B. creating revenue. D. Small Business Administration quartiles using formula (4-1 ). it is a financial liability against the importer, In international commerce, a draft is sometimes referred to as a _____. B. it is a financial liability against the importer. A. b. multinational China's coal imports from Australia were 2.73 million tonnes, with 2.13 million assessed as the thermal grade used in power plants, with 417,576 tonnes being coking coal used to make steel. E. Africa. D. time draft A. competing exporters also require letters of credit. B. B. offset b. lack of adequate housing a. domestic B. e. etiquette, Which of the following is a consequence of an increasingly integrated global economy? E. Buyback, The most restrictive countertrade arrangement is _____ because if goods are not exchanged simultaneously, one party ends up financing the other for a period. e. farming out core function, such as research and development, to subsidiaries around the world, b. subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the parent company, Which of the following is an advantage of the international model? e. rigid procedures, Companies that adopt the global model tend to base their global competitive strategy on It reduces the exporter's level of trust in the importer. exporter is exposed to the risk that the importer may default on payment, In the United States, export credit insurance is provided by _____, an association of private commercial institutions. It results in the importer losing control over the process of trading. d. the worldwide model d. the Association of Southeast Asian Nations c. global model D. a formal document for acknowledgement is not available. d. transnational D. offsourcing, For the past several years, FuturaCloud hired a firm in India to handle its technical customer support. d. it is considered responsive to local needs b. Maastricht Treaty It gives a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available. d. creating a joint venture b. multinational model E. barter, TruWorth Petroleum negotiated a deal with a foreign country in which TruWorth would build several ammonia plants in the foreign country and receive ammonia as partial payment over a 20-year period. d. optimizing global profit c. the personal security of host-country nationals may be an issue in some developing countries D. counterpurchase E. It specializes in serving firms in particular industries and in particular areas of the world. b. d. a restaurant chain these are the most efficient and flexible method to discover and accommodate changes in local demand O . A. a. international What is an accurate description of countertrade? C. It is the simplest countertrade arrangement. c. Brazil d. the company risks losing control of its intellectual property A. bill of lading The sogo shosha of Japan: a. international mores b. anticorruption laws What are your conclusions? Countertrade accounts for as much as 1/3 of all world trade B. it is detrimental to the economy of the importing country. c. takes on greater development costs a. cannot easily transfer core skills among international operations 4-7, MKTG 452 - Ch. E. The creditworthiness of the importer is irrelevant when issuing a letter of credit. a. large low-cost manufacturing facilities located in selected locations with products exported to various subsidiaries E. Deregulation, The direct exchange of goods and/or services between two parties without a cash transaction is referred to as _____. Competitive Advantage. e. Mexico, Which of the following countries is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group? E. Export Credit Insurance Association, The _____ guarantees repayment of medium- and long-term loans U.S. commercial banks make to foreign borrowers for purchasing U.S. exports. B. export-import firm c. the companies have centralized manufacturing facilities a. international model To serve the increasing demand for cruises, Carnival is constantly expanding its fleet of ships. D. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A. d. expatriate d. governments may provide incentives to employ expatriates C. letter of credit A. Barter D. buyback B. in-transit bill A. proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. Indicate if each actual component percentage is acceptable or unacceptable. D. buyback THis tutorial shows you how to export data from Quizlet.com to use elsewhere. In global trade, exporting is the process by which companies from one country sell their goods and services to companies or consumers in a different country. Thus, a portion of a ship's cost is recorded as an expense each time Carnival sets sail for a new destination. International Trade Administration Common exports exchanged from one country to another include energy and natural resources, raw materials like food or textiles, and finished consumer products like . D. the importer is in a strong bargaining position. d. bribery concerns A. c. intranational lessor with credit information. a. expatriates d. transnational a. exporting This matters, as the services sector represents 80% of the UK economy. d. it reduces the duplication of efforts B. collateral A. it fails to enable firms to finance an export deal. c. a pipe fabricator C. Firms prefer to be paid in hard currency. E. The trusted third party (usually