein it is shown that we have a great and blessed assurance vouchsafed to us as an acknowledgment, on the part of God, of those opportunities, and those yearnings persisted in. Among his children, they are best who best know their Father's mind, and yield to it the gladdest obedience. Let us not forget those members of Christ's mystical body that are in the fire: "his feet are like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." calhfa loan limits 2022 Fiction Writing. If any of you are prospering in this world, oh watch, for you are in imminent danger of being mindful to return to the place whence you came out. Noah went on obeying under daily scorn. Thou art no intruder! Perhaps they were living at home before, but now they have to take a room where they can have no quiet, but where sounds of blasphemy greet them, or, in some cases, where they have to go to the workhouse, and be far away from all Christian intercourse or anything that could comfort them. Do you the same. And the man was not far from right. He must have other people feel what he feels. It seems in the text that God looks to what he has prepared for these poor people--"he hath prepared for them a city." Two men are going along a road, and there is a dog behind them. God has prospered you, and you have said, "Oh! The same faith which saved Rahab can save thee. Here a tapestry is unfolded, depict What is faith? Dare them. We don't enjoy them yet, but when our heirship shall be fully manifested, and we shall come to the full ripe age, oh! Every truth is essential. Your joy is your God: make your God your joy. There were no "ifs" and "ands" debatings, considerings, and delays. Let him feel, "God commands, and therefore he will bear me through;" and he will be strong. I will rehearse no stories of Christian women with jeering husbands, nor of godly youths who endure scoffing, and far worse; but many a house is still a place of martyrdom. The best last is ever God's rule. He knows thy poor body, and he permits it to be frail, and permits thy heart to be trembling, because he will glorify himself in his tenderness to thy weakness, wherein he will make thee strong. Yet, remember that the obedience which comes of true faith is often bound to be altogether unreckoning and implicit ; for it is written, "He went out, not knowing whither he went." Where can we fly to escape from these opportunities that haunt us everywhere and peril us in every thing? Description. I have read you this glorious eleventh of Hebrews, which describes the mighty men of faith, the men of renown. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. JEHOVAH ROPHI is his name: "The Lord that healeth thee." If we never have done so, may we this morning be led to give God his due by trusting him, to give the blood of Christ its due by relying upon it, to give the Spirit of God his due by yielding ourselves to him. The Lord give you, my brothers, to believe to the utmost degree, for his name's sake! I. This is all over. Alas! Don't expect to find comforts in this world that your flesh would long for. As well might I talk of delivering a Prometheus, while his chains are allowed to remain upon him and bind him to his rock. He might well be ashamed to be called their God if you look upon them as they are. Amen. ABRAHAM left his country at God's command, and he never went back again. I will make my divisions alliterative, that you may recollect them. Hebrews 9:11-15: "But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. No better answer is given in perhaps all the Bible than in the great eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. There was never such a task as that since time began. They have stronger, sharper, and more vehement desires, for they have a nobler life within them, and they desire a better country, and even if they get entangled for awhile in this country, and in a certain measure identified with citizens of it, they are ill at ease--their citizenship is in heaven, and they cannot rest anywhere but there. I ask no man to-day to come to Christ, and then continue his sins. There is a sort of faith which does run well, but it is soon hindered, and it doth not obey the truth. Trust him. In the parlour--in conversation, perhaps, in the kitchen about the day's work--or in the field, or on the mart, on land, and on sea. Ah sirs, there will be an end to this ere long, one way or the other, which shall it be? Young woman! Such calls come again and again to many, but they turn a deaf ear to them; they are hearers only, and not doers of the word: and, worse still, some are of the same generation as that which Zechariah spake of when he said, "They pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears that they should not hear." True faith exclaims, "The thing is unlikely, yet I believe it." I. The world has been trying all manner of processes to reform men: there is but one thing that ever will reform them, and that is, faith in the preached gospel. You have joined the company that makes the goal of life the object for which you live. Hence, it is not relaxed in the time of temptation, nor destroyed in the hour of losses and sufferings. God sees the poorest child of God as he will be in that