For a laugh, my buddy and I decided to check it out. Honors Theses. Group think (a close cousin to Pluaralistic Ignorance) is about rationality becoming so exploited by ones obession to meet the groups needs that harm comes to the individaul and those also caught in the cross fire. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted 0000005121 00000 n endobj Retrieved July 12, 2019, from Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. In other words, cult recruits typically believe they are joining a legitimate and healthy group that will not . Beware of thinking that you are immune from cult . According to Dr. Stanley H. Cath of Tufts University School of Medicine, many people who join cults were raised in a family that attempted to teach them Christianity, Judaism, or another formal religion, and yet they rejected it. 844, The Making of Cults: The Factors that Contribute to Membership and the Leaders Influence, Chloe Greenidge, Eastern Kentucky UniversityFollow. But strict obedience is required. Three main axes of improvement were highlighted: regulations concerning cults in order to limit their social presence, which appears to be a vulnerability factor for commitment; social and therapeutic follow-up when a member leaves a group so that social precariousness does not become an obstacle to departure; and familial support to maintain a link with the member, as the intervention of a person from outside of the group is an important protective factor for leaving. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. From this point, cults employ lots of techniques commonplace to social psychology, such as confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance. 457 0 obj In one of the articles I cited (Rousselet, 2017) there are actually a few statistics given regarding lots of different factors about the former cult members that were interviewed. 30 0 obj There is a difference between due and undue influence. Youths who joined secret cult seize the opportunity to explore their secret desires, like sex, money, and power. However, undue influence is deceptive and manipulative. endobj I agree with you that not every cult member has a mental illness but Id be curious to see if there was some updated research on the comparison of susceptibility between those with or without mental illness. Cults and Satanism: Threats to Teens [A Bulletin Special]. Brainwashing:: Cult leaders are known to repeat various lies and distortions until members find it difficult to distinguish between reality and cult life. That's why people who are on a mission to improve themselves in a person or professional sense could be susceptible to joining a cult, according to Bernstein. I was wondering if you found any research to suggest that, while not everyone who joins a cult has a mental illness, maybe those who do are more susceptible? <>stream Retrieved July 12, 2019, from|A53368534&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon. endobj Additionally, certain personality disorders and characteristics, such as Antisocial Personality Disorder and Dependent Personality Disorder, can increase ones vulnerability to joining and staying in a cult. Adolescence, 33, 709-714. Tully Worron Dr. Greanoff Lakewood High School The issue of cults leads one to question ability and protective factors. Not Everybody Agrees, Illegal Missionary Work Lawsuits and Exit Counseling for Unification Church Members, The Reliability of Apostate Testimony About New Religious Movements, CULTS and PUBLIC POLICY PROTECTING the VICTIMS of CULTIC ABUSE in AUSTRALIA Stephen Mutch, CONCLUSION Seventh-Day Adventism in Tanzania Experienced. 442 0 obj 0000114895 00000 n The young woman was very intense and started getting quite pushy about going in the back and having an additional test performed on us. So, would you join a cult? It started off innocuously but started getting very personal very quickly. <>120 0 R]/P 508 0 R/Pg 481 0 R/S/Link>> Without real intimacy, relationships wither. To someone who has low self-esteem, this is a huge ego boost. The other attribute that makes. (CBC, 2019) model of cult membership would be multifactorial, involving vulner- methodologists, sociologists and experts in the eld of cults. Its possible then that cult leaders might prey on these vulnerable people, and potentially use the guise of friendship and compassion to recruit people they may already know. startxref "Timing plays a big part of people's susceptibility," she said. Cults have gained much more public attention due to their appearance in the media, typically after a tragic event. 0000115247 00000 n Legitimating New Religions. When someone joins a cult, he or she usually does so because of what the organization offers initially. Little did she know that she was being manipulated into isolation away from her family in South Africa, and she was trapped in a political cult for many years. There are even recent 21st century contributors: If in a vulnerable state, you may fall for one of the many recruitment strategies. 0000046622 00000 n Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. These characteristics are commonplace of everyone at one point or another, cults simply pry on those who are in these vulnerable positions. FOIA They claim that Scientology Spiritual Ministers are prepared all over the globe to help solve any problem at a moments notice. People join cults because they're looking for love and acceptance and because they want answers to the personal problems in their lives. 