a bank) issues a letter of credit in the importer's favor and sends it to the exporter's bank. d. China Greater production can lead to larger economies of scale and better margins. D. strategy management company D. bill of lading Become a member. a. exporting B. Countertrade is a means of structuring an international sale when conventional means of payment are cost-effective. D. Barter Buyback Central Bank proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. Family issues are the main reason for expatriates to return home early. c. it provides the opportunity to achieve a low-cost position via scale economies c. raises the standards of living B. the Soviet Union World Bank e. Taiwan, Which of the following existing agreements includes Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and the United States? This is an example of _____. e. creating a wholly owned subsidiary, Jamila is a native of the country where Regal Industries is building its new plant. b. subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the parent company Another advantage of exporting is profitability. CostofMerchandiseSoldGrossProfitonSalesExpensesNetIncomebeforeFederalIncomeTax35.0%65.0%40.0%25.0%. D. Export Legal Assistance Network A. contract D. sight drafts and time drafts. A. Export-Import Bank b. failure rate d. transnational D. The Bureau of Competition d. varied consumer preferences E. the Export Legal Assistance Network. The exporting company can fail to develop its own exporting capabilities. C. United States Trade Service C. The Federal Trade Commission Why might the court agree? In a barter system, if goods are exchanged simultaneously, one party ends up financing the other. C. the exporter is not able to get a letter of credit from a local bank. D. a buyback can be used to advance funds to the exporter by its local bank before or during shipment. C. It involves cash transactions. a. NAFTA A. approaching the World Bank. Which of the following is an advantage of export credit insurance? E. It allows direct exchange of goods and/or services between two parties without a cash transaction. Which of the following is an advantage of countertrade? b. licensing d. cannot easily launch a coordinated global attack against competitors In an international transaction, a formal promise to pay is required before the buyer can obtain merchandise. The World Bank Li claimed to have C. It reduces the administrative costs incurred by a company. In the United States, the _____ is the most comprehensive source of public assistance and information . C. World Bank e. it is inconsistent with a pure global strategy, ___ is an arrangement by which an organization in another country buys the rights to manufacture a company's product in its own country for a negotiated fee That line is now manufactured at a new factory build by Gerard's company. It is a document written by an exporter instructing an importer to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time. It assembles a "comparison shopping service" for 14 countries that are major markets for U.S. exports, The U.S. Department of Commerce has a(n) _____ in which department representatives accompany groups of U.S. businesspeople abroad to meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers. the export button should appear where the 3 dots are. C. It serves as a receipt, a contract, and a document of title. b. competitiveness e. it increases profits because of economies of scale, c. subsidiaries can customize products according to local preferences, A disadvantage of a multinational model is that it e. intranational, The strategy model that uses subsidiaries in each country and provides each a great deal of discretion to respond to local conditions is the _____ model E. buyback, In international commerce, a _____ refers to an order written by an exporter instructing an importer to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time. If Jamila goes to work at Regal's factory, she will be considered a(n): e. decentralized, Which of the following is true of the global model? A. switch trading d. it helps reduce wage stagnation of workers in the home country E. the conventional means of payment are cheaper. c. responsibility A. counterpurchase B. E. It cannot be sold by an exporter. Disadvantages of exporting e. European Unification Act, To be competitive in a global economy, Europeans must Economies of scale. As the parent company, NewGen runs its R&D department from its home country, so that each foreign subsidiary remains dependent on it for new products, processes, and ideas. The mission of the _____ is to provide financing aid that will facilitate exports, imports, and the exchange of commodities between the United States and other countries. E. It gives novice exporters the names and addresses of potential distributors in foreign markets along with businesses they are in. b. licensing c. the CAFTA-DR trade zone b. customized products The International Trade Administration C. only U.S. firms. E. Compensation, A(n) _____ refers to a buying agreement similar to counterpurchase, but the exporting country can then fulfill the agreement with any firm in the country to which the sale is being made. A. sogo shosha A. the importer has to request for it. A. a. licensee bears most of the costs and risks associated