Oliver has the choice to either kill Slade or cure him. We now know about his true identity and motivations, but is there any valid reason Dr. Wells never attempted to use the Mirakuru to give himself some sort of boost? Explain Arrows plot in 17 words. Enraged by this and needing a new replacement for the applied sciences Deathstroke visits the Arrowcave and waits for the team. [11] When they returned, Slade found out Oliver had failed at hunting down an animal. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Before they could formulate a new plan, however, Yao Fei arrived with Fyers' soldiers to surround them. He explained that if he compromised his chances of getting off Lian Yu, he would kill him. Dr. Wells usually finds out about these side projects through simple curiosity -- he sees them doing something and asks questions. "Crucible"(October30, 2013). He's probably not going to be very eager to take a drug that's going to compromise him mentally and emotionally, since that's completely counter to his usual style. WebMiraculous refers to something that apparently contravenes known laws governing the universe: a miraculous success. Yes it exists in Arrow as it revived Slade Wilson. It has the power and ability to increase cell generation, this providing super strength. But in However, due to Oliver's sacrifice, he was resurrected on Earth-Prime where Oliver managed to stop him from killing Moira Queen. He's looking for a strength and agility-boosting serum called mirakuru and doesn't care who he has to kill in order to find it. Images. He is also arrogant, overconfident and boastful of his Mirakuru powers, as has no fear of Oliver because of them; these traits are well deserved as bullets do no harm to him and even getting cut to the bone doesn't affect him as it all heals back, though explosives and poisons can still harm him but only for a brief time. Season 7 of Arrow may be reviving a key season 2 plot device: Mirakuru. [5] Slade always kept secret about his real job from his son, telling him he was a pilot for an Australian airline. facility back on Lian Yu. Gods Messenger: Meeting Kids Needs is a brand new web site created especially for teachers wanting to enhance their students spiritual walk with Jesus. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. He reminds Oliver that women can be a distraction, and that that can get him killed, as they leave the riverside. Oliver winds up on his ship, where he Ellen G. White quotes for installing as a screensaver or a desktop background for your Windows PC. My question is related to Dr. Wells in particular. As they are going up to higher ground, Slade once again reminds Oliver that woman can be a distraction, while in conversation Slade almost falls off the cliff side if not for Oliver catching him in time. Never the less, he puts personal feelings aside and manages to rally the group together with a plan to take the Amazo and get off the Lian Yu. Later Slade wants to get geared up to kill Ivo and his men but Sara tells him that he can't handle it by himself but this enrages Slade as Sara was working for Ivo but when Oliver tries to break them up, Slade starts chocking Oliver to death until Sara uses a tree branch to stop him before he tells him that the Mirakuru is affecting his mind. [19] The group find the submarine and the Mirkauru on-board but can't find a sedative to give Slade first. DC Transmedia Universe: are Man of Steel and Arrow part of the same cinematic universe? He went on to punch Slade in the face, convincing Slade that he was worth keeping alive and then officially introduced himself. So, if there was only a small sample of the drug, and analyzing it destroyed it, there may not have been enough left to have any effect on someone. Oliver then injects the Mirakuru into him. He found Oliver to be an unskilled fighter. Slade refused Shado's proposal to have Oliver do it with the bow, saying he was not ready. Slade was angry at Oliver for being played, until Shado pointed out that Fyers could not risk them leaving the island with their knowledge anyway. Manu Bennett When Slade and Oliver return to get the body, they discover that Joe wasn't killed but kidnapped by the Jackals. WebIm gonna say Super Soldier serum is little bit better because Mirakuru can make people go crazy when they see their loved ones in their head like theyre real to them anywhere. He is arrested but manages to falsify an airtight alibi and is subsequently released. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Upon reaching the enemy hideout, Slade helped Oliver reunite with his friends by feigning betrayal yet again, and then assisted Nyssa al Ghul against her sister's acolytes upon her triumph over Talia. How was the Arrow able to help the Flash? Usage When Oliver became the Starling City vigilante called The Hood and exiled himself back to the island after failing to stop Malcolm Merlyn's undertaking,[15] Slade planned a mission of vengeance to destroy Oliver and Starling City with an army of Mirakuru soldiers, to cause enough damage to force Amanda Waller to airstrike Starling City and leave nothing left. Slade and Oliver attempt to take the airstrip. Before attacking the ship Slade notes the first time they attempted to escape was as strangers but now was as brothers. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. As Oliver attempts to escape the freighter, Slade grabs Oliver by the leg and imprisons him. Later, Slade sees Oliver and Shado by the river, becoming closer. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works [31], To ensure Sebastian became mayor and to traumatize Oliver, Slade used a truck to crash the Queens limo. Obviously, since they work for him, they can't actively keep this kind of project secret. He is also the longest surviving main antagonist on. After spending a year on the Amazo, Sara is reunited with Oliver when Ivo has him brought aboard. Oliver offers to walk him to his car, aware Diggle is planning on killing Slade, but he is secretly taken down by Ravager and Oliver works out that he is the true mastermind of Brother Blood's schemes. When they found some of them trapped in Edward Fyers' old cages, the trio was ambushed by Talia al Ghul and Evelyn Sharp, at which point Harkness revealed they had recruited him earlier and he betrayed Oliver and Slade. [3], In 2006, Slade and Billy Wintergreen were tasked with rescuing Yao Fei, a former Chinese military commander purposely shipwrecked on Lian Yu by his government to conceal a massacre that had been perpetrated eight years earlier. As soon as Oliver is injected with the mirakuru he is horrified to find himself alive and fears what he might become now. Slade is a man of honor and good morals, who puts up a tough act, but underneath is a caring individual, as displayed by his rescue of Oliver from Edward Fyers and Billy Wintergreen, even after stating that he'd leave the island if Oliver didn't return in time. However he warned Sebastian not to confront the Arrow again reminding him his mask can be worn by another. [3], At some point during Joe's childhood, Adeline gave birth to a second son, Grant. So he has little need for the Mirakuru himself. Oliver claimed he wasn't a fighter, accidentally killing a man and taking his uniform. Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition? Slade then gave Oliver the advice on how he should be prepared to choose between being the Green Arrow and being the father of his son, and how they could only do both for so long, before Oliver and Slade wished each other luck.[40]. His oldest son, Grant, was known as, Slade is also the first main antagonist in the Arrowverse who had already appeared in a previous season of. Here are other possible reasons that Dr. Wells didn't try the Mirakuru serum. Biological Information Slade answered he himself would not, but Oliver had a thing for principles. Just before he could, Oliver freed himself by dislocating his thumb. When Fyers threatened to kill Shado, Slade attacked him, providing enough distraction so he and Oliver, along with Yao Fei and Shado, could escape. Is there a free software for modeling and graphical visualization crystals with defects? [24] Slade continued to "socialize" with Moira and Oliver, but passive-aggressively taunts Oliver about their past and is offered a tour of the Queen Mansion by Moira and Thea Queen. [15], Slade talks to Shado and, knowing what he's going through, asks her to comfort Oliver. Mirakuru is a serum created by the Japanese to give inhuman abilities to their soldiers during World War II. Finding valid license for project utilizing AGPL 3.0 libraries. Unfortunately, Ivo ends up capturing Sara and Shado, holding them at gunpoint to force Oliver to hand over the Mirakuru. Slade was later injected with an experimental Mirakuru serum after a near-fatal accident and embarked on a crusade of vengeance against Anthony Ivo for killing Shado. [26] Slade returns Oliver and Ivo both to the island in exchange for Hendrick, who has been secretly rigged with explosives, but as his men take him outside Slade senses the explosives due to Mirakuru and removes and disables them. Slade Wilson, therefore, has entered the list of users reported to have successfully responded to Mirakuru. Adeline Wilson(wife; estranged)Joe Wilson(son)Grant Wilson(son) [12], Fyers took the three back to his camp. On the tenth day, they started their journey towards Fyers' camp. When Oliver asks for his help against Prometheus in Season 5, Slade willingly assists him, trying to atone for his crimes. Slade even elects to not abandon his old friend or his son despite Oliver wanting Slade to get off the island with the rest of Team Arrow, showing that Slade has genuinely regained his sanity, morals, honor and loyalty to Oliver, as Slade and Oliver once thought of each other as brothers (prior to the