Are Beefmaster Cattle Breed Good for Small-Scale Farming? Like any breed of cattle, the Beefmaster has its advantages and disadvantages. But the Brahmans of the 1980s are not the Brahmans of today. These cattle have been developed by the Lasater Ranch then headquartered in Texas. Thus in the 1930s the Beefmaster cattle was developed by Tom Lasater over the years since the breed has been improved and can now withstand diverse temperatures from the heat to the coldest of winters. Beefmasters were introduced to Europe in 2014 by way of Italy and since have grown in popularity throughout Poland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Germany and most recently Turkey. Either route is more expensive and complicated, which eats up much of the advantage of using a terminal crossbreeding program in the first place. We planted some Barenbrug Beefmaster on 5 acres last year and got 12,800 lb. We cant get performance without Brahman blood, he stresses. The drawback, however, is that black baldy cows can only be created by combining two purebred parents, so a herd of black baldy cows cannot produce its own replacement heifers. Select a breed or breeds that your operation can manage and you can feel confident about marketing. The Beefmaster is a hardy range animal that can live in most climates. Take our quiz and find out! How many times have you heard someone say, "I like 'em because they're black"? But these calves try to kill their own calves or other cows of their own breed. Identify your cattle with a traditional numbered ear tag or an electronic tag, and tell the feedlot manager you want carcass data when they are harvested. The project does provide a valid comparison of the cattle in one common environment. For example, the faster growing cattle are generally larger at birth and calving difficulty is higher. With todays corn prices, that would be a $50- to $60-a-head disadvantage. These cattle, Dorn adds, were fed in the winter. The price range of these cattle may differ from place to place because of their listed benefits as compared to fewer disadvantages. A HIGH PERCENTAGE. With global demand for higher-quality beef growing geometrically, Beefmasters provide the perfect breed to cross on commercial cattle to improve production efficiency and carcass quality, while not sacrificing adaptability. This breed has very good resistance against tick. You can buy calves from dairy farms inexpensively to start raising beef cattle. Busby says the cost of gain for 600 pounds is typically $420 to $470, depending on the price of corn. To learn more, please see my, Grass Finished Beef: The Seven Rules for Producing Great Beef. The specific search for a bull would be for one of the breed exceptions in a weak area. Table 1 illustrates that while production can be increased by selection for growth, the increased production from crossbreeding is more rapid and cost-effective. This cattle breed is higher in weight and have very good fertility. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Indeed, the Beefmaster female has stayed true to her original purpose: to help ranchers in tough environments improve performance, survivability and longevity. Global Ag Media provides a knowledge sharing platform offering premium news, analysis and information resources for the global agriculture industry. The breeds are generally grouped into three types: British, European and Zebu-influence. Breeds may perform differently in Georgia. There were times when there would only be a handful of people at the performance- and breed-improvement meetings. Sign up to our regular newsletter and access news from across the Global AG Media network. Do Brahman cattle really deserve the discounts? Disadvantages of F1 Tiger Stripe Cattle. Drying off period for around 60 days before she can calve again. Learn more. What is the best food to feed a Labrador puppy? Time and time again, youve been urged to get individual carcass data on your cattle. Their legs are also thick and strong of medium length in proportion to their bodies. B/C color is not important, it was not taken into consideration when founding the breed. These cattle are also insect-resistant and healthy, causing few issues. Usually, around 279 to 287 days but most gestation is 283 days. Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you. The association has over 3,000 members registering around 19,000 calves annually. Mixed breeding is similar to crossbreeding in that it combines multiple breeds, but there is no strict adherence to fixed breed ratios within the herd. The MARC study, however, did provide useful information about relative differences among many of the European and Brahman cattle. Bos indicus is a real positive, he says. These cattle are very good at gaining weight and used as beef cattle breed but the disadvantage is still there. The Beefmaster is a gentle animal, both cows and bulls. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Animals may be polled or horned. Cattle generally perform at a higher level in northern climates. And their body sizes will be very consistent so their nutritional needs will be very uniform. A HIGH PERCENTAGE. Brahman genetics add a lot of positives to a herd, but tenderness has not always been one of them. That makes them a good all-around choice for the novice farmer or rancher. There is no additional cost to you. Santa gertrudis cattle have a lot of benefits and very few disadvantages. This bull could perform either better or worse than the bulls used in the MARC project. Cattle developed in northern climates with free choice corn silage during the winter months will do poorly when brought to the humid South and turned out on stockpiled fescue and trace-mineral salt for the winter. (you can learn more about hybrid vigor in this Wikipedia article). The Beefmaster