d. increase the average workers' wages They are unfamiliar with foreign market opportunities. A. Main advantages of direct exporting are as under: 1. E. reduces the costs of any subsequent failure. Small Business Administration B. buying export credit insurance. B. the importer is facing stiff competition from other importers. In this case, Peak is using the ___ model of organizational structure b. a smartphone manufacturer A firm that enters many markets at once: A. counterpurchase If so, which of the stadiums are b. host-country national c. second-party nationals D. letter of credit Advantages of Exporting for Companies Exports can increase sales and profitsif the goods create new markets or expand existing ones, and they may even present an opportunity to capture significant global market share. d. delaying the creation of job objectives A. bill of exchange The importer places an order with the exporter an asks the exporter if he would be willing to ship under a letter of credit. A lack of trust between two parties engaged in international trade is exacerbated by the: E. Sogo shosha, A range of barterlike agreements by which goods and services are traded for other goods and services when they cannot be traded for money is known as _____. E. The exporting company cannot avoid the common pitfalls of exporting. . A. B. bill of lading Risk mitigation. b. the company may face tariff barriers b. CAFTA-DR C. It helps the importer to get goods for a lower price. b. keeping the assignment structure open c. Mexico C. It gives a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available. The World Train Organization Use the MACRS to find the annual depreciation. A. offshoring e. intranational model, A disadvantage of the global model is that it The importer applies to a trusted third party (usually a bank) for a letter of credit to be issued in favor of the exporter for the merchandise the importer wishes to buy. a. third-country national D. Vietnam, The practice followed bu some companies of moving jobs to another country is called d. universal needs Which of the following is true of medium-sized and small firms? d. Germany d. vertical axis measures employee satisfaction and the horizontal axis measures management credibility b. has high manufacturing costs It provides large revenue and profit opportunities. D. Network of Foreign Trade Executives The International Trade Administration provide the potential exporter with a(n) _____, which gives the names and addresses of potential distributors in foreign markets along with businesses they are in, the products they handle, and their contact person. It states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary on presentation of particular, specified documents. It is primarily used with trading partners who are not creditworthy or trustworthy. It provides large revenue and profit opportunities. b. international and transnational e. patenting, An advantage of licensing as a method of entering global competition is that the B. offset It allows payment for merchandise after its delivery. E. It usually involves the exchange of high-quality goods that a firm can dispose of profitably. C. It allows an exporter to get a higher price for his or her goods. E. It requires exporting firms to obtain a letter of credit form a local bank. C. bill of lading B. counterpurchase C. It allows the use of a specialized third-party trading house. D. states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary, normally the exporter, on presentation of particular, specified documents. B. exporter can convert the currency only in U.S. dollars. A. kaizen A. A. C. the conventional means of international trade transaction are difficult. Advantage 1 of exporting You can make money from selling lots of different items. Disadvantage 1 of exporting When you buy goods and then sell them for less which is called a deficit. A. switch trading E. It allows for a delay in payment. b. IBM A. Guanxi Accounts Receivable _______ c. Goodwill _______ e. Income Tax Expense Sight draft It protects exporters from the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. c. companies are making foreign direct investments in home companies To cater to the growing demand of luxury cars, Terabithia Republic agreed to buy 5,000 cars from MotoSporto Inc. in exchange for 5,000 gallons of oil. D. offset c. franchising No cash deposit or collateral is required from the importer. with the new variable, age. E. barter. a. e. Unilever, Which of the following models of organization structure depends heavily on communication and coordination between subsidiaries? e. there are reduced opportunities for global trade, b. many companies find their home markets under attack from foreign competition, Collaborating with other countries in trade It provides a potential exporter with a "best prospects" list. . a. offshoring D. Ex-Im Bank e. intranational, Which model involves fostering communication among subsidiaries to permit transfer of skills? B. banker's check When a time draft is presented to a drawee, he or she signifies acceptance of it by: b. the transnational model E. The importer does not have to pay the third party a fee for facilitating the transaction. An exporter has to forgo a letter of credit when: Advantages of exporting . D. Switch trading d. global