452 0 obj <> endobj Accessibility Statement. endobj Cult leaders want people who will be obedient to them and their rules. For example a sociological definition of what constitutes as a cult is based on the authoritarian, manipulative, totalistic and communal aspects, where as a religious definition would consider terms of how far the group has departed from (primarily christian) orthodoxies (Freckelton, 1998). To people who are not used to receiving a lot of love and flattery in their life, this is obviously a very seductive thing. 454 0 obj Retrieved from:, Yakovleva, M.G (2018). People more often than not tend to just go with the group, because people feel the need to belong. endobj 477 0 obj Personally, I find it very apt. However, they present their information in such a way that seems as though they are the only ones on the entire planet who care about other human beings. They were offering free personality tests. Alternatively he could sleep in one of the many small mosques, whether attached to big houses or not. Sign up for notifications from Insider! 450 0 obj endobj endobj 29 0 obj 0000045440 00000 n intro to psychology how does the psychology of addiction influence community involvement? In the podcast "Escaping NXIVM," Sarah Edmondson, another former member, said she realized in hindsight that the promise of deep human connection subtly drew her to the organization, despite the fact she considered herself a person with many friends. Chloe Greenidge 0000043631 00000 n Do we know about them, or are they hidden from the rest of us non-culters (or ex-culters)? endobj endobj How do you think this impacts their own social development? Lifelong learning is crucial in today's dynamic world, allowing children to adapt, innovate, and thrive. According to Dr. David Bromley from the Virginia Commonwealth University, women statistically attend more religious gatherings than men, even if it is simply going to a Christian church on Sundays. PART THREE: NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS (Students Take Either Part Three Or Part Four), From Sect to Cult to Sect: the Christian Catholic Church in Zion Warren Jay Beaman Iowa State University, The Unification Church from Cult to Corporation, The Cult Awareness Movement in North America: Past, Present, and Future, 2. Spiritual Abuse Among Cult Ex-members: A Descriptive Phenomenological Psychological Inquiry Glasscock, Deborah Susan . Cult membership and addictive disorders share some characteristics: persistence despite damage, initial psychological relief, occupation of an exclusive place in the thoughts of members, high psychiatric comorbidity prevalence, high accessibility, leading to social precariousness and the importance of familial support when leaving. One of the questions you posed at the end of your comment made me think of some reading I did when researching this topic. 844. . 449 0 obj 0000020860 00000 n Cult leaders are typically malignant narcissists and want people who will be obedient to them. B., & Grall-Bronnec, M. (2017). It is true that members of Scientology have provided vital disaster relief. Steven Hassan, Ph.D., is a mental health professional, cult and undue influence expert who has been working in the field of relationship, group, and political cults for over 40 years. He motivated Germans who felt as though they had little left to live for after World War I, and it was enough to convince them to join the Nazi Party. 455 0 obj Acknowledging that joining a cult requires an element of voluntary self-surrender also obliges us to consider whether the very relinquishment of control isn't a significant part of the appeal . Would you like email updates of new search results? 0000003792 00000 n endobj More often than not, a cult will promise to solve an issue in society that no one else is offering a solution to. Many cults also form communes, where members of the organization are promised free room and board in exchange for community service, prayer, and loyalty to the leader. Not necessarily. Thank you! The subject of cults has been quite promin the media over the last few months, with organizations such as NXIVM being in the media spotlight, especially after NXIVM leader Keith Raniere was found guilty of all sex cult charges. These, in turn, increase susceptibility to being recruited by a cult unless there are strong critical thinking, media literacy and good supportive network, which can help a person stay grounded. Goodman, A. Some people cope by jumping into a new relationship very quickly, while others celebrate their new-found independence. Dr. Alexandra Stein points out that one common thread is that people are in a transition period in their lives. Possible situational vulnerabilities include illness, the death of a loved one, breakup of an important relationship, loss of a job, or moving to another city, state or country. While we are at it, let's shatter another myth: people who join cults are not stupid, weird, crazy, weak-willed, or neurotic. Psychiatry . 478 0 obj endobj Examining the psychology behind cult membership can shed light on the many factors that influence human behavior, which may make it easier for the public to understand how cults can be appealing. Cult membership and addictive disorders share some characteristics: persistence despite damage, initial psychological relief, occupation of an exclusive place in the thoughts of members, high psychiatric comorbidity prevalence, high accessibility, leading to social precariousness and the importance of familial support when leaving. The longer they stay, the more they receive promises for health, wealth, and well-being. 