breed was recognized in by the USDA in 1954, and today Beefmaster Breeders United is the fifth-largest breed registry in the United States. There is no minimum on the number of head you can send, but he cautions against sending only one head. The breed standard does not specify a color. There is no additional cost to you. We translate science of everyday living for farmers, families and communities to foster a healthy The Beefmaster is a medium-sized animal with thick legs and a well-proportioned body. We have faculty and staff in every county across the state that are available to assist you. 2 (1985). A premium pasture mix that consists of Barenbrugs best grazing tall fescues, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and Alice white clover. The Beefmaster is a great range cattle breed that can handle adverse environments and climates. Location. Thus, the resulting crossbred progeny should combine quality . The feeder followed the cattle to the plant and had the loins shipped to the Kempfers in Orlando. Uses. The Beefmaster is one of the new kids on the block compared to other well-established cattle breeds. The commercial operation is generally a lower-input, lower-risk type of venture. Click to learn more about myAffiliates Policies. The Lasater family originally developed a large herd of Hereford cattle carefully selected to withstand the heat and insects of the Texas Gulf Coast region, but they were still not perfectly suited to that difficult environment. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Range cattle must tolerate various climatic conditions to be economically viable. The growth potential of the calves will only be met when adequate milk production is available. Still, if you have a state feed-out program, he encourages those new to the feeding process to go through it. Reduced per cow cost will become a requirement of cow/calf operators to survive in the current and evolving beef industry. The six essentials consist of disposition, fertility, weight, conformation, milk production and hardiness. If that doesnt convince you theres prejudice in cattle circles when it comes to Brahman blood, take a look at the specs for many branded beef programs. Functional types and their best uses U.S. cattle can be categorized into six primary func - tional types based on their genetic classi!cation and levels of functional traits. THE FACTS. Their research points to the heterosis gains showing an extra calf when weaning weights produce 50-75 extra kilograms per calf born. A ratio of 105 indicates a value of 5 percent above the standard of 100; a ratio of 95 indicates a value 5 percent below the standard. But then someone introduced Black Angus to their Simmental cattle and then subsequently rebred all the offspring back to Simmental for so many generations that their current cattle are again considered genetically purebred Simmental, but with the key difference that they have retained the gene for black hair pigment. There is also a nice trade up on weights. The original intent was to selectively breed an animal that could handle the harsh Texas climate. 2000 - 2023 - Global Ag Media. Cows only calve once a year and should have 12 to 14-month inter-calving cycle. It can be unnerving to send your cattle a thousand miles away and get a check for $5 a head., Your email is never published nor shared. I think every commercial cow below I-40 should be 1/4 to 1/2 Brahman influenced. 5th for number of custom frozen semen units produced. When selecting a breed or individuals within a breed, be aware also of a phenomenon called genetic-environmental interaction. The term simply means that cattle developed under certain conditions will perform best under those same or similar conditions. One of the best examples is the Beefmaster Breed, developed in the 1930's using a mix of approximately 25% Hereford, 25% . Extension Specialist, 4-H Animal Science Programs, The ABBA is working with Zoetis. What is the best cow breed for beginners? They can't stand heat, so they can't be used as draft oxen. The concept is to only select cattle for economically relevant traits, which he distilled to these Six Essential traits. Naturally polled- there is no need to dehorn Angus calves, which results in less stress on the animal and no infections. Breeding Hereford bulls to Angus cows results in the perfect female, and the steers hold their own, too. They can sure use Brahman genetics in that cow for environmental adaptability, maternal ability, maternal calving ease and longevity.. Once they got the ratios where they wanted, they "closed the breed" to additional crossbreeding to lock in the ratio. He adds the IMF on heifers was 2.0 to 2.5 square inches per cwt but now is 2.5 to 4.0 square inches per cwt. The Beefmaster breed of cattle is a multipurpose breed that is full of convenience traits. In Germany it comes from the regions of Westfalia, Rhineland and Schleswig Holstein, and is known there as the Rotbunt. Never turn your back on a bull be cautious of them at all times. Cons: No cons really to be had although they can prolapse just as easily as any other breed cattle. Droughtmasters are medium to large cattle with medium maturity. The Kempfers are all about getting the best use they can from Brahman genetics, but they believe its important to cull hard. But the trade-off to only using purebred cattle is that you miss out on some of the traits and adaptations that you get by combining breeds. With the beefmasters, you have a lot of choices. Mix-ups happen no matter where and how you feed, but to raise your odds of getting individual carcass data, call your state cattlemans association or Extension service. The tradeoff of terminal crossbreeding is that in order to maintain perfect breed ratios in your herd you cannot simply rebreed the offspring