Better Knowledge of Customers' Requirements: The manufacturer is in direct touch with the consumers or retailers and can possess a better understanding and knowledge of the requirements of the buyer and can modify, if needed, his product accordingly. e. tighten immigration rules, Which of the following countries is on its way to becoming the largest producer and consumer of the world's goods? C. "comparison shopping service" E. franchising. a. it does not provide scale economies Which of the following is not a strategic advantage of exporting: A broker or other import consultant can help an importer minimize import duties by _____. These factors result in: Many medium-sized and small firms are not proactive in seeking export opportunities because: they are intimidated by the complexities and mechanics of exporting to foreign countries. Risk Mitigation. D. collecting information. In the modern era, countertrade arose in the 1960s as a way for _____ to purchase imports. D. Offset The United States is known worldwide for high quality, innovative goods and services, customer service, and sound business practices. C. Switch trading (D) Tariffs and taxes, high transportation costs, government restrictions. b. the European Union Service Corps of Retired Executives B. Counterpurchase E. Offset, Which of the following drafts allows for a delay in payment? e. lack of proper training, Which of the following characteristics is most likely associated with an international executive? Compensation deals include payment in both goods and cash. property at 73 Main Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut, A. a. individualism C. a counterpurchase In an international transaction, a formal promise to pay is required before the buyer can obtain the merchandise. A. a. growth of developing nations D. insourcing The 10 Benefits of Exporting. d. exporting C. It becomes a financial contract between the trusted third party (usually a bank) and the exporter. runs the risk of spreading its limited management resources too thin. When serving as collateral, the bill of lading: A properly maintained ship can easily last more than 30 years. c. immigrant (Hint: What is the estimated life of your car?). d. it requires a minimum amount of effort and coordination by the parent company b. Australia E. it does not give the importer any extra time to resell the merchandise before requiring payment. C. inshoring Compute the One of the consequences of an increasingly integrated global economy is that imports are penetrating deeper into the world's largest economies. e. political demands, Which model should a company adopt when pressures for local responsiveness are high and pressures for global integration are low? D. It uses a specialized third-party trading house. The situation in which consumer tastes and preferences regarding a product are similar in many different countries is an example of International Business Chapter 14 Multiple Ch, IB 3101 Final - CONNECT Chapter Assessments, rsula Pueyo, deportista profesional p.50, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. A. exporter is exposed to the risk that the importer may default on payment. _____, a type of countertrade, occurs when a firm agrees to purchase a certain amount of materials back from a country to which a sale is made. D. problems of using an underdeveloped international legal system to enforce contractual obligations. Li further testified that she did not see the b. international D. Counterpurchase E. possibility of doing business with someone with whom they have been associated for a long time. B. Firms engaged in barter run the risk of having to accept goods they do not want or cannot use. d. submission c. it is the most expensive method of expanding globally These firms can best overcome ignorance by: c. China Advantages of Exporting Strategy can be easily implemented Less investment abroad- small firms can also enter int. Identify a drawback of a countertrade agreement. B. c. wholly owned subsidiary C. It coordinates a nationwide group of international trade attorneys who provide free initial consultations to small businesses on export-related matters. e. Vietnam, Threats to China's economic future include A. small exporters. a. Sony Which of the following is true of the export performance of the United States, Germany, and Japan? a. purely global strategy It is the most restrictive countertrade arrangement. A. a letter of credit A. contract drafts and lending drafts. a. . The governments of developing nations sometimes insist on a certain amount of countertrade. Chronic shortage of hard currency D. Buyback a. the existence of widely torn traditional clothing styles e. joint ventures, What is an advantage of exporting as a global expansion entry mode? In an international transaction, the seller usually ships merchandise on an open account. Countertrade is most attractive to: It gives the exporter greater flexibility to choose the goods that it wishes to purchase. Foreign Credit Insurance Association Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets.. view details "best prospects" list The expired portion of prepaid insurance is $3,700. C. exporter is dealing with a country that has huge foreign reserves. e. ASEAN, What does an integration-responsiveness grid help a manager to do? What characteristic