day when he shall be like Christ, for he shall see him as he is. Men come not to their perfect stature except by years of growth. III. "Well," said the other, "and you believe that you are God's elect, do you?" _Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. "Whither away?" But do you not think that we are too apt to attempt to spread the gospel in our own strength; and need we wonder if we break down? I stepped into the house of a woman who had a son transported for life, and she was as full of her son Richard as if be had been prime minister, or had been her most faithful and dutiful son." Abraham went without any hesitation. Dear father, have you children who are unruly, irreligious, defiant? Gracious sufferers, may the Lord keep you from anger and unkindness! Have thou strong confidence: "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" At times he has to feel that it were better for him to fight with beasts at Ephesus than to bear the taunts, and threats, and slanders of ungodly kinsfolk. See, then, dear friends, what we must have if we are to be numbered with the seed of Abraham, we must have faith in God and a consequent obedience to his commands. If you believe that God is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him, you will persevere; but not else. It seems, therefore, but right, that faith, which is the mightiest of the mighty, should have a pillar raised to its honor, upon which its valiant deeds should be recorded. If the Lord be God, he must be infallible; and if he can be described as in error in the little respects of human history and science, he cannot be trusted in the greater matters. Where Jesus died, there you shall live. The brother went home weeping; but he was not the only one who felt his heart breaking. If they have such a separating effect upon our character in keeping us from the world, let us cultivate them much. We sometimes put blinkers upon horses that they may not see too much, I fear we might wear such things ourselves to great advantage. Ah, you dwell in a land where you find some sort of repose; but I have heavy tidings for you. My brethren, we have such opportunities in our daily calling. Now would you have thought that such a rich plant would grow in such poor soil--that strong faith could grow in such a sinful heart as that of Rahab? Do you think that we meditate enough upon heaven? There is enough out there in the farmyard for the hogs, but there is not for the children. "Pray, sir," said she, believing that he understood the matter, and looking frightened, "What have I left out?" He looks to the iron safe: he would be quite sure that it is well secured. I do not always enjoy that something better. Few, if any, are without sorrow, and many saints have a double portion of grief in their pilgrimage. The obedience which faith produces must be continuous . Might not a hundred difficulties and doubts be suggested to lead me to question whether God had spoken to me at all? As gold is to the inferior metals, such is our trust in God to all our other trusts. Delivered on Lord's-day Morning, June 1st, 1890, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. Though I delight to preach a free gospel, and to preach it to every creature under heaven, we must never forget to remind you of the speciality. What had he to leave? Faith always has been the mark of God's servants, from the beginning of the world. "Yes," says one, "I own that it is an urgent service to make known to others what the Lord has done for me: but, somehow, I cannot discharge my conscience by fully doing as I would. We need not wish to have any strength of our own, for by faith we can reach to any degree of power in the Lord. faith, didst thou fight with hideous lust? All the other persons mentioned here were doubtless saved by faith; but I do not find it specially remarked concerning any of them that they perished not through their faith; while it is particularly said of this woman, that she was delivered amid the general destruction of Jericho purely and only through her faith. Christ will have all or nothing; he must be a whole Saviour, or none at all. And remember, you can only know how great a thing faith is by knowing the infinite value of the salvation of a soul. The tendency of the present age is to temporize; we are asked continually to qualify our testimony; to cut off some portion of the truth we preach; to smooth down and polish our words. Perhaps you have tried to fill your soul with the daintiest provisions the world can offer; to wit--God has prospered you, and you have said, "Oh, this is well." So the text says, "Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God." it was a mighty deed which faith accomplished when he bore her off in safety. We may hunt the world through, and say, "This looks like a little paradise," but there is not any paradise this side of the skies, for a child of God at any rate. In the better land you shall find the rest which you never can find here, and need not wish to find, for the land is polluted; let us away from it. "THE SWORD AND THE TROWEL." Have you faith? The mountain of safety is Calvary. Now, perhaps, God is beginning some good thing in her heart. I have heard of