clickhouse primary key

This will lead to better data compression and better disk usage. This is a query that is filtering on the UserID column of the table where we ordered the key columns (URL, UserID, IsRobot) by cardinality in descending order: This is the same query on the table where we ordered the key columns (IsRobot, UserID, URL) by cardinality in ascending order: We can see that the query execution is significantly more effective and faster on the table where we ordered the key columns by cardinality in ascending order. a query that is searching for rows with URL value = "W3". KeyClickHouse. . A 40-page extensive manual on all the in-and-outs of MVs on ClickHouse. Step 1: Get part-path that contains the primary index file, Step 3: Copy the primary index file into the user_files_path. We will use a compound primary key containing all three aforementioned columns that could be used to speed up typical web analytics queries that calculate. https: . ClickHouse continues to crush time series, by Alexander Zaitsev. ClickHouse. the EventTime. If the file is larger than the available free memory space then ClickHouse will raise an error. This index is an uncompressed flat array file (primary.idx), containing so-called numerical index marks starting at 0. For tables with wide format and without adaptive index granularity, ClickHouse uses .mrk mark files as visualised above, that contain entries with two 8 byte long addresses per entry. Note that the additional table is optimized for speeding up the execution of our example query filtering on URLs. In this case (see row 1 and row 2 in the diagram below), the final order is determined by the specified sorting key and therefore the value of the EventTime column. Throughout this guide we will use a sample anonymized web traffic data set. This means that for each group of 8192 rows, the primary index will have one index entry, e.g. This uses the URL table function in order to load a subset of the full dataset hosted remotely at ClickHouse clients result output shows us that the statement above inserted 8.87 million rows into the table. server reads data with mark ranges [1, 3) and [7, 8). Primary key allows effectively read range of data. The following diagram shows how the (column values of) 8.87 million rows of our table If not sure, put columns with low cardinality . ), Executor): Running binary search on index range for part prj_url_userid (1083 marks), Executor): Choose complete Normal projection prj_url_userid, Executor): projection required columns: URL, UserID, cardinality_URLcardinality_UserIDcardinality_IsRobot, 2.39 million 119.08 thousand 4.00 , , 1 row in set. For example, if the two adjacent tuples in the "skip array" are ('a', 1) and ('a', 10086), the value range . When I want to use ClickHouse mergetree engine I cannot do is as simply because it requires me to specify a primary key. To make this (way) more efficient and (much) faster, we need to use a table with a appropriate primary key. The primary index is created based on the granules shown in the diagram above. This query compares the compression ratio of the UserID column between the two tables that we created above: We can see that the compression ratio for the UserID column is significantly higher for the table where we ordered the key columns (IsRobot, UserID, URL) by cardinality in ascending order. For tables with wide format and with adaptive index granularity, ClickHouse uses .mrk2 mark files, that contain similar entries to .mrk mark files but with an additional third value per entry: the number of rows of the granule that the current entry is associated with. In order to significantly improve the compression ratio for the content column while still achieving fast retrieval of specific rows, is using two hashes (and a compound primary key) for identifying a specific row: Now the rows on disk are first ordered by fingerprint, and for rows with the same fingerprint value, their hash value determines the final order. UPDATE : ! . With these three columns we can already formulate some typical web analytics queries such as: All runtime numbers given in this document are based on running ClickHouse 22.2.1 locally on a MacBook Pro with the Apple M1 Pro chip and 16GB of RAM. These orange-marked column values are the primary key column values of each first row of each granule. The primary index file is completely loaded into the main memory. ClickHouseJDBC English | | | JavaJDBC . ), 31.67 MB (306.90 million rows/s., 1.23 GB/s. For the second case the ordering of the key columns in the compound primary key is significant for the effectiveness of the generic exclusion search algorithm. ", What are the most popular times (e.g. of our table with compound primary key (UserID, URL). The primary index that is based on the primary key is completely loaded into the main memory. When the UserID has high cardinality then it is unlikely that the same UserID value is spread over multiple table rows and granules. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, What is the difference between the primary key defined in as an argument of the storage engine, ie,, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. As we will see later, this global order enables ClickHouse to use a binary search algorithm over the index marks for the first key column when a query is filtering on the first column of the primary key. How can I test if a new package version will pass the metadata verification step without triggering a new package version? Processed 8.87 million rows, 15.88 GB (92.48 thousand rows/s., 165.50 MB/s. Because of the similarly high cardinality of UserID and URL, this secondary data skipping index can't help with excluding granules from being selected when our query filtering on URL is executed. This index design allows for the primary index to be small (it can, and must, completely fit into the main memory), whilst still significantly speeding up query execution