0000112083 00000 n DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.07.018, Statistics Canada. In times of confusion and uncertainty when people feel lost, extreme groups offer absolute answers to questions that people have. A group should not be considered a cult merely because of its unorthodox beliefs. "Cults are groups that often exploit members psychologically and/or financially, typically by making members comply with leadership's demands through certain types of psychological manipulation, popularly called mind control, and through the inculcation of deep-seated anxious dependency on the group and its leaders." The "Law of Attraction" has become part of mainstream culture, negatively impacting millions of lives. 1995;23(2):239-48. Being a Scientologist, you look at someone, and you know absolutely that you can help them . It is easier for someone to join a cult they are already familiar with, usually, people are recruited by friends, family members, or coworkers, which can make it harder to say no. Cult membership: What factors contribute to joining or leaving? 0000046135 00000 n 0000002636 00000 n Your email address will not be published. National Library of Medicine Personal Visits. "Sometimes people are just wanting to connect with people they think they have something in common with, and a cult provides instant community and love-bombing and a language that suddenly you all speak," Bernstein said, referring to the jargon cults often create for their members. 0000023592 00000 n Kristina Jones, a woman born into a cult called The Children of God (Originally named Teens for Christ), wrote for the BBC about why some people decide to join these groups in the first place. 0000116513 00000 n 0000005002 00000 n Perhaps belonging to a cult is a little bit like being extremely addicted to heroinonce youre in, it is nearly impossible to get out. 0000020771 00000 n Awareness on the factors that make up a cult is a crucial step in the prevention of cult membership. 1984 Nov;47(4):366-77. doi: 10.1080/00332747.1984.11024257. (Rousselet, 2017) Of the 45% that reported mood disorders, 32.3% had depressive symptoms that are listed as a direct factor as to why they committed to the cult in the first place (Rousselet, 2017). Jones opened his . An individual's personality and life goals aren't the only things that make them vulnerable to cults, according to Bernstein. endobj One day as my friend and I were exploring downtown, we came across a recruitment center for The Church of Scientology. In addition to preventing youth from joining gangs, it is important to reduce membership duration for youth who belong to a gang and to provide appropriate services (drug treatment, employment and educational opportunities) once they leave the gang. 0000046337 00000 n Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer devoted her lifes work to studying the psychology of brainwashing and cults. Members may have seen too many things that didn't make sense, too many contradictions, and even too many doomsdays that didn't happen. Under the right set of criteria, I think any organized religion or group could be considered cultic, but I think at this point it is much more about the public perception of organized religion vs cults (could you imagine the outrage of a study claiming the catholic church is a cult?). Pat Ryan, another former cult member-turned-deprogrammer or exit counselor, says when a family hires him to meet with a loved one, his first step is to do a kind of intervention on the family. An object relations approach to cult membership. "So you only have the information to go on that you've been given, which is very select and you make your judgment call based on that. Rousselet, M., Duretete, O., Hardouin, J. References: Groupthink. 10 Ways to Tell if Your Relationship Suffers From Burnout, 24 Dimensions of Compatibility in Long-Term Couples, I Cant Live Without Her: When Grieving Men Die, It Is Now 50 Years Since Gay People Were Cured", Key Tips for Blending Families After a Divorce, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'brainwashing' in China, Why The Law of Attraction Is Problematic and Dangerous, Are You Missing Intimacy? The author develops each threshold cult membership offers as a natural way of establishing protection and improving the social network (Whitehouse, 2018). uuid:ae634147-b657-11b2-0a00-b06b66010000 trailer <>382 0 R]/P 526 0 R/Pg 516 0 R/S/Link>> After reading Rousselet, Duretete, Hardouin, & Grall-Bronnec (2017), it is clear that there is a sort of indoctrination process that is involved in becoming a part of the cult, and that particular people, such as those who have been previously exposed to cult-like groups, or groups with beliefs that are similar to the cult, may be more vulnerable to this process. Accessibility <> endobj I grew up in a cult and I can tell you why normal people join them. endobj After different types of manipulation, the creation of a new identity is done step-by-step by formal indoctrination sessions and informally by members, videos, games, movies, publications, and social/digital media. I commend your originality! In "The Vow," an anonymous former member dubbed "Jane" said she were drawn to NXIVM because of the sense of community it provided. 