one brought to Christ, who was a very great sinner--of so stiff a neck that he never would be approached by anybody who aimed at his conversion. will you not now sue for mercy?" We will not have it that God, in his Holy Book, makes mistakes about matters of history, or of science, any more than he does upon the great truths of salvation. Mark you, the chief of sinners can make the most daring of saints; the worst men in the devil's army, when they are converted, make the truest soldiers for Jesus. Gathering together such substance as he had he exiled himself that he might be a sojourner with his God, and took a journey in an age when travelling was infinitely more laborious than now. The curse has fallen. By nature we love our own will and way; and it goes against the grain for us to bring ourselves into such complete subjection as the law of the Lord requires. The victory was complete. Always put him off with promises to be redeemed to-morrow? Oh, how sweet to feel that, if God has sent diseases to your house, he has made them a chariot in which benedictions have been brought to you! Then we have faith combating the allurements of a wealthy court. "Prophesying; how is that? Though now residing in the midst of all nations, it is still true "the people shall dwell alone, they shall not be reckoned among the nations." "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Noah lived two of our lives in this way. There must be determination, thought, care, attention; and faith must work with all these to produce obedience to the will of the Lord. Thirdly, OBEDIENCE WAS THE GRACIOUS FRUIT. When you sit expectant on the banks of the last river, waiting, for the summons to cross, it may be that your fiercest temptation will come even then. Did not Rebekah come from thence? may the day never come to you, you young people especially, who have lately put on the Lord Jesus Christ and professed his name, when you shall be welcomed by the world; but may you for ever forget also your own kindred and your father's house, so shall the king greatly desire your beauty, for he is your Lord, and worship you him. Perhaps it did when you were dead in sin. As to the scope and design of this epistle, it is very evident that it was clearly to inform the minds, and strongly to confirm the judgment, of the Hebrews in the transcendent excellency of the gospel above the law, and so to take them off from the ceremonies of the law, to which they were so wedded, of which they were so fond, that they even Believe the threat, even though it should chill your blood; believe, though nature shrinks from the overwhelming doom; for, if you do not believe, the act of disbelieving God about one point will drive you to disbelieve him upon the other parts of revealed truth, and you will never come to that true, child-like faith which God will accept and honour. I. Ah! Noah was a stranger to this paralyzing fear: he bestirred himself, and built an ark. This woman's faith was saving faith, singular faith, stable faith, self-denying faith, sympathising faith, and sanctifying faith. "Well, but," said he, "don't you try to get her to go, and the children?" There is many a Christian who, if he were to go back to the gaiety of the world, would find the world receive him with open arms. There are snares in company, but there are snares in our loneliness. Moses chose to suffer the pain of alienation and misunderstanding from his adoptive family. -- Hebrews 11:34. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. how often will our imagination paint sin in very glowing colours, and though we loathe the sin and loathe ourselves for thinking of it, yet how many a man might say, "Had it not been for divine grace, my feet had almost gone, my steps had well-nigh slipped." Neither will we admit into our minds a suspicion of the incorrectness of the Word of God in any matter whatever, as though the Lord himself could err. But thou, poor sinner, with all thy sin about thee, if the rope is round thy loins, and Christ has hold of it, fear not! Remember that "without faith it is impossible to please God," so that you are displeasing to the Lord. By faith we understand ( Hebrews 11:1 and 11:3 ). You belong to an infidel club; if you should make them a speech after your own conscience, they would hiss you; and if you forsook their company, they would persecute you. More than that, if ever the child of God gets entangled for awhile, he is uneasy by reason of it. By C. H. Spurgeon. We have to rise superior to it. If thou wilt trust thy soul with Jesus, thou art saved. To refuse to keep his own promise when it is pleaded would be to falsify his word, and change his character; and neither of these things can ever be. The king will send his armies against that wicked city and destroy it, and if you are citizens of it you will lose all you have--you will lose your souls, you will lose yourselves. We tarry here a night; we are away in the morning. God said to him, "Make an ark"; and we read in answer thereto that he prepared an ark. Suppose that you are called to testify for truth in the midst of those who doubt, disbelieve, or even deride it. I saw him afterwards, and I hope I conducted him from the verge of insanity into the open, healthy place of peace through believing. The infinite rolls, like Noah's flood, over the tops of the hills of the present and the finite. Obedience has become as much his rule as self-will is the rule of others. Dost thou love his people? Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter if thou hast no faith. Men do not prepare an ark to escape from a flood unless they believe that there will be a flood. saith one. Ah me! The chief end of man is "to please God;" for in so doing we need not say it, because it is an undoubted fact in so doing he will please himself. I thought it was a great nuisance to be had in at such a time to pray, and more especially to be made to cry, as my mother used to make me cry. "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and ye shall be saved." Many of the truest children of God are at first possessed by a dumb spirit; and it needs the Lord Jesus to cast it out. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the power of the ever-blessed gospel. Happy people! If, then, you have faith, you can say, "Nothing in my hands I bring, Simply to the cross I cling.". O! it is the last stage of impiety, when a man can think lightly of a mother's feelings. True faith gives its full assent to the Scriptures; it takes a page and says, "No matter what is in the page, I believe it;" it turns over the next chapter ands says, "Herein are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable do wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, to their destruction; but hard though it be, I believe it." Many have heard, but they have not believed; the sound of the gospel has entered into their ears, but its inner sense and sacred power have not been felt in their hearts. Christ taketh away the vulture from the conscience, but he taketh away the chains too, and maketh the man wholly free when he doeth it all. O traders in this hubbub of trifles, we have small esteem for your great bargains and tempting cheats; we are not buyers in the Roman row nor in the French row, we would give all that we have to leave your polluted streets, and be no more annoyed by Beelzebub, the lord of the fair. How weak we are in this matter! These three ancient believers are declared in Holy Writ to have pleased God. Now our position is a very similar one. He lived in God, and on God, and with God. He must give up all agricultural pursuits, renounce his vine and his fig tree, and go his way, he knew not whither, to a land which to him was as unknown as the valley of the shadow of death. While the enemy were preparing he had begun the battle, and they were routed before they knew where they were. C. H. Spurgeon at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens. There was communication kept up between them and the old family house at Padan-Aram. Whether I sing, or whether I sigh, the promise is true, and the Promiser is faithful. If, as a decided believer, he takes his stand, and if he is firm and steadfast for his God, he will make a man, and his after years will be bright and useful; but if he begins to give way a little, and if he tries to trim his sail to the wind, he will never attain to a holy character. We may bear the annoyances of the eventide and the night, for the morning will break so soon. Being connected with the living and incorruptible seed, it lives and abides for ever. Ask your friends afterwards rather than beforehand, for it is ill consulting with flesh and blood when duty is plain. You are not allowed to halve the Scriptures, and to believe what you please; you are not allowed to believe the Scripture with a half-heartedness, for if you do this wilfully, you have not the faith which looks alone to Christ. Out of this weakness in prayer you can only be made strong by faith. In the first place, this woman's faith was SAVING FAITH. You can not have faith, and yet live in sin. There are a few weeks and then cometh harvest, will another harvest leave you where you are, and will you again have to say, "The harvest is passed, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"? It is a city too possessing immunities, and conferring dignity upon its residents. God bade Abraham journey, and he moved his camp at once. "Hast thou faith? "Alas!" When men have no faith, God invites them to reason, but when they have faith, reasoning with God becomes a sin. Listen to their names: "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice;" "By faith Enoch was translated;" "By faith Noah built an ark;" "By faith Abraham went out into a place that he should afterwards receive;" "By faith he sojourned in the land of promise;" "By faith Sarah bare Isaac;" "By faith Abraham offered up Isaac;" "By faith Moses gave up the wealth of Egypt;" "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob;" "By faith Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph;" "By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel;" "By faith the Red Sea was dried up;" "By faith the walls of Jericho fell down;" "By faith the harlot Rahab was saved;" "And what more shall I say? We have faith, in another place, wresting with time; Noah, warned of God concerning things not seen as yet, wrestled with time, which placed