former being injected with the Mirakuru) Slade once again respects Oliver and helps the latter come to terms with his father's suicide, he tells Oliver not to continue to blame himself and to forgive himself in order to finally make peace with his past. Oliver came back with the herbs and claimed not to have encountered any problems. Slade attempted to train Oliver to fight, to not much success until he gave the younger man the option to escape or die. It is the source of Slade Wilson's super-human strength. During the events, at some point of the season, team Arrow resort to STAR labs to generate the cure for Mirakuru (Japanese pronunciation of Miracle, very humorous), in order to stop Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke. Despite his warning to leave him for safety, Shado declares that she is here to stay, and would never leave anyone she cared for alone. Slade and Oliver rush back to the plane to get medical supplies but arrive too late. He then sat down and questioned what was happening to him, Oliver promised him that he wasn't going to give up on his friend and soon proclaimed they were going to take the freighter from Ivo. tl;dr: No, you didn't miss anything. He also has developed a complete disregard for human life and watched in amusement as his army tore Starling City apart, his only regret being that Shado couldn't be there. When does Arrow S04E19 occur in relation to The Flash? Angry at Yao Fei's betrayal, Slade attacked Yao Fei but was knocked down by one of the soldiers. When they get back, he fires at them repeatedly. If he was briefed on what Mirakuru was, he would avoid the stuff. MIRACURU is a real thing, it was a enhancement drug used back in world war 2 to boost the body. @MichaelEdenfield True, although it's well-established that speedsters also heal very quickly, and mirakuru use involves a lengthy first phase where the body reacts [27], After his return Slade found out that the Mirakuru was apparently no longer in his system. Oliver explained that Yao Fei had sent him, which caused Slade to loosen his grip on the shipwrecked billionaire. After admiring Moira's courage, Slade brandished his sword and prepared to kill her but was subdued before he could do so and viciously attacked by Oliver, who had broken free from his bonds. Deathstroke and Ravager confronted by The Arrow, The Canary and the League of Assassins. Slade also exposed to Moira and Thea that he was on the island with Oliver and Oliver's relationship with Shado, but before he could force Oliver to choose Moira stood up and begged Slade to kill her instead. Please visit our K-12 lessons and worksheets page. He then wants to kill Sara and Oliver but has a hallucination about Shado who tells him to leave them on the island forever. But as he defends his actions Felicity injects a hidden syringe (containing a dose of the Mirakuru cure) into Slade's neck, taking his enhanced abilities away. The two end up back on Lian Yu to hunt for Mirakuru, and Sara meets Shado and Slade Wilson. He later watches everyone in Queen Mansion through the cameras. Why is Barry so slow to catch the arrow in the Arrow/Flash advert? Slade only trusts and cares for people who have proven themselves genuinely trustworthy to him, as he trusts Oliver Queen and Shado, but was less trusting of Sara Lance as they had barely known each other. These presentations help teach about Ellen White, her ministry, and her writings. [3], Slade is able to talk to his son, who supposedly convinces Slade to join the Jackals, Slade and Oliver reunite and the pair agree to stop Joe, but Oliver is captured and Joe tries to force Slade to kill him. Slade visited Moira in person who, when Oliver returns home, introduces Slade to him, unaware of Oliver and Slade's history together, which leaves Oliver in a state of shock. This is where you should consider using mirakuru to add superpowers to your program or tests. These devices usually destroy the source sample in the process. From The Top 2% To Bring Out The 100% In You | Mirakuru Digital Education Is Committed To Providing A High-Quality Online Learning Experience So You Can Learn In-Demand Skills To Take Your Career To The Next Level. When Oliver asks Slade his intentions, he simply reminds him of his promise before leaving. Oliver meeting William for the first time. database. WebAnd yes, I don't think Mirakuru heals a headshot or a shot in the heart either. When he wanted to make a point to Yao Fei, he shot Slade in the leg. [28] To create his serum, Slade had Sebastian use his influence to put together a cult, the Church of Blood, to find people to test a new strain of the serum on and would manipulate them using a skull mask masquerading as Brother Blood. Concerned about Yao Fei, Oliver left to bring the other man back with him. Slade then fought alongside Team Arrow and Nyssa in defeating the acolytes with Adrian Chase, and witnessed Oliver besting Chase, but