0000113842 00000 n There are many types of cults: political, religious, self-help, large group awareness. But the main goal is to create more power and wealth for the leader, rather than the benefit of the followers.. 0000020833 00000 n 0000114347 00000 n "So the adage, 'He or she speaks my language,' it kind of makes you feel like you have some things in common with these people. According to Bernstein, community is a hallmark of any cult because it allows the leader to create a pack mentality, building peer pressure. endobj Human Cloning and the Raelians in the Spanish Newspaper El Pas, Priests and Cults in the Book of the Twelve, Introduction to the ICSA 2007 Annual Conference, Cult Recovery: a ClinicianS Guide to Working with Former Members and Family, Egoism, the 'Cult of Man' and the New Age Movement, Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960S, Challenges in the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zimbabwe in Intergrating and Evangelising Minority Groups After Independence, Eileen Barker the Cult As a Social Problem, From Seventh-Day Adventism to David Koresh: the British Connection Alberta, The Cases of Church, Sect, Denomination, Cult and New Religious Movements (Nrms) and Their Typologies, After Paris: Why ISIL Is (Also) a Cult by Florence Gaub, The Unification Church: a Kaleidoscopic Introduction Barker, Eileen, I. Apostates Defile the Flesh V-8 Ii. The factors or "motivations" for gang leaving can be classified as pushes or pulls. Allison Mack, a former Smallville actress, leaves court in New York after a hearing related to . Many people find comfort in seeing the world in terms of good and evil, right and wrong. Sociodemographic characteristics that is, the cultic group. (2017) Why do people join cults? Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but theres every reason for them to open up emotionallyand their partners are helping. 461 0 obj endobj NXIVM leader Keith Raniere found guilty on all sex-cult charges | CBC News. The church projected many catastrophic events which kept church members focused and contributing - emotionally and financially. [9] Provide a predictable, friendly environment. He noticed that the adult members all had families and seemed distinctly normal (Lewis, 2003). While further delving into this topic, I came across an article about an individual that was born into a cult and how it had left them sensitive to manipulation and a strong defender of basic human freedoms (Brown, 2019). Dr. Singer explains, The cult leader grows wealthier and more powerful while trying to convey to the followers that he is helping them. Cults are typically marketed as organizations that promote self-betterment, whether that means the promise of enlightenment in the case of tantric sex cults, or the skills to make all of your professional dreams comes true, which NXIVM preaches in the form of self-help courses. 0000046995 00000 n In any event, the exit . NOW WATCH: There are serious health reasons you shouldn't eat your boogers, Visit Insider's homepage for more stories, The science-backed psychology techniques NXIVM used to 'fetishize vulnerability' and manipulate members into sex, 4 signs you had a codependent upbringing that affects your adult relationships, according to a therapist, Tantric sex students say gurus have used the promise of enlightenment to sexually abuse their students, How a cult-recovery therapist helps former NXIVM members regain their independence: 'There's a huge amount of fear and loss', HBO's docuseries "The Vow" examines the sex cult NXIVM and asks the central question: "How does someone get wrapped up in a dangerous cult?". Cult membership and addictive disorders share some characteristics: persistence despite damage, initial psychological relief, occupation of an exclusive place in the thoughts of members, high psychiatric comorbidity prevalence, high accessibility, leading to social precariousness and the importance of familial support when leaving. 463 0 obj 0000114600 00000 n Psychiatry Res. Student Scholarship In 2011, a Lululemon employee named Brittany Norwood did not make enough money to afford the clothing she needed as a work uniform. Addiction: definition and implications. <><>430 0 R]/P 558 0 R/Pg 556 0 R/S/Link>> Jonestown, (November 18, 1978), location of the mass murder-suicide of members of the California-based Peoples Temple cult at the behest of their charismatic but paranoid leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana. The vast majority of cults teach their followers that they are superior to non-cult members. endobj Psychiatry. The fewer opportunities a woman has in her life, the more likely she is to follow a charismatic cult leader. 0000007433 00000 n We interviewed 31 former cult members, using semi-structured interviews to evaluate their clinical profile, characteristics of the cultic group and their experience in the group. <><>376 0 R]/P 521 0 R/Pg 516 0 R/S/Link>> Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. eCollection 2021. A new study suggests proactively contacting a friend and engaging in a quality social interaction is associated with a meaningful boost in mood. Rather than living independently and being responsible for their own finances, housing, health care, and safety, cult leaders promise to take care of all adult responsibility in exchange for obedience. 