his deluge a hundred and twenty years away; and yet, in the confidence of faith, he believed against all rational expectation, against all probability, and his faith was more than a match for probability and time too. He must seek out the world's fashionable church and join in it to get a share of the respectability and prestige that will always gather there, and he has turned aside from the faith--if not altogether, in his heart at least, in the defence of it in his life. If we had been in Egypt at the time when Pharaoh started out to follow the Israelites to the Red Sea, if we had been clothed with all power, we should have stopped Pharaoh's chariots and horses before they quitted Egypt, and thus we should have nipped his enterprise in the bud. God makes faith and obedience the way of safety. Not now do I see them lift up the great iron door, and let loose the monsters that come forth roaring, hungry for their prey. Was it drunkenness? Then they talk to you like that, do not begin bristling up, and declaring that, after all, you are as wise and as strong as your opponents, though that may readily be the case; but accept all their remarks upon your folly and weakness, and say to yourself, "Out of weakness were made strong." Unless we desire others to taste the benefits we have enjoyed, we are either inhuman monsters or outrageous hypocrites; I think the last is most likely. The obedience that comes of faith is of a noble sort. No, wherever God in his providence guides you, let it be your joy to know that he is too wise to err too good to be unkind. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible. If you are chosen to be a leader and a helper, or a mother in Israel, be satisfied to endure hardness with the full belief that it is all right, and that God will not only bring you through, but will also bless somebody else by the means of your tribulations. So long as you are willing to be used, so long as God has given you an anxiety and travail of spirit for the souls of others, you need not fear; but may with faith get to work in all your feebleness, for as your day your strength shall be. His blood has cleansed us and speaks a powerful word of righteousness on our behalf. Five or six families came out of that place, and became substantial in wealth, and generous in liberality. The Pastors' College Conference Address, 1891. It makes them say, "Lord, thou hast forgiven me my sins; I will sin no more. If you truly believe a man, you believe all that he says. It may be that this entails the scoff and scorn of all who know them. Oh! Plug in, Turn on and Be Enlightened! influencers who have died 2021. chesterfield valley food options. These opportunities to return are meant to try your faith, and they are sent to you to prove that you are a volunteer soldier. But there is life arising from his death. Note what it is he has made ready for them. Failure itself would be success as long as we did not fail to obey. We may as well let things take their course." Fourthly, and this is the main point, Abraham committed himself to God by faith. "But how?" for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae, of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets." Some of you are engaged in the midst of ungodly men. The words of the Lord are like fine gold, pure, precious, and weighty not ono of them may be neglected. Only that is true faith which believes everything that is revealed by the Holy Spirit, whether it be joyous or distressing. Orders are given you which cause you great searchings of heart. You may resolve to overcome a sin, and, perhaps, any one sin you may conquer for a time; but sin itself, as a force, in all its armies, is never to be overcome, save through the blood of the Lamb. To be weak in prayer is a disease which will bring on many other maladies. II. This is . We can have all imaginable strength for the grandest achievements desirable, if we have faith in God. You can never know how great it is unless you have stood in the capacity of a saviour to other men. Have you not sometimes heard of a man who has become rich and has risen in the world, who has had some poor brother or some distant relative. a. How often does it happen in this land of ours, that a poor earnest Christian has associated with the people of God at all meetings, and felt proud to be there, but he has risen in the world and stood an inch or two above others in common esteem, and he could not go with God's people any longer: he must seek out the world's church and join in to get a share of the respectability and prestige that will always congregate in the domain of fashion. He taught us to pray, "Lead us not into temptation," but at the same time he does lead us there, and intends to do it; and this is for the proving of our faith to see whether it be true faith or not. And now there is some gentleman in the audience who says, "There's a gospel for you; it is a kind of sanctuary for wicked men, unto which the worst of people may run and be saved." But he was not the only one who felt his heart breaking adoptive. Will bring on many other maladies would be quite sure that it is a dog behind them that! 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