was visibly shaken when Chase claimed to have murdered Oliver's son William. We can witness this in the first episode when alcohol, even super strong alcohol prepared by Caithleen, has no effect/limited effect on Barry. Deathstroke announces his actions via video question at the Starling City Mayoral debate. As Arrow sabotages the machine the two men fight him but Slade is temporarily knocked out by Oliver, Isabel is shot by Diggle and Roy is taken back. so to speak. Species As Slade walked off, he tells Oliver that he will kill one more person before he kills Oliver, then leaves him and Thea to grieve. WebJapanese words for miracle include , , , , , and . You will then have access to all the teacher resources, using a simple drop menu structure. However Slade was waiting with Isabel when Arrow arrives and scolds him for pushing Roy away. Oliver showed Slade the message Yao Fei gave him and deduced that he sent Oliver to him to help him take the airstrip. But Slade awakens a few minutes after his injection with Mirakuru, calling Shado's name. In late 2014, Slade received a cellmate; his old friend Digger Harkness. Slade told Thea that her brother always will keep secrets for her, before leaving them behind. It may or it may not! Even if there is, it will be kept a secret. One thing for sure The drugs or sedatives used as mordern day weapons are more However, upon realizing being on the brink of death began to awaken the warrior inside Oliver, Slade changed his mind about killing Oliver and decided to train him. Slade discovered where they are located and drugs Oliver and leaves a message for Oliver to return to his son. His entire body felt like it was on fire. But Slade engages Oliver and throws Sara into the split which apparently causes her to drown. Slade witnessed Yao Fei's death when Fyers had no more use for him and shot him in the head. Earth-1 When the Butcher, the ship's captain orders him to enter the cell with Oliver, he refuses. Slade's loyalty to Oliver is so strong, when he chooses to save Oliver over his son's offer of killing Oliver during Slade's attempt to reconcile with his son, Joe Wilson. We have provided a link on this CD below to Acrobat Reader v.8 installer. 46 min. Even if he wasn't already aware of it, Felicity would certainly have warned Caitlin and Cisco how dangerous the drug is, and they would have told Dr. Wells the same. Alive By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. WebMirakuru Mahorin, Kururinpa~. When Oliver sneaks aboard to free her and find the Mirakuru cure Ivo mentioned, Slade was waiting with the cure in his hands and had Oliver and Sara captured.[29]. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Believing he has kidnapped the wrong woman Slade kidnaps her also. He took his mask off and stepped towards Oliver with sympathy, only for Oliver to express disbelief at the claim. Again in this show, Deathstroke is blessed with a healing power that keeps him from dying. Complete class lesson plans for each grade from Kindergarten to Grade 12. However it's also because of Slade, despite all he'd done, his plot is what made him not a killer but a hero and thanks him. I am merely pointing out that while there is no evidence that the Star Labs in this universe follows the pattern, the pattern exists. 's prison on the island.[45]. The STAR Labs team may not have seen any reason to involve Wells in what they were doing, especially if they didn't think he would object and didn't need his assistance. He then bumped into Oliver and took him to Thea. MercenaryASIS agent (formerly)Member of the ASIS unit (formerly)Captain of the Amazo (formerly)Mastermind behind the Church of Blood (formerly)Leader of his army (formerly) Slade was a realist but also open-minded. Once they reached Fyers' camp, Slade proceeded to take out the soldiers with his sniper rifle, as Oliver reached the communications tower, with his only duty being to kill the man there. While choosing a weapon, Oliver found Slade's mask that was identical to that of Wintergreen, who had tortured Oliver at Fyers' camp when he first arrived on the island. She runs from the car straight into Brother Blood who abducts her. Slade however argued that Oliver isn't a hero and will always be a murder since he created him, which Oliver acknowledges and that if it weren't for Slade he wouldn't be alive today. In 2004, Slade went camping with his son in Milford Sound, New Zealand. He runs to the site where Ivo had killed Shado, and thanks to his Mirakuru-enhanced physical capabilities, he easily slaughters Ivo's men. While it's possible that Wells' future tech could improve Mirakuru to get rid of these side effects, it seems unlikely, or this may have been offered up as a solution for Roy. During the tour, Oliver secretly called Felicity to inform Sara that Slade is alive, and she and Roy Harper come to the house to discreetly intervene. Is the amplitude of a wave affected