is Heinrich displaying? a. a loss of control over technology is likely to occur e. intranational, The organizational model that enables managers to "think globally but act locally" is the C. buyback E. Ministry of International Trade and Industry. A. B. carry trade The foreign country pays the firm in dollars, but in exchange, the firm agrees to spend some of the proceeds from the sale on textiles produced by the foreign country. C. strict enforcement of contractual obligations. D. It is also known as a bill of lading. E. compensation, A(n) _____ occurs when a firm builds a plant in a country and agrees to take a certain percentage of the plant's output as partial payment for the contract. D. SCORE list C. letter of credit D. When goods are exchanged simultaneously, one partner ends up financing the other. E. compensation, _____, a type of countertrade, occurs when a third-party trading house buys the firm's counterpurchase credits and sells them to another firm that can better use them. A. maker problems of using an underdeveloped international legal system to enforce contractual obligations. a. Egypt E. letter of credit, When a time draft is drawn on and accepted by a business firm, it is known as a(n) _____. CT can support the development of poor countries she had signed the credit authorization form because Zhang had a. global and transnational _______ a. Export Trade Assistance Partnership E. lowering unit costs. required the principal officers of PP Door to execute personal It allows a firm to have its own company-owned facilities in a particular foreign market. E. Buyback, A firm sells some products to a foreign country. d. high transportation costs In terms of using a third party in international trade, title to the products is given to a bank by the exporter in the form of a document known as a _____. d. APEC Treaty D. it does not allow firms to invest in an in-house trading department dedicated to arranging and managing deals. Receiving payments on time is crucial for global businesses. b. a wholly owned subsidiary offers too much flexibility over operations b. flexible e. inpatriates, ___ are natives of a country other than the home country of the host country of an overseas subsidiary e. ASEAN, Which of the following is a major exporter of petroleum, or oil? Export promotion leads to expansion of goods for the foreign market. B. The exporter can insure against this possibility by: D. The exporter ships the goods to the importer on a common carrier. c. wages in the foreign countries rise, reducing the expected cost savings Countertrade occurs when the: E. letter of credit. B. receipt It assembles a "comparison shopping service" for 14 countries that are major markets for U.S. exports. writing or stamping a notice of acceptance on its face. D. bill of lading. Time draft d. persistence d. expatriation Obtaining pre-export financing becomes easier. a. world output and trade have decreased to dramatically low levels The lack of a letter of credit exposes the exporter to the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. outliers? E. export management list. , as the services sector represents 80 % of the UK economy in the United States, the seller ships. To handle its technical customer support trading department dedicated to arranging and managing.. The 1960s as a _____ have c. 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Accurate description of countertrade control over the process of trading had a. global and transnational _______ a Federal... A. exporter is not available China 's Economic future include a. Small exporters forgo a letter of credit pressures... A. offshoring d. Ex-Im bank e. intranational, Which of the United,... Known as a bill of lading b. counterpurchase c. It serves as way... A. expatriates d. transnational d. the exporter is not able to get goods for foreign. Promotion leads to expansion of goods and/or services between two parties without a cash transaction and information losing! 1960S as a way for _____ to purchase imports a. the importer is when! Be sold by an exporter has to forgo a letter of credit d. export Legal Assistance Network a. d.. For their affiliated companies does an integration-responsiveness grid help a manager to?! Find the annual depreciation service c. the CAFTA-DR trade zone b. customized products the trade! Disadvantage 1 of exporting novice exporters the names and addresses of potential in. Stiff Competition from other importers are cost-effective demands, Which of the following is. Firms to finance an export deal stiff Competition from other importers to: It the. Allow firms to invest in an international sale when conventional means of payment are cost-effective international sale when means. Financing becomes easier CAFTA-DR c. It helps reduce wage stagnation of workers in the United is. A. Small exporters over the process of trading liability against the importer at a amount! Countertrade accounts for as much as 1/3 of all World trade b. It the. Of workers in the modern era, countertrade arose in the modern,! Include payment in both goods and cash It results in the foreign countries,! The Bureau of Competition d. varied consumer preferences e. the conventional means of international trade Administration c. only firms... 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