of these crossbred cattle - you always have to source your replacement breeding stock from purebred cattle herds in order to maintain consistent breed ratios. Beefmaster cattle offer the perfect balance of convenience, breed complimentarity, and heterosis retention. When milk supply is abundant and forage quantity and quality are marginal, the result is a reduced calf crop percentage due to low cyclicity and pregnancy rates; therefore, make sure to match your forage production system to the genetic potential of your brood cow herd. Some of the breeds within the three categories may be atypical and may not possess all the advantages or disadvantages. You have successfully removed your county preference. Whether you raise livestock for beef or dairy, the Beefmaster belongs on your shortlist. The Gelbvieh cattle having less than 88 percent Gelbvieh are labeled as "Percentage Gelbvieh". Its tolerance and robust health are desirable traits that can help novice farmers get a profitable start in this industry. Unfortunately there are only two ways to maintain a consistent ratio of breeds in your crossbred offspring. This question brings cold chills to many knowledgeable cattle producers and excitement to just as many enthusiastic breeders. Another variation is to re-bred the 50/50 mix to a third breed, which increases the range of environmental adaptations you introduce into your herd, but also adds yet another degree of complexity to your herd management. If your state or breed association doesnt have a feed-out program, you can still go it alone. Like any breed of cattle, the Beefmaster has its advantages and disadvantages. Coloration: Beefmasters can be any color, and may have white mottled colouration on their head, and even have a little white over their shoulders, in front of their hips, but mainly on their bellies. Thus, when genetic potential for milk is high a cows re-breeding percentage will be reduced. 13 Types of Angelfish for Freshwater Aquariums (With Pictures), What Smells Deter Cats from Peeing? That explains why the Beefmaster Breeders United sits in the top ten of cattle registrations. Reaction score. As a producer, you must be satisfied with the color and its uniformity or lack of uniformity. START; Blog; Cattle; Grazing; Fencing; Water; . It is a fertile animal that will calve once a year. View or Share Your Media in the Gallery Today! The purebred operation requires more time, record keeping and initial input. There really is no set colour pattern like what youd get with Hereford cattle. In their experience, the Kempfers say both feed efficiency and gain suffer when their half to three-quarter Brahman-cross steers are fed up north in the winter. This seems to hold true even in a market where buyers are all but fighting over calves. Giving up Brahman genetics is not an option for any of these ranchers. Copyright 1997-2016 All Rights Reserved. They accept cattle year-round. Florida researchers did a classic project to illustrate this effect. The animal doesnt have horns. resources. Texas A&Ms Paschal points out, It doubles the amount of heterosis. The following formula outlines how these factors must balance in order to optimize profitability. Field Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Production, Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program, Estrus Synchronization Programs for Natural Service, Maintaining a Clean Water Trough for Cattle, Using Cotton Byproducts in Beef Cattle Diets, UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences, Adaptability to adapt to adverse environments, Faster growth rates = larger birth weights, Larger birth weights = increased potential for calving difficulty, More milk production and large frame size = higher feed requirements for equal reproductive performance. The cows make excellent mothers. All breeds were not compared, so some information is not available. These cattle become mature in the early stage of life and then live for a longer life span. Cons: Like the angus the Beefmaster cattle also flourish in the deserts of South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia. I wouldnt say the quality grades were much different. The Beefmaster cattle are a mixed Brahman-genetics with Shorthorn and Hereford, developed by Tom Lasater in the 1930's. This hardy breed is ideal for the harsh climate extremes of Texas. The breed has a lot to offer on all scores. They're easily damaged by the heat and sun. The cows are low-maintenance with a long productive life. The purebred cattle market often provides a higher return per cow unit, but at the expense of higher maintenance costs, higher breeding costs, more management inputs and greater risks. It can significantly improve average daily gain, survival, and the calving rate. This added growth and efficiency will put dollars in your pocket at the cow-calf level and all the way through the feedlot phase, giving you the best of both worlds. Find out what Extension has for you! The Meuse Rhine Issel originates from the Netherlands and Germany. So before settling on a single breed, it is worthwhile to take a good long hard look at crossbreeding and mixed breed herds to see if they might be a better fit for your beef ranch. 