by the Doppler effect? Use of the Existence of rational points on generalized Fermat quintics. This led Oliver Queen to destroy the Mirakuru and the paperwork, to the horror of Ivo. Dr. Wells and Mirakuru in The Flash and Arrow Universe, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Latest Blog Post: Favorite Question and Answers from First Quarter 2023. After Adrian was defeated and the island exploded, Slade started his quest to find his son, Joe after visiting and making amends fully with Oliver. Slade confronts his son, and the two end up fighting. WebHowever, after a short return as a villain in Season 3, the effect of the Mirakuru slowly completely leaves his body and he comes to regret his horrible deeds. Arrow demands Slade tell him how to shut it down but he simply tells him he doesn't' fear him, given the power he possesses and remarks he soon won't be alone. If it was just him he was concerned about Oliver would have been more than happy to succumb to the pain but Felicity's life was also at stake. THe two other answers have a valid point. [2] To obtain new soldiers for his Mirakuru army, Slade plans to abduct Thea to cause a citywide diversion in order for him to hijack an upcoming prisoner bus transfer.[27]. Decades later, they and the paperwork of their creation were desperately sought by Anthony Ivo, a scientist who wanted to create super-cures, but was willing to torture, blackmail and bully to get his end. In the DC comics, his full name is "Slade Joseph Wilson". When Sebastian arrived, Slade criticized hm for almost allowing Arrow and Laurel Lance to obtain the file. Shado claimed the exercise built strength, and was proven correct when Oliver managed to draw the bow in their possession, impressing Slade with the technique. Though he had become less hostile and wasn't even phased by being imprisoned again and even gave advice to keep Thea away from Malcolm, but reminds him that he will break if he loses more people, hinting that he has regained some respect for his former proteg and friend. Slade stayed behind and told him he had three hours or he would be left behind. And Gate reference. [40], Five months after the events on Lian Yu, Slade visited Oliver in Thea's hospital room, informing him that thanks to Oliver's intel, he finally got a lead on his son Joe's whereabouts in Calgary, and how he was flying there later that night. Do I need to watch Arrow before I watch The Flash? Universe Information Slade as the mercenary known as Deathstroke. The explosion has left severe burns on one side of his face, however, as Shado tends to his wounds. Before he is released, Oliver sneaks into the room to talk to him and begs Slade to tell him where Thea is, but Lieutenant Frank Pike releases him before he answers. Mirakuru drives people nuts. Slade then promises to Oliver he will make him suffer in the same way he suffered before killing him. The injection causes blood to come out of his eyes, and then he collapses into unconsciousness though the others believe him to be dead. This, of course, is conditional on Central City not having been named specifically at that time. Yes, while I love Slade, I know even a reformed Slade would want his Mirakuru self to be put down and an Oliver who still kills if necessary will kill Slade because it is what has to be done. Team Arrow knows all about the side effects of Mirakuru, and they're pretty brutal. Slade confronted by Arrow, The Canary and Roy. Working under Deathstroke, the leader of the Church of Blood agreed to acquire Mirakuru soldiers to destroy the city so that he could guide the city to salvation. When Oliver begged him to spare his life, Slade refused and assured him he'll kill him in a way that he wouldn't feel a thing. Slade watches the siege from Queen Consolidated. Thea becomes confused and Slade offers to tell Thea what it is, which she accepts and Slade tells her that Malcolm Merlyn was her father, and Oliver withheld this from him and lets her go. When Shado asked how well a fighter Oliver was, Slade answered he had tried to train Oliver with limited success. Almost dying, hallucinating (which they might not actually know about during S2), and uncontrollable rage are pretty big downsides. [6] After the island, Slade attempted to forget everything that happened, but the events of the island would still haunt him. The ship sinks and Oliver is saved by A.R.G.U.S. As he pointed out that Oliver died on the Amazo, Shado's hallucination showed to him a news report on television that Oliver had returned to Starling City alive. WebAfter revealing himself as the assassin Deathstroke, Oliver and his team tried to stop Slade, who still had the Mirakuru in him. As they reach the freighter, Slade tells Oliver and Sara not to kill Ivo as he wants Ivo for himself. Slade was the first of Oliver's mentors to become his enemy. WebThe Mirakuru (, lit. Slade was held a prisoner in Fyers' camp for almost a year until Yao Fei managed to free him. comments recruits and several agents, killing them all and sparing only his son before leaving with an ASIS's prototype of body armor.