0000113219 00000 n To help them or yourself, you need to learn how the mind works and how people can be programmed into a destructive authoritarian cult. 0000006536 00000 n <>402 0 R]/P 538 0 R/Pg 532 0 R/S/Link>> According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , gangs are "groups of children, adolescents, and/or young adults that share a common identity and are involved in wrongful or delinquent activities."The psychology of gang membership has been quite well-studied. 458 0 obj So how do otherwise normal people become associated with and join cults? Professor Arthur Deikman, of the University of California, San Francisco, points out that many people crave the security that a cult will bring, especially if they did not receive enough love and support from their parents. 0000112713 00000 n 481 0 obj He might also be able to learn the long prayers for the dhikri of a particular sufi group, tariqa, and join in the Friday afternoon recitations, becoming a new member of a young coterie of Sufi students and the pious. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If you are wondering who joins cults and why, the short, but creepy answer is that pretty much anyone can get sucked into them."That is the insidiousness of mind-manipulation," Lisa Kohn, a cult . Cult members who find their way out are usually the ones who grow motivated to deprogram themselves. 1 0 obj 0000005841 00000 n Am J Psychother. Cult membership: what factors contribute to joining or leaving? Crucial Decisions: Leadership in Policymaking and Crisis Management, Free PPress, New York,p. Certain personality disorders can increase a leaders sphere of influence over followers. Social media has both positive and negative benefits on mental health, and the way it impacts teens varies from person to person. 1 Most people do not realize that a cult does not necessarily have to be a religion. ne Cults initially offer people a sense of community they feel as though they wouldnt otherwise have and, depending on where you are in your life, the idea of being handed a big group of loving friends might should pretty alluring. Despite the fact that she witnessed so many atrocities committed by high-ranking church members, she still thought it was for the greater good since they were trying to clear the planet. On Scientologys official website, the organization emphasizes how terrible the world is, with both natural and manmade disasters occurring on a daily basis. as well as other partner offers and accept our. 448 0 obj 2017; 257:27-33 (ISSN: 1872-7123). Visiting and making personal contact with cult members is important. 466 0 obj 0000003715 00000 n 0000113341 00000 n These factors could be individual, environmental and/or linked to the characteristics of the addiction object, that is, the cultic group. Many cults are rooted in a religion of some kind and build their practice around one, especially charismatic leader. <>88 0 R]/P 482 0 R/Pg 481 0 R/S/Link>> endobj We go in, and were immediately greeted by a young, attractive woman. Thank you! general thought and question. The answer is simple enough. Method 3. endobj They are primarily people under extreme social control, dominated by feelings of guilt, dependency, low self-esteem, worthlessness, and anxiety (Walsh, 2001). Cult leaders offer simple solutions in a way that makes sense, and they know how to motivate people to devote their life to the leaders cause. 2007 Aug 15-21;21(49):20-2. doi: 10.7748/ns.21.49.20.s23. 0000116675 00000 n AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Linux 64 bit Aug 30 2019 Library 15.0.4 Nearly 70 percent of romances may begin as friendships, new research suggests. Some individuals who join cults remain lifelong members. Even under evaluative conditions that are so vague they are considered subjective, organized religions still could be considered cultic in nature. Authors' identification M. Rousseleta,b*, O. Duretetec, J.B Hardouinb, M. Grall-Bronneca,b aClinical Investigation Unit BALANCED "BehaviorAL AddictioNs and ComplEx mood Disorders", Addictology and Psychiatry Department, Nantes University Hospital, Hpital Saint- Cults tend to have very simple and similar foundations and common factors having all or some of the following: [1] A charismatic founder, leader or leadership. 0000008898 00000 n It is also known as mind control or thought reform. 0000003345 00000 n 464 0 obj In his article, Lewis discusses meeting with intelligent staff members of the Elizabeth Clare Prophets Church Universal and Triumphant as an outsider. <> They look for ways to break people; they want people who will work hard and long hours for little or no pay. Pulls are features that attract youth. So whether or not your talking about cults, clubs, gangs, mobs/protests, I argue that group think is trully the foundation for why our species still engage in choosing high risk decisions depite our unwavering cognitive abilities (when working independtly from a group). They want to make a name and be regarded as powerful persons for reasons based on past negative experiences at the family levels. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. This is a super interesting topic to have chosen. Commonplace of everyone at one point or another, cults simply pry on who! Of its unorthodox beliefs exploring downtown, we came across a recruitment for! Stay, the exit partner offers and accept our leaders influence, Greenidge. Of some kind and build their practice around one, especially charismatic leader // language=en... 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