8 Potential Methods. Ditto with Brahmans. They have a lot of positive traits. Its disposition is one of its defining qualities. In an F1 Brahman/Angus cross, there is a 60-pound increase in live weight over a straight Brahman or straight Angus calf. And they possess excellent longevity because they do not break down in tough environments. Johnson and fellow UF researcher Mauricio Elzo reached these conclusions after feeding out and harvesting 1,367 head of Brahman, Angus and Brahman/Angus crosses from 1989 to 2009. Mixed breed calveswill lookverydifferent from one another even if they have identical breed ratios in their ancestry; they will have a random combination of traits that range anywhere along the spectrum between their purebred ancestors. Contact the BBU office at 210-732-3132 or go to our website at www.beefmasters.orgfor additional information. Along with Floridas heat, humidity, insects and parasites, he says their soils and forages are weaker. The Noble Research Institute is also working with Beefmaster Breeders United to conduct economic research on grass-fed, and grain fed carcass merit. The 1/4 bloods from I-40 down to about the Red River (close to US 82) and below there a 3/8 to 1/2 blood cow is needed. Johnson explains they found there is a difference in tenderness, based on percentage of Brahman genetics in an animal. And Can They See in the Dark? The MARC project was designed to evaluate as many of the more prominent breeds as possible. In selecting a beef breed, use the MARC information to select breeds that have higher genetic potential for meat and milk. The following generalities hold true within and across breeds: Whether your choice is purebred or commercial, or red, black, white or spotted, keep production and profitability high on your priority list. Which breed is known for being dual purpose? Search our database of over 13360 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. CONS: Brahman not necessarily built for cold climates, however when crossed with a Bos taurus breed the resulting offspring is much more cold adaptable. An example would be Angus cows bred . Chris has written on a variety of topics since 2009. Video The Beefmaster Cattle are one of the biggest and best breeds of beef cattle for grass-finishing, with the cows weighing in at 1,700 pounds and the bulls ranging upwards of 2,600+ pounds. No breed of cattle is perfect. What are the characteristics of Beefmaster? This cattle breed is mainly found in North Queensland, Australia. In the Netherlands, it was developed in the region of the three rivers from which it gets its name. |, An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution, County and Club Meetings, Environmental Education, Livestock Programs, Project Achievement, Summer Camp, Aquaculture, Beef, Bees, Dairy, Equine, Small Ruminants, Poultry & Eggs, Swine, Invasive Species, Pollution Prevention, Forestry, Water & Drought, Weather & Climate, Wildlife, Adult & Family Development, Infant, Child and Teen Development, Money, Housing & Home Environment, Corn, Cotton, Forages, Hemp, Peanuts, Small Grains, Soybeans, Tobacco, Turfgrass, Food Preservation, Commercial & Home Food Safety, Food Science & Manufacturing, Nutrition and Health, Blueberries, Grapes, Ornamental Horticulture, Onions, Peaches, Pecans, Small Fruits, Vegetables, Home Gardens, Lawn Care, Ornamentals, Landscaping, Animal Diseases and Parasites, Ants, Termites, Lice, and Other Pests, Nuisance Animals, Plant Pest and Disease Management, Weeds. George Kempfer adds: Weve seen a huge amount of interest from people who understand the importance of improving carcass quality and other production traits. The derivative breeds are usually 3/8 Zebu and 5/8 British or European. As they track their cattle, the Kempfers want more than feedlot or carcass data; they want to know where their cattle stand when it comes to tenderness. 365. Their steers have graded as high as 79% Choice. So, if your cow herd has lost its ability to adapt to changing times or challenging environments, maybe it is time to rebuild with proven, Beefmaster females. Times are changing. Circular The breed will jump-start your cattle and give your next calf crop a performance boost. Any person that uses the translated site does so at that persons own risk. In this case, being dramatically different can mean more difficult marketing. They are heat, drought and insect resistant and have no real set color pattern although the majority of the breed are of solid color. This can make it more difficult for producers to find quality breeding stock or to sell their animals at a fair price.In conclusion, the Beefmaster breed has several potential disadvantages, including size, horns, genetic purity, price, and availability. Droughtmaster Cattle Origin, Advantages and Disadvantages, Price, SheepaDoodle - Micro, Mini, Giant, Size, Character, Sale, Price, Care, Hereford Cattle Advantages and Disadvantages, Facts, Price, Speckle Park Cattle Advantages and Disadvantages, Facts, Price, Santa Gertrudis Cattle Pros and Cons, Origin, Facts, Price, Limousin Cattle Advantages and Disadvantages, Facts, Price, Galloway Cattle Disadvantages, Advantages, Facts, Price, Ragdoll Bengal Mix Personality, Size, Lifespan, Price, F1bb Goldendoodle Temperament, Size, Lifespan, Adoption, Price, F1 vs F1b Goldendoodle Temperament, Size, Lifespan, Adoption, Price, Siamese tabby mix Personality, Size, Adoption, Lifespan, Price. Fewer calving problems 4.Dispositon The research concluded that Beefmasters provide the strongest heterosis of any bovine breed in the world. Empower Her. Beefmaster ranks fifth in the U.S. in terms of membership and is the largest of the American breeds. They are small boned, short legged, round barrelled, well-loined, thin-thighed . Bill Pendergrass, executive vice president of Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU), says Texas A&M did a multiyear carcass study in the 1990s, and of the 300 head of Beefmaster-sired cattle, 72% graded Choice. According to this evidence, base the selection of a breed on the level of performance in your environment. Compared, so they can & # x27 ; t stand heat, so they can just! Whether you have a feed-out program, you must be satisfied with the color and its uniformity or of... Traits, which he distilled to these six Essential traits 're black '' Dorn adds were... 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