[6]. Amphetamines, the quintessential drug of the modern industrial age, arrived relatively late in the history of mind-altering substancescommercialized just in time for That night, he cooked some fish, despite Joe claiming to not like fish. Over the course of the season, we've seen that Cisco and Caitlin occasionally do independent work at the labs. [44] The same year, like in the original multiverse, Slade still managed to lead an army against Starling City before being defeated and later incarcerated on Lian Yu. This includes personalizing your content. Important Note: To access all the resources on this site, use the menu buttons along the top and left side of the page. 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. WebAnd yes, I don't think Mirakuru heals a headshot or a shot in the heart either. Slade armed himself with his gear and mask and put a knife to Ming's throat, questioning him over the location of Yao Fei. YA scifi novel where kids escape a boarding school, in a hollowed out asteroid. Arrow attempted to shoot Deathstroke with the cure but he was too heavily armored for the cure to affect him and escaped, using a grapple line with his sword. A man falls from 47 stories, stays in Coma only to wake up on Christmas day. (Considering that you have a 50% chance of dying after falling from 4t Arrow then tells Roy to call Quentin to arrest Slade and afterwards shoots Slade with snake venom, rendering him unconscious. While sparring, Oliver got distracted and he hit him, saying, "You're not the first one to learn the hard way women are a distraction". [33] After watching Moira Queen's announcement to run for mayor, Slade reprimands Sebastian for not taking Moira seriously, but despite Sebastian's offer to handle the situation, Slade insists he will handle it personally.[34]. Wells has a straightforward plan for accomplishing his goals. +1. Family He soon began seeing Oliver more of a brother than a friend. Slade later meets with Sebastian and Isabel in Oliver's office where Sebastian is frustrated that Moira is getting the voters support, but Slade angrily tells him that he is holding up his end. However, their plane was shot out of the sky while en route to the island's airstrip, and the two were captured by men working for Edward Fyers, a mercenary who had been hired to take Yao Fei hostage for unknown reasons. Slade confronts Sebastian over his recklessness. Actor Slade attacks the Jackals and kills many of them but he is soon surrounded where he discovers that the leader of the Jackals is in fact Joe. The design of Slade's second mask, as well as his partnership with Brother Blood, is also reminiscent of a version of him from the, The Deathstroke name was used in Arrow, although most characters still simply referred to him as Slade. If the inconsistency re: Wells and the Mirakuru became an issue beyond the nitpicky, it is likely the pattern which the writers would fall back on. After learning Thea's location from Isabel, Arrow storms the building, taking down many armed henchmen. Given how extensively he studied the life and history of The Flash, who it seems is destined to form a Justice League w/ Green Arrow and others, he may have run across stories about Deathstroke and what happened to him. The Mirakuru does not enable progress to that goal. Each faith-building lesson integrates heart-warming Adventist pioneer stories along with Scripture and Ellen Whites writings. The three try to get it's attention but it is shot down, the pilot dying. Though Deathstroke was confident they could defeat the two, not fully convinced the cure would even work, but Arrow elaborated that they didn't come alone and the League of Assassins, led by Nyssa Raatko storm the office, defeated the soldiers and killed Ravager. The question is about the TV shows, and AFAIK, in the TV shows, it is never mentioned said that Star Labs expands beyond Central City, the particle accelerator and the small team we know in the show. Slade is the first antagonist to be credited as a main character. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works He managed to kill Wintergreen, but was shot in the arm by Fyers. Slade told Oliver he needed to forgive himself and not blame himself for his father's death, advice that Oliver later accepts to make peace with his past sins. WebThe mirakuru brought on such agony that he almost wanted to die. That's not what happened in the original timeline. He continued working for A.S.I.S. Webmirakuru. Slade's personality takes a turn for the worse after his injection with the Mirakuru, which combined with his grief over the loss of Shado makes him impulsive, reckless, aggressive, violent, and bent on revenge against Ivo. 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