times: especially for range queries that are typical in data analytics use cases. In parallel, ClickHouse is doing the same for granule 176 for the URL.bin data file. How to pick an ORDER BY / PRIMARY KEY. Allow to modify primary key and perform non-blocking sorting of whole table in background. If in addition we want to keep the good performance of our sample query that filters for rows with a specific UserID then we need to use multiple primary indexes. The client output indicates that ClickHouse almost executed a full table scan despite the URL column being part of the compound primary key! By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 'http://public_search') very likely is between the minimum and maximum value stored by the index for each group of granules resulting in ClickHouse being forced to select the group of granules (because they might contain row(s) matching the query). ClickHouse stores data in LSM-like format (MergeTree Family) 1. This requires 19 steps with an average time complexity of O(log2 n): We can see in the trace log above, that one mark out of the 1083 existing marks satisfied the query. The uncompressed data size is 8.87 million events and about 700 MB. That doesnt scale. type Base struct {. The indirection provided by mark files avoids storing, directly within the primary index, entries for the physical locations of all 1083 granules for all three columns: thus avoiding having unnecessary (potentially unused) data in main memory. And instead of finding individual rows, Clickhouse finds granules first and then executes full scan on found granules only (which is super efficient due to small size of each granule): Lets populate our table with 50 million random data records: As set above, our table primary key consist of 3 columns: Clickhouse will be able to use primary key for finding data if we use column(s) from it in the query: As we can see searching by a specific event column value resulted in processing only a single granule which can be confirmed by using EXPLAIN: Thats because, instead of scanning full table, Clickouse was able to use primary key index to first locate only relevant granules, and then filter only those granules. These tables are designed to receive millions of row inserts per second and store very large (100s of Petabytes) volumes of data. ), Executor): Key condition: (column 0 in [749927693, 749927693]), Executor): Running binary search on index range for part all_1_9_2 (1083 marks), Executor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 176, Executor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 177, Executor): Found continuous range in 19 steps. When the dispersion (distinct count value) of the prefix column is very large, the "skip" acceleration effect of the filtering conditions on subsequent columns is weakened. Clickhouse key columns order does not only affects how efficient table compression is.Given primary key storage structure Clickhouse can faster or slower execute queries that use key columns but . How can I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V to drive a motor? For our data set this would result in the primary index - often a B(+)-Tree data structure - containing 8.87 million entries. If not sure, put columns with low cardinality first and then columns with high cardinality. Or in other words: the primary index stores the primary key column values from each 8192nd row of the table (based on the physical row order defined by the primary key columns). Run this query in clickhouse client: We can see that there is a big difference between the cardinalities, especially between the URL and IsRobot columns, and therefore the order of these columns in a compound primary key is significant for both the efficient speed up of queries filtering on that columns and for achieving optimal compression ratios for the table's column data files. ; Column values are not physically stored inside granules: granules are just a logical organization of the column values for query processing. In this case it would be likely that the same UserID value is spread over multiple table rows and granules and therefore index marks. This is because whilst all index marks in the diagram fall into scenario 1 described above, they do not satisfy the mentioned exclusion-precondition that the directly succeeding index mark has the same UserID value as the current mark and thus cant be excluded. The command changes the sorting key of the table to new_expression (an expression or a tuple of expressions). We will discuss the consequences of this on query execution performance in more detail later. At the very large scale that ClickHouse is designed for, it is paramount to be very disk and memory efficient. A granule is the smallest indivisible data set that is streamed into ClickHouse for data processing. This will allow ClickHouse to automatically (based on the primary keys column(s)) create a sparse primary index which can then be used to significantly speed up the execution of our example query. for the on disk representation, there is a single data file (*.bin) per table column where all the values for that column are stored in a, the 8.87 million rows are stored on disk in lexicographic ascending order by the primary key columns (and the additional sort key columns) i.e. ClickHouse reads 8.81 million rows from the 8.87 million rows of the table. This compressed block potentially contains a few compressed granules. For example. ngrambf_v1,tokenbf_v1,bloom_filter. We are numbering rows starting with 0 in order to be aligned with the ClickHouse internal row numbering scheme that is also used for logging messages. Similar to data files, there is one mark file per table column. If trace logging is enabled then the ClickHouse server log file shows that ClickHouse was running a binary search over the 1083 UserID index marks, in order to identify granules that possibly can contain rows with a UserID column value of 749927693. This ultimately prevents ClickHouse from making assumptions about the maximum URL value in granule 0. each granule contains two rows. But that index is not providing significant help with speeding up a query filtering on URL, despite the URL column being part of the compound primary key. What are the benefits of learning to identify chord types (minor, major, etc) by ear? Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? Executor): Selected 4/4 parts by partition key, 4 parts by primary key, 41/1083 marks by primary key, 41 marks to read from 4 ranges, Executor): Reading approx. Good order by usually have 3 to 5 columns, from lowest cardinal on the left (and the most important for filtering) to highest cardinal (and less important for filtering).. Primary key remains the same. For data processing purposes, a table's column values are logically divided into granules. However, the three options differ in how transparent that additional table is to the user with respect to the routing of queries and insert statements. Index granularity is adaptive by default, but for our example table we disabled adaptive index granularity (in order to simplify the discussions in this guide, as well as make the diagrams and results reproducible). Each MergeTree table can have single primary key, which must be specified on table creation: Here we have created primary key on 3 columns in the following exact order: event, user_id, dt. Provide additional logic when data parts merging in the CollapsingMergeTree and SummingMergeTree engines. 2023-04-14 09:00:00 2 . The second offset ('granule_offset' in the diagram above) from the mark-file provides the location of the granule within the uncompressed block data. Data is quickly written to a table part by part, with rules applied for merging the parts in the background. ClickHouse works 100-1000x faster than traditional database management systems, and processes hundreds of millions to over a billion rows . In order to see how a query is executed over our data set without a primary key, we create a table (with a MergeTree table engine) by executing the following SQL DDL statement: Next insert a subset of the hits data set into the table with the following SQL insert statement. Practical approach to create an good ORDER BY for a table: Pick the columns you use in filtering always Sorting key defines order in which data will be stored on disk, while primary key defines how data will be structured for queries. When a query is filtering (only) on a column that is part of a compound key, but is not the first key column, then ClickHouse is using the generic exclusion search algorithm over the key column's index marks. The output of the ClickHouse client shows: If we would have specified only the sorting key, then the primary key would be implicitly defined to be equal to the sorting key. We will illustrate and discuss in detail: You can optionally execute all ClickHouse SQL statements and queries given in this guide by yourself on your own machine. In ClickHouse the physical locations of all granules for our table are stored in mark files. Alternative ways to code something like a table within a table? ClickHouse needs to locate (and stream all values from) granule 176 from both the UserID.bin data file and the URL.bin data file in order to execute our example query (top 10 most clicked URLs for the internet user with the UserID 749.927.693). Insert all 8.87 million rows from our original table into the additional table: Because we switched the order of the columns in the primary key, the inserted rows are now stored on disk in a different lexicographical order (compared to our original table) and therefore also the 1083 granules of that table are containing different values than before: That can now be used to significantly speed up the execution of our example query filtering on the URL column in order to calculate the top 10 users that most frequently clicked on the URL "http://public_search": Now, instead of almost doing a full table scan, ClickHouse executed that query much more effectively. The reason in simple: to check if the row already exists you need to do some lookup (key-value) alike (ClickHouse is bad for key-value lookups), in general case - across the whole huge table (which can be terabyte/petabyte size). // Base contains common columns for all tables. ClickHouse is column-store database by Yandex with great performance for analytical queries. ), path: ./store/d9f/d9f36a1a-d2e6-46d4-8fb5-ffe9ad0d5aed/all_1_9_2/, rows: 8.87 million, 740.18 KB (1.53 million rows/s., 138.59 MB/s. Because effectively the hidden table (and it's primary index) created by the projection is identical to the secondary table that we created explicitly, the query is executed in the same effective way as with the explicitly created table. jangorecki added the feature label on Feb 25, 2020. Searching an entry in a B(+)-Tree data structure has average time complexity of O(log2 n). The first (based on physical order on disk) 8192 rows (their column values) logically belong to granule 0, then the next 8192 rows (their column values) belong to granule 1 and so on. Thanks in advance. Elapsed: 145.993 sec. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. ), URLCount, 170 , 52 , http://public_search 45 , http://kovrik-medvedevushku- 36 , http://forumal 33 , 14 , 14 , 13 , 10 , http://wot/html?page/23600_m 9 , , 70.45 MB (398.53 million rows/s., 3.17 GB/s. mark 1 in the diagram above thus indicates that the UserID values of all table rows in granule 1, and in all following granules, are guaranteed to be greater than or equal to 4.073.710. Its corresponding granule 176 can therefore possibly contain rows with a UserID column value of 749.927.693. It is designed to provide high performance for analytical queries. Index marks 2 and 3 for which the URL value is greater than W3 can be excluded, since index marks of a primary index store the key column values for the first table row for each granule and the table rows are sorted on disk by the key column values, therefore granule 2 and 3 can't possibly contain URL value W3. If trace_logging is enabled then the ClickHouse server log file shows that ClickHouse used a generic exclusion search over the 1083 URL index marks in order to identify those granules that possibly can contain rows with a URL column value of "http://public_search": We can see in the sample trace log above, that 1076 (via the marks) out of 1083 granules were selected as possibly containing rows with a matching URL value. ), 81.28 KB (6.61 million rows/s., 26.44 MB/s. the second index entry (mark 1 in the diagram below) is storing the key column values of the first row of granule 1 from the diagram above, and so on. This means that instead of reading individual rows, ClickHouse is always reading (in a streaming fashion and in parallel) a whole group (granule) of rows. The diagram above shows how ClickHouse is locating the granule for the UserID.bin data file. ClickHouse now uses the selected mark number (176) from the index for a positional array lookup in the UserID.mrk mark file in order to get the two offsets for locating granule 176. ClickHouse uses a SQL-like query language for querying data and supports different data types, including integers, strings, dates, and floats. We can also reproduce this by using the EXPLAIN clause in our example query: The client output is showing that one out of the 1083 granules was selected as possibly containing rows with a UserID column value of 749927693. Combination of non-unique foreign keys to create primary key? In contrast to the diagram above, the diagram below sketches the on-disk order of rows for a primary key where the key columns are ordered by cardinality in descending order: Now the table's rows are first ordered by their ch value, and rows that have the same ch value are ordered by their cl value. Such an index allows the fast location of specific rows, resulting in high efficiency for lookup queries and point updates. ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY, ORDER BY . When creating a second table with a different primary key then queries must be explicitly send to the table version best suited for the query, and new data must be inserted explicitly into both tables in order to keep the tables in sync: With a materialized view the additional table is implicitly created and data is automatically kept in sync between both tables: And the projection is the most transparent option because next to automatically keeping the implicitly created (and hidden) additional table in sync with data changes, ClickHouse will automatically choose the most effective table version for queries: In the following we discuss this three options for creating and using multiple primary indexes in more detail and with real examples. When parts are merged, then the merged parts primary indexes are also merged. For example, because the UserID values of mark 0 and mark 1 are different in the diagram above, ClickHouse can't assume that all URL values of all table rows in granule 0 are larger or equal to 'http://showtopics.html%3'. As we will see below, these orange-marked column values will be the entries in the table's primary index. if the combined row data size for n rows is less than 10 MB but n is 8192. Although in both tables exactly the same data is stored (we inserted the same 8.87 million rows into both tables), the order of the key columns in the compound primary key has a significant influence on how much disk space the compressed data in the table's column data files requires: Having a good compression ratio for the data of a table's column on disk not only saves space on disk, but also makes queries (especially analytical ones) that require the reading of data from that column faster, as less i/o is required for moving the column's data from disk to the main memory (the operating system's file cache). The following calculates the top 10 most clicked urls for the UserID 749927693. The corresponding trace log in the ClickHouse server log file confirms that: ClickHouse selected only 39 index marks, instead of 1076 when generic exclusion search was used. 8192 rows starting from 1441792, explain, Expression (Projection) , Limit (preliminary LIMIT (without OFFSET)) , Sorting (Sorting for ORDER BY) , Expression (Before ORDER BY) , Aggregating , Expression (Before GROUP BY) , Filter (WHERE) , SettingQuotaAndLimits (Set limits and quota after reading from storage) , ReadFromMergeTree , Indexes: , PrimaryKey , Keys: , UserID , Condition: (UserID in [749927693, 749927693]) , Parts: 1/1 , Granules: 1/1083 , , 799.69 MB (102.11 million rows/s., 9.27 GB/s.). The two respective granules are aligned and streamed into the ClickHouse engine for further processing i.e. Existence of rational points on generalized Fermat quintics. Processed 8.87 million rows, 15.88 GB (84.73 thousand rows/s., 151.64 MB/s. And that is very good for the compression ratio of the content column, as a compression algorithm in general benefits from data locality (the more similar the data is the better the compression ratio is). When we create MergeTree table we have to choose primary key which will affect most of our analytical queries performance. When choosing primary key columns, follow several simple rules: Technical articles on creating, scaling, optimizing and securing big data applications, Data-intensive apps engineer, tech writer, opensource contributor @ How to provision multi-tier a file system across fast and slow storage while combining capacity? tokenbf_v1ngrambf_v1String . To keep the property that data part rows are ordered by the sorting key expression you cannot add expressions containing existing columns to the sorting key (only columns added by the ADD . Location of specific rows, 15.88 GB ( 84.73 thousand rows/s., clickhouse primary key.... 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